PPM will be watching UPM gov’t, says McTaggart
(CNS): Opposition Leader Roy McTaggart has said that while the Progressives will give the new government a chance to pull together a budget, they will hold the premier and her colleagues in the United People’s Movement accountable, “just like we have the previous premier”. Welcoming the group’s decision to take his advice and drop Panton, McTaggart said the PPM would not hesitate to be critical if their performance did not improve.
“Holding the government to account has always been, and remains, the opposition’s job,” he said in a statement issued Wednesday evening. “I am satisfied that the opposition has achieved our main objective — to bring about change and force the former PACT to acknowledge that new leadership and direction were needed by them.”
The Progressives were responsible for bringing the no-confidence motion on Tuesday after McKeeva Bush resigned from PACT last week, leaving then premier Wayne Panton without a clear majority. The PPM was not able to command a two-thirds majority to bring down the government because three MPs abstained, which meant that the motion technically failed. However, Panton was unable to command a majority against the vote, making it clear he was very unlikely to be able to remain as premier.
McTaggart stated that they had brought the motion because “something had to change to bring about a stable and effective government”.
The opposition leader was clearly disappointed that his preferred option had not come about, namely that some PACT members had joined forces with them to form a PPM-led government, “given the vast experience on our side”, which he thought would have been “the best solution”. However, he was still satisfied that the Progressives had forced out Panton, their former colleague and a founding member of the PPM.
The third option of calling a new general election, which is gaining traction on social media and other public platforms, with petitions reportedly beginning to circulate, was not supported by either the opposition or the new government. But public concern is growing about the new government headed up by the MP representing the smallest constituency in the country.
“While the opposition is willing to give a new government under the premier some leeway, there is little time to waste in tackling our country’s challenges and helping our people,” the opposition leader said. “We will hold the new premier and her colleagues accountable,” he added.
McTaggart said the PPM would support the new UPM government in areas the opposition agrees are priorities, including what he said were the most pressing challenges such as the cost of living crisis, reducing crime and access to affordable housing.
See the opposition leader’s statement below:
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Category: Politics
Roy. You are a genuinely decent man who does care for Caymanians, unlike the majority of flip flop politicians who just follow the money. I hope you get a chance and I hope the new Governor realises that supporting juju is fruitless and agreeing to Mac and Bernie returning is deluded and insane.
of course you will but good luck trying to destabilize Julianna when you’re going to need to convince her to switch sides next election.
All such a joke
UPM Useless Political Maniacs Those who seek political power are unfortunately the ones who should be denied it ?but fortunately for us our political prostitutes puppets and mere pawns of their political pimps/$ponsor$ who sit in places like Crystal Harbour and Governor Square who’s greedy agenda destructive ideas and self serving interest are carried out in exchange for cheap money .
2 Billion people will vote in national elections around the world in 2024. A record. 100% of the candidates will be unqualified and/or terrible people.
If this is your actual perspective then why even engage with politics? Just march out into the bush and light a fire and live out the rest of your days as a hermit – leave the silly things like ‘society’ to people who have developed more than a primary school understanding of the world
Ju ju is the new king. Anyone saw that coming? The Government will now be run as efficiently and as smoothly as the edumacation department. Back to third world you all.
and Seymour is in charge of labor, just wonderful. Don’t forget we have drunken Bush in there looking out for our/his best interest.
Minister of environment that wants to go to as high as possible. Smh
Poor old Elmer Fudd and his gang of Fuddy Duddies have once again proven why they should just go away. They keep proving to the people why we would never want a PPM government again..
Hang it up guys.. your days are over.. tell your handlers you tried and figure out a way of paying them back for their financial support and shut down the old tired PPM machine..
Be berry berry quiet. We’re hunting power!!!
Nobody wearing that shirt should ever be premier! Just a bad is Juju with her white Five gallon bucket hat and lamp shade dress! How can we trust them when they cant even dress properly?
you’ll do nothing.
Roy Mctaggart: “You got to lose some time , so don’t you quit. “Get over It”
The most frustrating part is that civil servants have a ***ing muzzle so we can’t sit outside of the supermarkets gathering signatures for a People Initiated Referendum demanding early elections! Yet we are voters, too; their crappy decisions affect our children’s education, our retirement, our adult children’s ability to buy a first-time home. I wonder if that was the real reason they did away with Governor Choudhury, because the FCO gave him a mandate to review the efficiency of the civil service and these bunch did not want him digging up the bones.
Clearly you are a civil servant who didn’t work in the building. Choudhury was all talk and as much a know it all politician as our own local politicians. Doubt he would have made anything better for us.
You left out a *.
PPM loses again ! Vote No !
