Police seize booze on suspicion of illegal sales

| 15/12/2023 | 17 Comments
RCIPS officers patrol Seven Mile Beach, Cayman News Service
RCIPS officers patrolling Seven Mile Beach

(CNS): Police officers responding to a report of a disturbance at Seven Mile Public Beach on Wednesday afternoon arrested a 49-year-old Bodden Town man on suspicion of insulting the modesty of a woman. They also seized “alcoholic beverages in a cooler” from people at the location because they suspected it was being sold illegally.

Apparently unrelated to the original callout in relation to the assault on the woman, the police claim they had reason to suspect some other people were consuming drugs and selling booze.

A search was conducted and no illegal drugs were found. The police still took the alcohol as it appeared intended for illegal sale, they said but did not explain what led them to such a suspicion.

The RCIPS said that officers are now liaising with the Department of Commerce and Investment and the Public Lands Commission to investigate the allegations of illegal selling of liquor as well as the sale and consumption of ganja at the location.

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Category: Crime, Police

Comments (17)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    BYOB Bobos.
    Send higglers packing.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Just in time for the police Christmas party.

  3. Anonymous says:

    The Cayman Islands are beyond utterly corrupt.
    If Ivan was a judgement, God only knows what’s next.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Public beach is full of criminals now. I can’t even bring my kids there anymore.

  5. Anonymous says:

    There was an application submitted to the Public Lands Commission for permission to sell alcohol from a food trailer. The Liquor Licensing Board approved the license, the trailer was approved by the Department of Health however The PLC decided to not permit the legal sale. Had they done so there would not be a need for illegal vendors at Public Beach. There is nowhere on Seven Mile Beach where you can afford a beer or liquor and frankly the hotels do not wish to be overrun by residents. The PLC had the option to offer a legal option to residents and visitors alike but the missed that opportunity.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Protect the general public from this Jamaican Culture WORC is allow in

  7. Anonymous says:

    Is there a charge for insulting the modesty of a man?

  8. Anonymous says:

    Bodden Town = Jamaican these days.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Let’s say it again, clear Public Beach of all vendors.

    • Anonymous says:

      Did they listen when they were told that allowing the floating bounce monstrosity and Chef John was a bad idea and that precedent would come back to bite them in the ass? No.

    • Anonymous says:

      That would lose votes for Kenny, Mac, Seymour and Saunders.
      These unregulated voters keep the otherwise unemployable West Bay GTC and Bodden town snouts in the slop, and will never be denied anything , however bad it is for Cayman.

    • Anonymous says:

      Mac, Kenneth, Seymour Saunders all depend on these people’s votes.
      Nothing will be done To arrest our declinecinto Jamaica.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Retract the vendor concept on SMB! We don’t need another imported cultural activity!! See what it brings?!

    “..a Bodden Town man…” = Jamaican resident of Bodden Town. I know!

  11. Anonymous says:

    This is what happens what you green light beach vending and hand out licenses. Nobody should be surprised.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Police should simply be stationed at Public Beach, especially on Cruise ship days and weekends.

    • Anonymous says:

      Send the dancing policeman to SMB/Public Beach. Traffic would be better without him stopping traffic in GT to have his photo taken with semi nude tourists (why are they no longer warned about their lack of clothing!!?)

      • Anonymous says:

        Because it’s the police’s job to enforce the law not the public’s view on good taste? Not illegal to wear a bikini or for a man to walk down the street without a shirt, however offensive. If there was a law against bad dress sense in public we may as well stop half the cruise ships landing passenger at all.

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