Another port worker injured at cargo dock

| 30/01/2024 | 8 Comments
George Town cargo dock

(CNS): The Port Authority of the Cayman Islands (PACI) has confirmed that one of its workers was injured during an incident at the cargo dock on Monday afternoon. CNS understands that he member of staff suffered a broken leg when a container was being unloaded. Port Director Paul Hurlston said that PACI and the emergency services acted very quickly and the employee was taken to the hospital for treatment.

“The Port Authority can confirm that at this time the employee suffered no life-threatening injuries, and there is no evidence to suggest that there is anything more than a broken limb,” Hurlston told CNS in response to inquiries.

This is the second port worker to sustain a serious injury at work in the last month. A port mechanic was injured in a fall and broke his ribs on 13 January, during a weekend when both of the cranes used on the George Town dock were out of action.

At the time Hurlston said that PACI was dealing with aging equipment but the recent increase in fees will go towards replacing these old cranes, which are critical to the port’s work.

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Comments (8)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Workplace safety in Cayman is a joke. I gave kudos to the DLP safety office for trying their best, which they do, however until there is MEANINGFUL fines put in place, safety for employees will always be short-changed for profit by employers.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Cayman has no OSH laws. Cabinet has not yet approved enactment of the Employment Act passed more than a decade ago. Now Parliament is voting on a Consumer Protectiom Act which was not drafted by the CI Govt – which is a first for CIG.

    • Anonymous says:

      The politicians love to pass Laws, Policies, and Acts which are then never gazetted into Law, so they seem to be meaningless….

  3. Anonymous says:

    Have you ever seen how careless rhe fork lift operators are at the Portland Road facility? It is every man for himself in there. there really needs to be a culture change at the top and a newfound respect for workplace safety.

    Not to mention the opportunity for customers to be hurt while collecting their cargo. The place is a free for all.

    • Anonymous says:

      Its what to expect when you take the poor driving of a regular vehicle on the road, then park that driver in a forklift weighing upwards of 70,000 pounds, lifting a 40 foot container , that weighs 60,000 lbs.
      What could possibly go wrong?

  4. Anonymous says:

    Being sloppy with workplace safety isn’t cured with new machinery. New management can fix a lot of what festers at PACI.

    • Anonymous says:

      The director is blaming equipment rather than admit management failings in putting operating procedures in place.
      This had nothing to do with equipment, and everything to do with lack of training and oversight.

    • Anonymous says:

      They kicked out the two people that were trying to bring order over the Ports operations and finances…. but this was not popular with everyone , especially those who were politically connected, and needed to protect their political ambitions.


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