Local driver jailed for 57 months for killing nurse

| 12/02/2024 | 19 Comments
Crash on South Sound Road 23 April 2021

(CNS): Kesley Arnoldo Martinez-Ebanks (28) was sentenced to four years and nine months in prison last week in relation to a head-on collision in South Sound almost three years ago in which Kiarah Perkins Williams (32) was killed and three other people were injured. Ebank initially denied the charges but then pleaded guilty in August last year to causing death by dangerous driving. He was remanded in custody after the sentencing hearing on Thursday.

Williams (32) was from the United States and had come to the Cayman Islands to work as a nurse at the Health Service Authority. She was driving a Honda Fit when she was hit by Ebanks’ Changan CS75 SUV at around 1:00am on 23 May 2021 by Palm Springs apartments.

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Category: Courts, Crime

Comments (19)

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  1. Donna says:

    I regret the loss of any life. But,this stupid driver eventually comes out a hardened criminal after time in Northward because of an accident…an unintentional death XXXX. Sorry, not seeing the logic here.

  2. Please stop it. says:

    Terrible Cayman driving habits;

    People pulling out of a side road onto the main road, or pulling out of a parking lot, stopping where the two roads meet but with the entire nose of their car sticking into on main road, while they slowly release their brakes, inching further and further into the traffic until they force someone to stop and let them in. This is wrong people. Please stop it.

    Why does it seem that every driver of a Honda Accord or a Toyota Mark X feel like they are driving an F1 car and the road is a racetrack? You’re driving an economy family sedan people. Please stop speeding.

    People that drive SLOWLY in the right lane of a two-lane motorway, but they are doing the exact same speed as the car next to them in the left lane. The right lane is for overtaking folks. If you are driving slowly in the right lane and not overtaking the car on your left, please move back into the left lane so people behind you can overtake you. You are restricting the flow of traffic!

    Taxi vans and buses stopped with half of their vehicle off the road and the other half on the road, forcing the cars behind them to go around them, over the dividing line and into oncoming traffic! Why not just pull all the way off the road sir? How hard is that? Not enough shoulder? How pulling over further ahead where the shoulder is wider? You don’t own the road so please stop making us drive around you!

    • Chris Johnson says:

      In many countries signs are erected stating that the slower lane is to be used by slower drivers. So may I suggest the NRA does precisely that.
      Having said that all my suggestions to the NRA remain unanswered. Trying to help government is a total waste of time.

  3. Anonymous says:

    And then the powers that be went on and approved another 2 properties to be build on this dangerous corner.

  4. Anonymous says:

    My heart breaks for her partner & family. 4 years is hardly justice but with the case being over now they can hopefully start to heal.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Honda Fits are death traps. They should be banned in Cayman.

    • Anonymous says:

      Sure, let’s blame the victims, the car, the pedestrians, or the cyclists. Anyone but the Ebanks driver, right? Honestly.

      • Anonymous says:

        No one’s blaming the victim. Ebanks is scum no question about that but these small cars don’t stand a chance when found in an accident. Seeing how many crashes we have here we maybe shouldn’t allow them. They’ll get crushed to bits every time.

    • Denis says:

      That is a stupid comment; by your logic, you can also say that a bicycle or being a pedestrian is also a death trap. SMH.

      • Anonymous says:

        They aren’t wrong though. Hondas and Fits in particular are involved in a highly disproportionate number of fatal accidents in Cayman. Someone did a breakdown here on CNS at the end of last year with a link to every CNS report; iirc something like 13 out of 14 deaths were in Hondas.

        • Anonymous says:

          Hondas are safe cars. They’re popular, too, so they’re in more crashes, as there are more idiots driving them due to this popularity.

  6. Anonymous says:

    More harsh punishments are welcome but please just patrol the roads. Oh and break the popos of their own dimwitted driving.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Jail is often an unusual outcome in vehicular manslaughter cases in Cayman. Had the deceased and injured been MORE vulnerable, ie. innocent pedestrians on a sidewalk, or cyclists in their proper spot, instead of protected somewhat in a steel cage, it would have been ruled as “misadventure” and he’d be back in a truck celebrating. We need road laws that protect all life.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Should have been at least 15 years. The sentences really need a stronger deterrent element.

  9. Elvis says:

    57 months for basically what amounts to murder through being an idiot hmmm.

  10. Anonymous says:

    So that’s all he gets? Like seriously. What a joke.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Kiarah was such a lovely person. This is yet another example of how many lives can be impacted by the carnage on our roads. Kiarah was killed, others injured, and a young man going to prison. There are no winners here. Every young person who learns how to drive needs to have it drilled into them that they are operating a machine which could become a deadly weapon, and that they need to drive with due care and concern at all times, in all situations. Be safe, Cayman.

  12. Anonymous says:

    It’s never enough.

    The amount of f**kwitted driving here is only getting worse, too.

    I feel for the victim and all her family and friends who miss her. Gone, due to stupidity of someone else.

  13. Anonymous says:

    1 life = 57 months. This is a shameful sentence. His real punishment will come when he meets his maker


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