WB condo block faces hundreds of objections

| 19/03/2025 | 47 Comments

(CNS): An application for a luxury condo development in the heart of West Bay has been met with dozens of official objections and widespread opposition throughout the district, documented on a petition with over 200 signatures. The CI$32 million project scheduled to be heard by the CPA today is for twelve apartments, 32 parking spaces, storage, a pool, a gym and a generator on just over half an acre at Heritage Square.

The lot is currently home to a small collection of shops, which will be destroyed, as well as one of the district’s most famous local restaurants and a heritage museum, which would both be completely dwarfed by the proposed project.

The application by Heritage Holdings is for the development to be built in a neighbourhood commercial zone. The lot is adjacent to critical turtle nesting habitat along Boggy Sand Beach and is, therefore, the subject of a directive from the DoE to lessen the impact on the iconic marine creatures.

It also falls within the historical overlay zone in the district and will require a number of waivers, given the zoning, proximity to the road and density of the proposed project. The planning department has also raised concerns about the loss of retail space in the district.

Planning regulations allow residential projects in a neighbourhood commercial zone, though not on the ground floor. In other words, apartments over a shop are allowed. However, in this case, the developer wants to cater to the luxury condo market, and the project doesn’t include retail units.

The regulations also allow for residential development if this is to replace or redevelop an existing property. However, while there was a house on that lot, that was more than 20 years ago. Aerial photography from 2004 shows that the house had gone by then. As a result, the planning department has questioned whether the proposal meets the intent of regulations and if it is appropriate to allow condos on all three floors as proposed.

In its own notes to the CPA, the planning department raised concerns about the loss of retail space for the district as the retail properties in Heritage Square would have to be demolished.

“The loss of commercial space at a busy intersection will negatively impact the whole district and is especially important as there is a lack of Neighbourhood Commercial zoning in the immediate area,” the DoP said. “The chance and likelihood of introducing new commercial uses in residential areas of West Bay will be difficult as uses are long established.”

Despite being next door to the Four Winds gas stations, the luxury condo project will be marketed towards wealthy overseas buyers. It comes at a time when the unbridled development and gentrification of the district’s coastline is a major campaign issue in the current election.

This application not only adds to the problem of West Bay’s excessive overdevelopment but will take away shops and overshadow the much-loved restaurant and the local heritage museum.

The official objectors have noted a long list of issues with the condo project and the significant change it will have on this neighbourhood shopping area. However, a major concern of the objectors and the wider district opposition is how the CPA continues to argue that the developers’ right to develop across Grand Cayman takes precedence over everything.

Because of this, the board is bending and waiving the rules to enable profit over the concerns and needs of the community.

See the application on Wednesday’s CPA agenda in the CNS Library
(scroll down to Heritage Holdings).

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Comments (47)

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  1. 100% West Bayer says:

    Just looking at that artist’s rendition, how does it fit in with the surrounding establishments? Both buildings to the back of the development are true Caymanian properties that celebrate our heritage proudly. They should not eventually be forced out of their property to please all these greedy developers. I am pretty sure that is the developer’s intention anyway, but I wish that the Planning development would not allow it to happen.

    Too many of our Caymanian properties are being torn down or “relocated” to fit these monstrosities that do not even cater to us locals and in the heart of West Bay at that, we love our heritage and the quiet way of life in West Bay and we don’t need luxury condos at the 4 way. Leave West Bay 4 way the way it is please!!

  2. Anonymous says:

    “…the CPA continues to argue that the developers’ right to develop across Grand Cayman takes precedence over everything.”

    In other words, in the Cayman Islands, Greed is Lord and Money is King. Is is being clearly revealed that the “He” who hath founded the Cayman Islands upon the seas, is the god of mammon.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Mr CPA chairman please push it thru

  4. Anonymous says:

    “Never been a better time to buy!” – former expat bartender/housewife turned “realtor”

  5. Anonymous says:

    GOOD! We have more than enough condos. Now, could someone also please do something about the monstrosity of a wedding and event venue that was built at the back of Savannah Grand/Buddy’s Way – ILLEGALLY – as it’s a residential zone only, and this disaster was done without planning notices being sent out to neighbors in order to do so.

    • Anonymous says:

      I know right!! We were shocked when a recent wedding I attended there was being held at a converted house in the back of a beautiful residential neighborhood! No wonder we had to be bussed in from the Savannah Primary School – which also felt shady!! Mind you the venue itself was beautiful, but it + its associated traffic, clearly does not belong on that residential street. Kids were outside playing and had to pull their bikes off to the side to let our big shuttle buses through. I did feel really bad after reading your comment. So so sorry!!

