Trial delayed after jury discharged in NHDT case

| 02/02/2024 | 26 Comments

(CNS): The trial of the former chair of the National Housing Development Trust has been delayed due to unexpected connections between jury members and witnesses or the defendant. After the crown prosecutor outlined the case against Geoffry William Ebanks on Thursday morning, two jurors raised concerns about their connections to the case and were both discharged, leaving only six, including one alternate, rather than the usual seven members.

While the law permits a trial to go ahead with just six jurors, given the length and complexity of this anti-corruption case, a decision was made to discharge the entire panel in order to secure a seven-person jury.

It is not unusual in this jurisdiction, given the size of the jury pool, for jurors to know the defendants, witnesses, police officers or even the lawyers involved in a case. While most people can put aside fleeting connections in order to deliver an unbiased verdict based on the evidence, the process must not only be fair but also perceived to be fair.

Ebanks was bailed to return on 12 February for jury selection, but no date has been set for when the trial will take place.

CNS note: We’ve allowed comments on this article, but only for discussion on the process of jury selection and other broad issues. No comments will be posted about this particular case.

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Comments (26)

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  1. Iustitia caeca non est says:

    Rule of thumb in Cayman courts
    Caymanian – elect jury trial = not guilty
    Ex-pat – go for Judge only (as Caymanian Jury = guilty as hell!)

  2. Anonymous says:

    DPP “shines” again!! Isn’t it the objective of determining jurors’ fitness and posing challenges BEFORE a trial starts??


  3. Anonymous says:

    Just wondering what the criteria is for jury pool selection, and whether social status or economic standing plays a part. So does it matter whether the candidate is unemployed, or a street sweeper, or a CEO ? Other than the de-selection process by defence and prosecution teams, how can a person selected for the jury pool get excused ? Useful to know all this before criticizing the process or suggesting alternatives.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Work permit holders for jury duty. Nothing more unbiased than this. Actually a work permit holder should be premier considering work permit holders are the majority of the population.

  5. Anonymous says:

    of course…politrix as usual….zzzzz

  6. Anonymous says:

    Did they not ask the potential jurors if they knew the defendant before empaneling the jury SMH

  7. Anonymous says:

    Open up the jury selection pool. Restricting the pool to only registered voters is too narrow. Some new citizens do not register to keep from being selected for jury duty. Anyone being granted citizenship should AUTOMATICALLY be placed on the voters list – actually voting is up to them just like every voter.
    Persons with PR should also be included in the jury selection pool. It is part of belonging to a society.

  8. Moi says:

    Lived here 37yrs….never once been called for Jury duty. Who do they choose ?!

    • Anonymous says:

      “Randomly” from the voters list.

    • Anonymous says:

      Isn’t this the one where I read the entire jury selected was made up of women? I mean, I’m a woman myself great to see them representing but in truth, where’s the diversity?

    • Anonymous says:

      Interesting. After only 2 years in Florida county with half mil residents I was called for Jury duty.

    • Anonymous says:

      Are you registered to vote ? That would explain it.

      • Anonymous says:

        I’ve been a registered (and active) voter from time I hit 18 (22 years ago) and not once have I been contacted for jury duty.

      • Anonymous says:

        I am in the US. Never registered to vote. Was called for jury duty 3 times in 12 years.

    • Anonymous says:

      Those who are likely to uphold a not guilty plea, you know friends, distant family, acquaintances.

  9. anonymos says:

    I feel Jury Trials in Cayman will in most cases have this type of connection/relation. Either do away with jury trials or get jurors from outside the jurisdiction. Look at previous comments about jury trials and realize that in most cases they are bias or scared of consequences from family members or even the accused. I don’t believe jury trials are fair based on the size of the jurisdiction.

    • Anonymous says:

      There is a selection process overseen by both prosecution and defence to ensure that there are no connected or biased individuals on the jury team. That the relayed objective and process didn’t work, is clearly a problem with some of those selected “at random” to serve.

  10. Anonymous says:

    The exact situation will arise in Mac’s upcoming case…


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