COVID keeps premier from parliament meeting

| 22/07/2024 | 4 Comments
Cayman Islands House of Parliament, Cayman News Service
Cayman Islands House of Parliament

(CNS): Premier Juliana O’Connor-Connolly was not in parliament on Monday and will be absent for the rest of this week’s Fourth Meeting of the 2023/2024 session because she has COVID-19, officials have said. In her absence, Deputy Premier Andre Ebanks will act in her stead, and Tourism Minister Kenneth Bryan will act as the deputy premier. Although Bryan was absent when the parliament began on Monday morning, he is expected to attend during the rest of the week.

However, there has been no indication as to why the premier could not attend virtually.

In addition to the bills on the government’s agenda and the presentation of numerous reports, a number of private members’ motions will be introduced and the opposition has submitted more than a dozen parliamentary questions.

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  1. Elvis says:

    Wasn’t she vaccinated?

  2. Anonymous says:

    Doesn’t she consistently wear a mask?

  3. Anonymous says:

    covid….a dream come true for every caymanian worker and civil servant

    • Anonymous says:

      Despite you being an absolute POS, I still hope you and your loved ones continue to be lucky enough to remain unaffected by a virus that has taken the lives of tens of millions worldwide.


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