Jamaican murder suspect rounded up in Cayman

| 09/11/2023 | 18 Comments
RCIPS, Cayman News Service

(CNS): The RCIPS has deported an unnamed Jamaican man back to the neighbouring island after they were alerted by their law enforcement partners there that a murder suspect had travelled to the Cayman Islands. The RCIPS said that officers worked in collaboration with Customs and Border Control to locate the man, who was detained on Wednesday, 8 November. He was taken by CBC officers back to Jamaica on Thursday and handed over to the Jamaican Constabulary Force.

“This apprehension demonstrates the importance of collaborative efforts between the police and our local, regional and international partners in securing our borders,” said Police Commissioner Kurt Walton. “It also sends a clear message that we will act swiftly when alerted of criminals who attempt to enter or reside in our Islands.”

The RCIPS did not say how the man entered Cayman or give any details of the murder that the suspect is wanted for.

This is not the first time that Cayman has deported murder suspects back to Jamaica. In January this year, Ashley Williams (20), from Denham Town in Kingston, was deported after she was accused of murdering David Rowe (47) in Jones Town, Kingston, last November. Williams was in Cayman on a work permit, which officials said had been cleared because she had no police record when the application was made.

Before that, in July 2022, Rudolph “Boxer” Shaw (30) was deported from the Cayman Islands to Jamaica. He was wanted in connection with several murders and had made his way here illegally with at least one other criminal associate. He was shot and killed later in the year by Jamaican police after he had escaped from the Kingston Central police lock-up through an air vent.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Change the permit laws to only allow 15% of Cayman population To be on permits from one Country at one time. To get more have to wait until someone is rolled over to get another one from that country.

  2. Kattina Anglin says:

    The Coast Guard are trying to secure the waters from criminals sailing in.

    The RCIPS is tasked with rounding up the criminals that WORC has licenced to come in.

    Until we stop caving in and feeding the elites’ greed machine WWE will continue to run the risk of serious criminals imported into the country.

    “Sustainable development” is an environmental farce and its only goal is to create economic profit for those who just can’t get enough and live in gated communities, despite the risk to us commoners.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Stop hiring Jamaicans. what’s wrong with you Caymanians. are you fool fool or what? Can’t you see they are ruining these Cayman islands

  4. Anonymous says:

    How did he arrive in Cayman? Was it by plane or boat? Does Cayman still have a visa system for visitors to travel from Jamaica? What loophole was used to obtain a visa?

  5. Anonymous says:

    The RCIPS does not have the power to “deport” anyone. WTF is happening here? Why was the individual not arrested, charged, prosecuted, and brought before the courts. What happened to those that aided and abetted them?

  6. Anonymous says:

    Slow down the permit grants and tighten up border security. Coast guard needs to be out on the ocean patrolling.

    They spend more time on land than at Sea.

  7. Anonymous says:

    He was probably on a work permit at a construction site

    • Anonymous says:

      work permits don’t need Visa. Change that for all Jamaicans coming to Cayman must get Visa permit and all

  8. Anonymous says:

    And the people harboring, employing, housing, employing, and feeding these scum? How many of them have been arrested and prosecuted?

  9. Elvis says:

    Shows how easy it is to murder then come to cayman unchallenged right?

  10. Anonymous says:

    I’m surprised the police were able to piece it together. They are utterly useless.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Good job!

  12. Anonymous says:

    Blacks? Or Buju?


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