Roy… do politics and the country a huge favor and don’t run in the next election! This man is a poor representative of his constituents! Imagine… I know some of his constituents have been begging him for years for increased street lighting in areas in and around rankin drive in ryndyke area to simple be ignored! No wonder another motion to take over government as party leader failed yet again! She progressives need for you (and others to not run Again) and for Real leadership!
Great. So Mr. McGoo now has a doctorate in destructive bovine scatology from the same school of FFBufoonery as the waddling twit from WB’s bunghole. You should be oh so proud of yourself there Roy. You have successfully bequeefed Cayman with the worst of the worst and have helped to supplant a poorly trained dancing hippopotamus to the helm of this insufferable shit show. You are so cool. So very cool. The cheque for your dunce cap is in the mail.
LOL luv the ‘bequeefed’, refreshing from the ‘behooved’ LOL
I do like a good queef
Nobody wants the PPM or trusts the PPM. Their track record explains way. They are all about special interests.
PPM were out maneuvered again by Julie O’Connor-Connolly and McKeeva Bush that is how bad people and MP’s view the regressives. No one will give them another chance to finish selling out these islands. Roy and Joey are clowns and represent big business interests not the average Caymanian who have been let down by the ppm.
Except the people had absolutely zero say in the formation of the new government. Decided entitled by current MPs – those in the government who want to keep their positions and power, and those on the opposition benches who want to rejoin them and don’t fancy being told what to do by the PPM or wouldn’t get a ministerial position with them. As for vested interests – PLEASE. You think this bunch aren’t in the pockets of the developers and the merchants? Must be nice to be so naive.
The public had no say in the formation of the PACT government either. That was mostly down to Wayne and Don S and Sandra the Horrible. Did you complain then?
Cayman has only ever elected a party by outright majority twice in its entire history the PPM in 2005 and the UDP in 2009
Every other Government in our modern history has been made up of groups of people who were not elected together working together – so the post-election horsetrading is not unusual for Cayman – it is the norm for us and for many other parliamentary democracies
keep digging roy…..zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
ppm…somehow are proving themselves to be as ineffective when in opposition as when they were in power.
epic fail again roy….time to consider your own position.
Even on such a small landmass, the politicians do seem to be very far removed from the people. The PPM (or whatever is left of them) come across as elitists, and that is fine if that’s who you intend to serve – all those buying ‘jet fresh salmon’ at Fosters in their yoga pants, okey dokey.
But Cayman is 90%+ low-middle income, month-to-month pay check people who don’t particularly care if its a hot mess of a group of politicians, or a smug told-ya-so group of elitists, as long as they are approachable and seem at least to be relatable. The PPM do not espouse this at all.
I dont care who is in power as long as someone is trying to reduce the cost of living. The largest utility company is ran by family of PPM. The largest developer is very close to PPM. and on. and on. Hopefully UPM can get thru 18 months without causing too much trouble. and hopefully more candidates will run in 25.
But we need to represent the 90% here. The 10% are fine. The financial industry runs the government whoever it is anyhow. And the British overseas office runs the cayman finance indsutry so that London (the worlds largest offshore tax haven but dont tell anyone) can continue to funnel all their cash here. we are going nowhere, and the 10% will be fine.
its the 90% of us that need help and we need people we can relate to and seem to genuinely care, not just turn up in their designer clothes and pretend they feel us
Dunno who created Madam ‘Premier’ (not) fine wear but designer needs to go wash some feet!
Instead of watching passively and sowing discord, the PPM MPs might be earning their keep, working for the people from the backbench, ie. shadowing government, sponsoring Bills and amendments to existing Laws. Yet, hot air is all they seem to offer, for anyone still thinking there’s a shortage.
Watching, from far away, is the ideal scenario. The PPM are going to continue watching for as long as their spend-thrift manifesto-clinging DART-rolling party exists.
Both parties are a poor choice. Please Cayman. Give us some proper candidates.
9:25, Problem we have here is that our educational system does not turn out Caymanians who have the level of intelligence to carry out constructive policies and institutional rule for society as a whole.
We spend more per capita on public education than anywhere, but turn out too many incapable people who lack basic skills. No thanks also to our new Premier who was the most ineffective Education Minister in Caymanian history.
We get what we deserve with our Caymanian politicians.
A sorry state of political affairs.
CNS should FOI his credit card spending!!!!! All these trips overseas and he HAS TO have a huge entourage to accompany him EVERY TIME?
What happened to utilising ZOOM for meetings and cutting unnecessary spending to booster CIG cofers as well reducing their carbon footprint?????
9.19am Who?
McTaggart, effed around and found out. Now he is still looking in from the outside.
Now all the residents will suffer some more.
Ah well.
