Mac’s back in official role as PS to two ministers
(CNS): Just days before McKeeva Bush MP (WBW) was supposed to face trial, accused of indecently assaulting two female civil servants, he was given an official role in the new UPM Government. According to a press release from the CIG communications department, Premier Juliana O’Connor-Connolly has appointed Bush as parliamentary secretary to Border Control and Culture Minister Dwayne Seymour and to Planning, Housing, Infrastructure, Transport and Development Minister Jay Ebanks.
Despite Bush’s existing criminal conviction for assault and his pending legal troubles, O’Connor-Connolly has placed her long-term political ally in supporting roles for two critical ministries.
Meanwhile, Bernie Bush MP (WBN) will serve as PS to Deputy Premier and Minister for Commerce André Ebanks and to Youth, Sports and Heritage Minister Isaac Rankine, where he will assist in the ministry he used to head. Heather Bodden MP (SAV) remains as PS to the deputy premier in his Ministry of Social Development and to Tourism Minister Kenneth Bryan.
“These appointments demonstrate that the UPM is united by the philosophy of all hands on deck,” said O’Connor-Connolly in the release. “We want to tap into the wealth of knowledge of all members of our team to ensure we can achieve all of our priorities and key initiatives this term.”
All three MPs received their “instruments of appointment” from Governor Jane Owen during a brief presentation ceremony at Government House on Wednesday. She made no comment about those appointments in the release.
However, Bush said he welcomed the opportunity to support the UPM administration in the role of parliamentary secretary.
“There is much work to do,” he said. “I’ve made it clear to the premier and the ministers that, for me, this is about supporting both ministers in their important work. My sole focus will be on the projects assigned to me as a parliamentary secretary.” However, Bush did not explain how he would juggle those duties with his need to appear in court.
Bernie Bush, who gave up his Cabinet seat in the wake of the recent coup ousting Wayne Panton from the premiership to pave the way for the new Cabinet, said he looked forward to supporting Ebanks and Rankine and building on the programmes and initiatives he had driven. “I appreciate both colleagues welcoming my assistance,” he said.
Bodden, who had been elected on the same political platform as Panton but has remained with the UPM, said it was her pleasure to remain with the ministries she was previously supporting with PACT.
“As anyone who knows me is aware, beautification and supporting the needs of our most vulnerable are near and dear to my heart. I am grateful for the opportunity to continue the work I started and to build on the strong relationships I enjoy with both teams,” she said.
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Category: Politics
The Governor must be so proud presenting this. Begs the question do we really need a governor. They really are redundant.
These ladies have no backbone to stand up to this repeat offender. I can understand Jay, Jon-Jon and Andre, but ladies Juliana, Katherine Ebanks-Wilks, Sabrina Turner and Heather Bodden. HOW CAN YOU SLEEP AT NIGHT? YOU are Horrendous role models – what does this say to the women of this country?
Promote the drunken abuser to the highest rank. I am ashamed for you all.
How can you sleep at night? Hmmm….let’s see. $150k a year plus expenses and I think I’d sleep pretty soundly. What price integrity?
Ms. Premier it is totally unacceptable that you gave McKeeva a Parliamentary Secretary position.
You both claim to be retiring at the next general election but seems like you are ramping up.
Wayne is better off as an MP rather than continue with this group but I fear that their billion dollar vote buying budget will bring this country to its knees.
Can the opposition get their S#!*t together and start fielding good candidates to start their campaigns now so that we can remove UPM/UDP in 2025 if not sooner.
“We want to tap into the wealth of knowledge of all members of our team to ensure we can achieve all of our priorities and key initiatives this term.”
I think what she meant to say was “Mac and Bernie want to tap into the People’s wealth a bit more and pull down a bigger paycheck”
Too true!
To paraphrase an old TV program “ We are UDP – resistance is futile”
Return of the Mack!! I told y’all at mi yard dat the return of the Mack cometh just like the song.
Like Freddy Krueger’s hand sticking out of the grave the big daddy Mack McKeeva is back! I haven’t been this behooved since watching Hook movie scene Captain Hook breaking in and kidnapping da children. Not sure which politician be Peter Pan tho. Dwayne the Rock Seymour perhaps?
Only in Cayman could a convicted criminal be in the government. And as many have said the female politicians have no integrity either and are just as bad as he is. He’s like a boomerang.
His African robe describes this stupid tin-pot dictator country perfectly.
Swapped from his Chinese garb LOL
Only in Cayman could a convicted criminal be in the government. And as many have said the female politicians have no integrity either and are just as bad as he is. He’s like a boomerang.
