Postponed parliament meeting reset for Monday

| 16/07/2024 | 12 Comments
Speaker of the House Sir Alden McLaughlin

(CNS): The Cayman Islands political representatives are now set to meet in parliament on Monday, 22 July, as Speaker Alden McLaughlin has notified MPs of the new date. The government is currently scheduled to bring five bills, not including the proposed amendments to the National Conservation Act, which is still being drafted, according to a recent Cabinet note. The opposition, meanwhile, has a long list of parliamentary questions and several private members’ motions.

The bills to be considered include a supplementary appropriation relating to cash spent last year, the Summary Jurisdiction (Amendment) Bill, the Perpetuities (Amendment) Bill, the Pharmacy Bill, and the Firearms (Amendment) Bill.

The proceedings can be accessed live on the CIG YouTube channel, cable channels, and on Radio Cayman’s Breeze 105.3FM. Members of the public can also view the proceedings live from the public gallery at the House of Parliament after signing in with security.

Documents and information relating to the meeting can be accessed on the parliamentary website here.

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Category: Laws, Politics

Comments (12)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    They all so stuck up their own backsides. That air of importance, personal gains and the perks they love so much has them so arrogant that they think they know better than the rest of us. When we speak up our views and suggestions are met with disdain. Seriously time for a complete political reset, accountability, responsibility, sustainability, frugality with the public purse and the island’s natural assets.

  2. Chris Johnson says:

    Can they please put on the agenda the screwed up road system in the middle or town. It has been like that for months. The construction company needs finish streets before digging up others. Now the Anderson building and Elizabeth Square are part of the obstacle course. It is a total nightmare for all AG to negotiate.
    The government has now awarded the same construction company even more contracts. That is a joke. Give it to one of the big boys. At least it will be completed.
    Perchance there is a vested interest.

    • Anonymous says:

      No. Instead they will give them more high dollar contracts.

    • WBW Czar. says:

      Instead of espousing your unsolicited opinion, look beyond your bubble and that, maybe, just maybe, the actual experts know better that you.

  3. Anonymous says:

    I dont have an issue with helping our Caribbean neighbours. Just dont tell me afterwards that you dont have any money to help your own people.

    • Anonymous says:

      But do so many have to also visit at our expense? Couldn’t the same message be conveyed by only one or two select individuals?

  4. Anonymous says:

    how many days does the parliament meet per year?

    • I pay for my flights. says:

      11.02 It varies from a few to not many and depends on how many “jollies” are on offer.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Too busy traveling the Caribbean giving away our money must be good . Our vote meaningless to these political pariahs !


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