CIG to hold public Heroes Day ‘after’ party

| 15/01/2024 | 17 Comments
Promotion for the cultural event on National Heroes Day

(CNS): The National Heroes Day celebrations will take place on Monday morning, where the Cayman Islands’ latest national treasures will receive local gongs and badges. There will also be a celebration of culture later in the afternoon on Cardinall Avenue featuring local food, craft vendors, live entertainment and fireworks. According to a release from the culture ministry, the theme of the festivities this year is “Celebrating Cultural Artists and Creatives”, and over eighty people are noted in the numerous categories of these local awards.

The awardees were nominated by members of the public last year and selected by a detailed evaluation process by the National Heroes Day Committee.

“Beginning the day by revering our National Heroes and applauding our 2024 Heroes Day honourees, then reuniting in historic George Town to enjoy Caymanian food and music is an excellent way to embrace our culture,” Culture Minister Dwayne Seymour stated. ‘’I look forward to fellowship with the community at both events.”

The awards presentation will be streamed live on the Cayman Islands Government YouTube and cable television channels here.

The annual Awards Presentation in Heroes Square will begin at 9:00am on Monday, 22 January. The Celebration of Culture will start at 4:00pm on Cardinall Avenue.

See the promo video below:

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Category: Heritage and Culture, Local News

Comments (17)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Let’s hope it’s put on by PACI they throw great parties 🎈

  2. Anonymous says:

    Thanks, but no thanks. I’d rather you work on getting our population back to <30K.

  3. Anonymous says:

    hope the weather is good.
    let me check the radar.
    oh never mind.

  4. Anonymous says:

    UPM= Unliaterally a Poor Mistake.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Because why not?

  6. Anonymous says:

    I wonder which company with get the contract to put on this party? I also wonder if the correct tendering/bidding process will be followed?

  7. Anonymous says:

    Is the food and drink complimentary? They should be able to afford it with that $1 billion budget.

  8. Anonymous says:

    caymanians…world’s best self-backslappers…zzzzzzzzz

  9. Anonymous says:

    More fireworks!?! WTF. What a waste of money & more harm to the environment. Let’s keep burning government funds that could be spent helping the truly needy elderly.

    • Anonymous says:

      You must be fun at parties.. Fireworks are the least of our worries. At least they can be enjoyed by everyone. Young and old. Rich and poor. The impact of wildlife is minimal. Birds don’t drop dead of heart attacks because of 15 minutes of loud noise. They will move on until its safe to return. Lighten up.

      • Anonymous says:

        We might find that the excessive emphasis on pyrotechnics, the quantity, cost, noise, and impact of all those toxic heavy metals raining down on our reefs is substantial, if we were to measure it. Lithium (Li) salts produce pink, sodium (Na) salts make yellow or orange, copper (Cu) and barium (Ba) salts generate green or blue, and calcium (Ca) or strontium (Sr) give red. All of these foreign unnatural metal and residue concentrate chemicals are being scattered with absurd regularity.

      • Anonymous says:

        Boring and outdated -when you’ve see one firework, you’ve seen ’em all – yawn! what a waste of money!

      • Nauti Nomads says:

        Though you are right, the display itself is minimal, impact on the environment is long lasting. Plastics, streamers and ribbons and discarded tubes are found on our beaches (including turtle nesting beaches) every single year, and pose a much higher risk and impact than just the length of the display. Wildlife entagelement, choking hazards, those are the least of our troubles if firework displays aren’t looked at more closely from an eco impact standpoint.

  10. Anonymous says:

    They should have a National Not Heroes Day, there’s only a few people left who’d qualify.

  11. Anonymous says:

    so now i know where i won’t be on 22nd january.


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