Thanking Wayne, Andre and CMR for this. He would have been an after thought if they didn’t desperately form a government with him.
Well done Caymanians. Embarrassing yourselves once more.
Terrible look for Jane. How you can sanction any of this? Watch the video.
She has nothing to say about what government appointments are. However, she doesn’t have to smile and shake his greasy woman beating paw.
Honorable Bush, you are great and now you will be back as our leader.
Honourable Bush?? – Who dat?? – we familiar with the one without honour who hands out turkeys, hams and refrigerator. Must be different family altogether.
A fine manifestation of good governance.
Good bye Cayman. He already said that we need to continuing to develop cause that’s where the money comes from.
Maybe as PS he sees a way to pardon himself, or to avoid having the court case proceed because of being in such a valuable and esteemed position.
Not a single positive comment.
The women in this government must be so proud of what they are part of and so uncaring of what other women have had to endure at his hand.
Could we not have given him Gender Affairs? Is tha still a thing?
Not my Governor is she’s smiling handing such a document to this piece of poo, awful situation 💩
I dont think she cares- just always sitting in her beach pad – claiming her giant salary
Moral standards all over the world have declined. It’s obvious in Cayman’s politics but glaringly so in the USA where voters are ready to re-elect “Orange Jesus” Trump! Netherlands elected a right-winger, some western European and eastern European nations are led by right-wingers or quasi-dictators.
Right-wing leaders embrace fascist tendencies, which by nature, are morally unsound.
Cayman’s “leaders” are too dumb to know if they’re moderate, left or right wing and it doesn’t matter to them. They have shown that they can deplete morals in governance without any political leanings!!
For ours cash from salaries and backroom sources rather than ideology is key.
Yeah, well, when you learn what Fascist actually means come back and try again.
You do know, for instance, that Hitler, who was a fascist, lead The National Socialist Workers Party (Nazi Party for short). He was a left-wing fascist. So your assertion that right -wing leaders embrace fascist tendencies is somewhat misleading or disingenuous.
CNS: The fact that this astoundingly idiotic idea (that the Nazis were left wing) is frequently brought up by right wing donuts doesn’t make it any more true. If you don’t have time to read a book, here’s a very informative video: ‘The Nazis Were Socialists!’: Debunked Once And For All
CNS Good luck with your suggestion ! Idiots are idiots because they don’t read nor do they watch documentaries. Too many words for them!
LMAO…PS for Piece of Shit!
This is pretty f***** up 😣
And here we see the result of Mac moving the chess pieces to make Julianna’s the Premier. DISGUSTING. Our Constitution needs reform — and soon! because think about it: they only need us to get into Parliament. Once they get in, what we think is about as relevant as horse manure. SMH. We pay hundreds of thousands a year to be treated as cattle.
More like sheep!
“Just days before McKeeva Bush MP (WBW) was supposed to face trial, accused of indecently assaulting two female civil servants, he was given an official role in the new UPM Government.”
Having seen an advance copy of the retroactive Politician’s Immunity Act that will be passed soon, I am not surprised by this appointment.
Remember that we pay for all this crap. If you are a voter and do not agree with how your money is being used, flood your MP with phone calls, WA, texts, etc. and let them know in no uncertain terms that you do not approve of this SHITTY decisions.
I understand that the ‘Standards in Public Life Act’ will be repealed soon as none of our politicians have any understanding of the subject.
The Anti-corruption Act will also be repealed as there is a very remote possibility that it might limit what our politicians get up to in the exceedingly unlikely event that anyone actually enforced it.
Why don’t they just create a Ministry of Corruption Misogyny and Drunken Groping – that would be more honest.
Vomit, vomit!
How much he been paid for this now, enough to pay his bills on his payment scheme and where his walker…oh that been saved for court LMAO
Why is he dressed in the 🌈 rainbow and why so much jewelry all oat one time? He is such a jackass!
This is a real.charade and a game of musical chairs rolled into one.!
What you don’t understand is that he is considered a hero by many of his constituents; the more he does, the greater his street cred. He can do no wrong, because those same people consider it the job of an MP or other elected officials to directly benefit them.
I have come to realise that is the core of the Cayman culture. Nothing wrong with it, looked at objectively. You may have grown up with strong values of integrity and honour, however all around the world what is truly honoured is tribalism.
Everything else is superfluous to our culture. If you can use your influence and friendships and relationships to get your kids into government, that isn’t nepotism; that is your JOB.
Do know and IT needs to go!
