US male visitors charged over credit card fraud

| 22/03/2024
Cayman News Service

(CNS) UPDATED: Police officers investigating credit card fraud have now charged three men from the United States with three counts each of obtaining property by deception inregards to several purchases totalling over CI$50,000. The men were arrested on Tuesday on suspicion of obtaining property by deception.

The RCIPS said yesterday that the men, aged 32, 32, and 33, had purchased several items with card information from multiple cards that appears to have been fraudulently obtained. Police officers searched the premises where the men were staying and seized phones, computer items, perfumes and expensive jewellery, which they suspect were obtained by the same method.

The RCIPS said that officers are investigating multiple instances of credit card fraud, in which people have made purchases using credit card details that have been obtained fraudulently without the knowledge or consent of the cardholders. These purchases have generally been made over the phone or online; however, the police said they had recently seen a number of instances where the culprits have made purchases in person without providing a physical card or identification.

The arrested men remain in custody as investigations continue.

Businesses that have conducted transactions with manually entered card details since 16 March, particularly those involving a group of three American men, two of dark complexion and one of light complexion, are asked to review the transactions and contact the RCIPS Financial Crime Investigation Unit at if they have any suspicions.

The RCIPS said that businesses and cardholders should take steps to avoid becoming victims of this type of fraud. Never share card details or PINs with others. Always keep your cards in sight when making payments but out of sight of other people. Holders should monitor their accounts for payments they don’t recognise.

If possible, credit card holders should take advantage of transaction alerts provided through email or a bank-approved app for instant reporting of suspicious transactions. The police urged people to avoid making card payments over the phone and only through secure, recognisable platforms. Businesses should avoid conducting card transactions with customers who are unable to produce a physical card with a matching ID. The police also urged businesses to cease card transactions over the phone.

If you suspect you have been a victim of credit card fraud, contact the RCIPS at
949-4222 or call 911.

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Category: Crime, Police

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  1. walking bamboo says:

    Having banks send notifications of any transactions is essential. We should not lose the convenience of making purchases via telephone because of crooks. Fix the system.

  2. Anonymous says:

    This is why burger king now requires ID for a bacon cheese burger. Thanks alot!