Woman mugged outside George Town gas station

| 01/11/2023 | 38 Comments
Rubis on Eastern Avenue

(CNS): A man wearing a dark-coloured hoodie and speaking with a Caymanian accent grabbed a bag from a woman’s hands on Tuesday night as she waited outside the Rubis Gas Station on Eastern Avenue in George Town. The mugging happened around 8:30pm while she was standing on the street at the junction of Godfrey Nixon Way. The man, who was of slim build and about 5’9″, demanded her handbag.

The woman resisted but the mugger forced the bag containing cash and other personal items from her hands causing minor injuries, police said. The man then fled the scene on foot heading in the direction of Washington Boulevard.

Detectives investigating the street robbery are asking anyone with information to call the George Town Police Station at 949-4222. Anonymous tips can be provided to the RCIPS Confidential Tip Line at 949-7777 or website.

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Category: Crime, Police

Comments (38)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    “Caymanian accent” any accident that sounds remove the Caribbean people love to try and chalk up to Caymanian.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Off the topic, but must be known (maybe CNS would report this in a separate article):

    The UN General Assembly (UNGA) has adopted its annual resolution calling on Washington to end its decades-long economic blockade of Cuba. The document, which has been adopted for the 31st time, received nearly unanimous support, with only the US and Israel opposing it out of the 190 nations present at the vote. Ukraine was the only member to abstain.

    The document urges every country to “refrain from promulgating and applying” any economic sanctions against Cuba and states that the UNGA is “concerned” over the fact that “the economic, commercial and financial embargo against Cuba is still in place.” The resolution also calls on any country that continues to uphold such restrictions against Havana to “repeal or invalidate” them “as soon as possible.”

    Speaking at the UNGA ahead of the vote, Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla said that Washington’s policies amounted to “an act of economic warfare, in times of peace.” Cuba is not a threat to the US and America’s “illegal, cruel and inhumane policy” is nothing but an attempt to destroy the island’s constitutional order, he added.

    • Anonymous says:

      No one cares. It doesn’t matter what the General Assembly votes. Stop being a pain in the neck and US will be nicer.

  3. Anonymous says:

    I avoid that area like the plague. Its a ghetto plan and simple.

  4. Kman says:

    so the suspect has a Caymanian accent? Well that’ll be dammed, bet you won’t see written “Jamaican accent” much less an American or English accent.

    • Anonymous says:

      What do you mean? Jamaicans are always blamed for the crimes here. It’s time to look in the mirror!

  5. Anonymous says:

    That area needs Gentrification. The swamp is a disaster. School road is scary. Eastern Avenue is a mess. Derelict vehicles everywhere, businesses with no second floor. Awful.

    • Anonymous says:

      Eastern Ave you is a crap-hole and after 6 PM it gets way worse. Just ride thru and see all that is strolling up and down the road, cars with drivers heads just barley sticking up riding around with the most awful noise blaring out of the vehicle, then they just stop in the middle of the road for anyone walking. Of course sorry to say it is a majority of one nationality and our police force does not seem to really care about it. Could it be we have to many of this nationality on the police force? What difference does it make as not a dam thing will ever change.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Lickle Kingston

  7. Anonymous says:

    I for one will be keeping my eye out for any guy strutting around like a proud peacock holding a new handbag. It would be helpful to know more details about the handbag though. I am behooved with emotions reading these tragic headlines!

  8. Anonymous says:

    I was there. I saw it. it was around the corner of the building so I couldn’t ID him now. it took 5 seconds literally.
    The cars and people at Rubis took off as it happened!!
    Her pink slippers went flying.

    Minutes later I saw a young foreign woman turned away and leave when trying to buy food. not from Rubis but nearby. she was short of cash I guess.
    Then an elderly local man in the same place was turned away from buying food for he was a dollar short. I gave him the money and some of my food.
    All this within minutes.
    Then I saw a huy on a bicycle going through garbage bins ..for food I guess, and next to Him, the patrons of a fancy restaurant gathered in a circle laughing and celebrating.
    I saw when the cops came regarding the robbery. none spoke to me as I stood there. No dropncards either. Their uniforms were nice and pressed though.
    This is the new Cayman.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Does anyone know an honest person in Government who might be able to address the fraud perpetrated by a certain group of persons in bed with most of CIG? Lmk

  10. Anonymous says:

    Looking forward to the “these Jamaicans are even doing Caymanian accents” now comments 🤣

  11. Anonymous says:

    Care to share the CCTV? Or do they already know who he is from the ankle tag?

  12. Anonymous says:

    Forgot choice D. He is supplementing his NAU income.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Let’s play multiple choice. A) He’s out on bail. B) He’s recently released early from Hotel Northside for good behavior. C) Both A & B.

    • Anonymous says:

      Apparently we’re spending $100 million upgrading Hotel Northside, to “Northside hotel and Resort.”
      There will be no fear of prison, as it will provide food and accommodations beyond the wildest dreams of any criminal.
      We’re going to be paying to make imported and locally bred Jamaican criminals , more welcome.
      We really need to do this,? Can we afford it.?

      • Anonymous says:

        I do wonder though whether petty crime is a way to get back into prison. Our here the cost of life is ridiculously high, whereas in Northside Resort, a man is guaranteed a roof over his head, a warm bed to sleep and 3 meals a day.

      • Anonymous says:

        Um, NorthWARD!

        • Anonymous says:

          “Northside resort” is a sarcastic reference to plans to spend Millions building a very comfortable new Prison Resort .
          Northward is it’s current and adequate location.

        • Anonymous says:

          My apologies. I meant no disrespect. I was thinking of its location while I was writing this. An honest mistake on my part.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Robbed twice in the same night at the same place. How unfortunate.


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