Drug arrest made as cops seek out robbery suspects

| 17/11/2023
RCIPS, Cayman News Service

(CNS): A 35-year-old man from West Bay has been arrested for possession with intent to supply and driving while disqualified, as police continue to hunt down those they believe are connected to the current spike in robberies and other gun-related crime. Police said the man was arrested during ongoing targeted operations last week after his vehicle was identified as one that might be associated with the robberies.

Leading into this weekend, the targeted operations will continue, as the police address the issue of serious crime. The public can expect to see vehicle checkpoints, armed patrols and heightened police visibility.

In the arrest last weekend, police said that the driver of the suspect vehicle was acting suspiciously, near the Reflections liquor store on Maclendon Drive in George Town, in the early hours of Sunday. He then attempted to avoid police but he was intercepted on Crewe Road. He and the car were searched and an undisclosed quantity of cash was found on him, along with packaged drugs found in the trunk of the vehicle. 

Receipt books commonly associated with gambling were also recovered from the car. His home address was also searched under the drug laws, and police have now confirmed that they found an undisclosed quantity of ganja and the man was arrested for possession with intent to supply

The RCIPS said it appreciates the community’s support as they work to keep the Cayman Islands safe.

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Category: Crime, Police

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Good going. Keep it up.

  2. Anonymous says:

    We totally need to legalise drugs and gambling, so that the armed robbers can be left to go about their daily lives without fear of arrest.
