Archive for March 11th, 2024

Turtle made official national dish in list of new symbols
(CNS): Cabinet has picked five new national symbols as part of its goal to strengthen the Cayman Islands’ identity and protect its cultural heritage. But as the government tries to unite communities around these new symbols, one of the choices may cause concern, namely Turtle Stew as the national dish, even though sea turtles are […]

Members reappointed to Labour Appeals Tribunal
(CNS): Robert Jones, one of several members who have all been reappointed to the Labour Appeals Tribunal (LAT), has taken up the chairmanship after serving previously as the deputy. Trisha McElroy and Ryan Charles have been appointed as deputies, while Isidora Eden, Dorthy Davis, Garth Clarke, Betty Baraud, Richard Lewis and Janet James have all […]

One charged in gang-related targeted patrols
(CNS): A 26-year-old man from George Town has been charged with two counts of possession of an unlicensed firearm after police stopped and searched a car in George Town on Friday, 8 March. According to the RCIPS, shortly after 1:00pm, officers had cause to stop a vehicle travelling on Shedden Road, driven by a lone […]

Data suggests Cayman can sustain $10 minimum wage
(CNS): Pressure from the business community led the Minimum Wage Advisory Committee (MWAC) to recommend an increase to the national basic pay of just CI$2.75 per hour, rising from the current meagre CI$6 to $8.75 per hour, even though their research and data from the Economics and Statistics Office indicated that businesses could manage an […]