Thank you Old Roy & Sir Alden along with the rest of the PPM. You stirred up this Pack or whatever they call themselves thinking they would swing in with the PPM and you could get the power back. Now look what we got – O’Connor Connolly along with the people’s watchdog Bush as well as the rest of the merry bunch. Guess what boys, they will make sure things go there way now so you won’t get a sniff of power. You had more options when Patton was in there then you do now. You reap what you sow.
and if Roy was ever in charge, then what?
more checky shirts LOL
The Cayman islands ‘most trusted news source’ is conducting a poll of the new government. It would be interesting to see cns doing the same thing. I have a feeling the results will be very different.
Roy is ridiculous. It’s the very same bunch. He changed nothing. Certainly not for the better. Removing Panton and replacing him with Juliana and McKeeva is not a positive outcome.
His shirt is pretty ridiculous as well, not exactly statesman like.
12:12, You sound like one of those Americans who went into a tizzy when President Obama wore a tan suit into the White House 10 years ago.
To be fair Dave, no one has ever been able to pull off the tan suit.
all ready for a line dance, a yee haw with Seymour, slap thy thigh in the moonlight.
No statesmen in Cayman
Give him a break, at least Elmer Fudd, trimmed up his moustache for this one..That thing always scared me..Don’t tell me that someone that that is so desperate to be in power and former partner in a major accounting firm, can’t at least spend a few dollars getting a decent haircut and buy a shirt from Target instead of Walmart to wear at press conferences?
How can anyone read history and still trust politicians?
Empty fights to and from Barbados, and Kenny wants $50Million to pay CAL bills…
You watching how much Kenny’s EGO is costing us Roy..?
Should those flights be empty fire the board of directors.
Directors swayed by Kenny who was dying to be Carib tourist assn president.
What the fool didn’t realise is that nobody else wanted the job, but Barbados premier cleverly dangled that in front of Kenny’s ego in exchange for CAL route.
The rocket scientist on the board supported him too, to keep his job .
Now we pay for a Max 8 that needs 75% load just to break even, to stoke big man Kenny’s image of himself.
Poor old Roy. Go relax Roy for goodness sake. Sit down
He reminds me of the character Milton from the movie Office Space. Maybe better watch him, he might burn the Parliament building down if he can’t find his stapler.
All Roy needs now is a tophat and he could be the character from Monopoly
This is one of the best statements I have ever read on CNS.
Whenever I play Monopoly from now on, the top hat will represent Roy
Roy has now failed 3 times to form a government….
What good are Roy and the PPM? Outmaneuvered by Mac again.
Enough already Roy. Go sit down
Thanks for this Roy. I hope you have a good seat to watch Cayman collapse with these clowns in charge. You should be proud.
But Roy & Alden, I thought Jon-Jon was your man? He sure did a nice flip flop on you. You guys were out done by the master of deception – McKeeva Bush!
Smart move. Pick the most god awful individuals to form a government now so that in a years time everyone will be begging you to take over. It’s chess.
If there is anything left to take over
The long game! They wouldn’t want to work with the current crew of clowns – who would?
Workplace bullying
Be danged if Mr. Roy’s shirt isn’t almost identical to the McTaggart hunting tartan. Coincidence?
Didn’t turn out how you wanted did it Sir?
You put on a kilt and all the occoutrements, and we just might follow you.
But probably not. Still, your view seems much more stable than the current conglomeration.
Is Roy a lumberjack.
Blah di blah di blah…
Million dollar wall going up at Kenny Beach already. You watching that Roy?
Any planning permission
You don’t need anyone’s permission when you’re KENNETH BRYAN THE SUAVE SUPERSTAR!
A legend in his own tiny mind.
Kenneth the strutting fool.
Any planning permission for his billboards?
Did Kenny beach works go out to competitive threader, or was the work given to friends and family UDP style.
Did Kenny bother to go through the Procurement process , or was it considered, as Mac used to say.. “Bureaucracy”…..UDP style.?
Boo hoo. Say you’re a Progressive contractor crony who’s getting a taste of how he isn’t the one getting his crony contract without saying it. waaaah. it’s not fair. waaaah
That wall looks higher than the regulations specify. Meanwhile why is there no progress on the site.
Or is it a $100,000 wall that someone is being paid a million dollars of public money to build???
You mean like the $10 million high school you built for $125 million or the cruise pier boondoggle you tried your best to force upon us?
Keep your weak accusation to your selfish self. Learn to become wealthy through great performance and not your crony connections.
The high school, whatever it cost will benefit education and the wider community for decades,
WHO will Kenny beach benefit..?
I think we all know the answer, and it certainly ain’t the wider community.
People can’t afford to eat and Kenny is building a bar with millions of dollars of our money. Same as Mac closing the GT Craft Market and building him and his Indian friends a jewellery store. You can’t make this up.
The Indian friend who allegedly got Status by Cabinet grant…?
say it ain’t so Mac.