  6. JT HYNES says:

    If you have ever been on Boggy Sand Road and turned Norht oround the Museum, you ar turning into a one lane road. As these “luxury condos” will be filled with renters rather than residents, and in peak season 34 autos, how many head on collisions willwe see? This is totally inappropriate for the location. But it will be approved because the CPA approves everything fom developers and if a local wants to build or improve their property they get run though the ringer. Elect people who care about Cayman, not developers. BTW, who in government might be an investor or broker in this project. We will never know until it is too late.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Seriously, this is the design the Architect went with? This is a $32m project and the design looks like it came straight out of the 60s projects. Can we not demand better?

  8. Anonymous says:

    Here we go again with A development with the wealthy and entitled foreigner in mind.

    If not so, then who is it being built for?

    Not the average Caymanian or resident that’s for sure.

    • Anonymous says:

      wash, rinse, repeat

    • Anonymous says:

      Go ahead. Chase out the rich foreigners and they will take their money and financial industry jobs with them. They brought their money to Cayman because it was a place with beautiful beaches, welcoming people and was virtually crime free. My how times change. Kill the goose that lays the golden eggs and become Jamaica east.

      • Anonymous says:

        Nobody believes this foolishness anymore. We *dare* you to absorb the losses involved in taking your money elsewhere.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Are people referring to West Bay in another country? 80% of West Bay is a complete dump. Driving through West Bay, especially most roads on the interior, reveals dilapidated houses and condos, unkept lawns, broken down cars parked in yards. In other words, a complete dump.

    I am fully for having some modern developments to help beautify things a bit. Unless again the story is referring to a “West Bay” in another country because surely it is not the West Bay in Cayman.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Please make it a 10 story building as we need this ultra quality project. There will be lots of high paying jobs for us.

  11. Anonymous says:

    19@2:18pm – This is a private development, no Business Case required. It’s at the owners’ will. No hope there.

    However, Government is in the business of grabbing every fee possible, so this will get approved for the relatively few fees received from this project, in comparison to its negative impact.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Meaningless objects from outside the notification radius. Karen’s.

  13. Anonymous says:

    I hate this. but want it to happen so all of the objectors to the highway.. most live in west bay, can experience traffic we east siders face daily. Then maybe the road will get built

    • Anonymous says:

      youre dumb af for sure.

    • Anonymous says:

      No need to include this project to prove your point though. When IS the last time you tried entering or leaving WB during peak traffic times? You may be surprised to see what has since happened in WB. With that new road came more new developments and those of us who commute will soon be back to square one with OUR traffic woes. What do we do then??? Keep building more and more roads?

      So please go ahead and ignore those of us who have felt it and are living it, now trying to caution you that the EWA is NOT going to be the solution to your traffic woes either…demand better solutions from your elected officials and the NRA/Govt instead.

  14. Boggy Sands Road Resident says:

    That piece of property is WAAYY to small for such a development! In addition, there is no infrastructure in terms of roads to support such a development, which would back on to the tiny Boggy Sands Road which is more of a single lane road than a two-way carriageway!

    • Anonymous says:

      No actually, the piece of property with heritage kitchen and the museum/thrift store is too small as it’s clear those buildings are far over their boundaries!

  15. Anonymous says:

    Mash it up yes. Caymanians are homeless but we allow these apartments to be built and sit unoccupied majority of the year for a single 1 time tax.

    All property in Cayman not occupied year-round by the owner, and valued above 2M should come with an annual tax of 0.05% which can be used to subsidize affordable housing and healthcare.

    • Anonymous says:

      At the rate you propose, that would amount to $1,000 for a unit valued at $2,000,001. Assuming there were 2,000 such units, that would amount to only $2,000,000. On a good day that might pay for the payroll and overheads of whatever inefficient arm of CIG that would be put in charge of assessment and collection.

  16. Anonymous says:

    Who is the greedy developer?

    • Anonymous says:

      19@2:25pm – The developer is Heritage Holdings, a Burke family owned company. Same developer of Centennial Towers across the street and many other developments.

    • Anonymous says:

      John Burke

    • Anonymous says:

      Heritage Holdings which is owned by the Burke family. This will be rammed thru regardless of the objections as Big Mac will get involved and make it happen.CPA chairman will be then say that is is not fair to the landowner.

  17. Anonymous says:

    What is the business case for these units? Are these for sale or rental. I note that in the new building next door they have not been able to sell 4 of the units. Is there really market demand for this with no beachfront?

  18. Anonymous says:

    Ok MLA’s now is the time to put you money where your big mouth is. This is a perfect time to stop the runaway development everyone is TALKING about!

  19. Anonymous says:

    seems like an improvement on what is there right now.

    • Anonymous says:

      Most definitely!

    • Not in WB Bobo!!! says:

      Stfu and leave WB to their business! We don’t want this going up! Better to knock down what’s there and build caymanian style cottages that are retail units – like cafes or local shops. Enough with the useless condos!


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