LMAO what is that? Too funny and so sad!
Is that one of his wife’s church dresses he’s borrowed..?
Issue refusal to hold press conferences followed by this excremental announcement. – UDP! UDP! UDP! UDP!
Do something to get them out then and save Cayman.
Serious question – how? I would be happy to contribute to anything legal that would get them out now.
Let me guess – he will take twice the ridiculously large amount plus benefits that Parliamentary Secretaries make on top of their totally unearned salaries.
HONEST qualified Caymanian executive legal secretary available for job – why does he not have to retire and live on $1,000 a month?
And his pension!
Disgusting but expected – compensation for orchestrating the coup.
No doubt the ‘consulting fees’ will be huge when one has control over what gets planning permission and who gets immigration approvals.
As a Caymanian I hang my head in shame at what we have allowed to happen.
what’s so good about mac anyway? like is it that hard to find anyone else to work in parliament?
There is nothing good about him, that big cross won’t save his soul, hypocrisy of the highest.
To Anonymous 10:26am: West Bay Central people “woted” for him to be in Parliament; but this latest slap in nothing but Julianna’s way to repay him for making her Premier.
You think it’s about the work – lol. It’s a fee – status and an opportunity to leverage the position for financial advantage in exchange for “loyalty”. Do you honestly think there is a big enough workload in any of these ministries, each of which has a massive CS team to do the ministers bidding, to justify a PS ?
Clearly you have not asked the ladies… Women find Big Mack irresistible like a pungent fragrance that burns the nostrils the looks of Denzel and can behoove like a jungle cat 007 especially at ritzy parties
They also need to tell the country the truth why Bernie was not retained as minister. He certainly did not take one for the team!!!
What was the reason?
Jesus is the reason
Why don’t you tell us your theory?
So back to third world politics and leadership for this third world island. What a relief. For the third world voters.
Was it dress down day, Mac? A t-shirt? Really?
It looks like a kaftan to me.
Some sort of cultural appropriation going on, or maybe it’s just easier to sexually harass females in baggy clothing.
Maybe he is going for the transgender vote
I notice that he has his electioneering cross on. He will be Premier shortly.
He already is!
Demonstrates clearly the quality and professionalism of the man!
Don’t you know? Mr. Bush now feels free to flaunt his “true colours”.
Vote them all out!
High Priestess of the mask Juju is a disgrace as a female leader and has obviously sold her soul for ultimate power no matter the costs. Get her now at lol costs.
Premier Juliana O’Connor-Connolly, Cabinet Ministers Katherine Ebanks-Wilks, Sabrina Turner and Permanent Secretary Heather Bodden have no shame as women by supporting W. McKeeva Bush in any position in this UPM government.
How many charges is he facing for alleged crimes against women?
Big Mac cannot be stopped, he…is….inevitable.
it is with deep regret that I find myself having to agree with you.
but that dress he’s wearing is so lovely.
He & Juju couldn’t walk a mile to save their lives but they can wield power.
clown show continues…
caymanians elect these people so you have no-one else to blame but yourselves.
and to make things worse, you also prevent the most qualified and successful people on island from being elected…
welcome to wonderland.
Disgraceful. A little food for thought for the “Direct Rule from the UK now” crowd. Notice that lady to the left of mac in the picture. The one supporting all this mess. Do you know who she is and whose interest she represents?
“All three MPs received their “instruments of appointment” from Governor Jane Owen during a brief presentation ceremony at Government House on Wednesday. She made no comment about those appointments in the release.”
It’s not her decision to make. Solely sits with the UPM
She can refuse to appoint him! She chose not to.
Breathtakingly appalling. No words can adequately describe unbelievably bad this is and yet we act like it’s totally fine that this man is in a position of power which comes with a salary paid for by us.
What is wrong with us that this is acceptable?
Siri, show me what an unflushable turd looks like.
Many a true word spoken in jest! You can’t make this s@*t up!
time to petition the uk for replacement of governor and ju-ju….
Well do it and stop talking about it!
Corrupt UDP Government back in business!
You all let it happen!
West Bayers ought to be ashamed of themselves to continually elect this criminal! Do better, WB!
bayers and caymanians generally…don’t do shame.
entitlement culture means they are always right.
Correction, New Caymanians generally have no shame and reek of entitlement.
9:02, Problem is that West Bayers are not the brightest people in the world.
McKeeva is a God in West Bay and will be Premier again next year.
What a pathetic state. 😭 😢
I will repeat what one of his. Constituents told me once. ” he looks after we” . They cannot see anything else.