Dredging of North Sound for cheap fill refused

| 06/11/2023 | 41 Comments
North Sound Grand Cayman, Cayman News Service
Starfish at the site where developers want to dredge (Photo by DoE)

(CNS): A controversial application to dredge the North Sound for a speculative project has been turned down by the Cabinet. Pierce Holdings had applied for a Coastal Works Permit to dredge an access channel offshore of Block 20C Parcel 176 in George Town to generate fill for a proposed private retirement home in West Bay. But in the summary note issued following a Cabinet meeting on 17 October, it was recorded that the application had been refused.

There is no indication on the brief note why it was refused, but the Department of Environment had recommended that it be declined, not just because of the significant negative environmental impact the dredging would have, but because of the precedent approval would set to allow a developer access to fill on crown land.

In its review of the application, the DoE experts had said that if the project isn’t viable without destroying acres of publicly-owned natural and undisturbed seabed, it should not be approved. “The precedent and environmental effects of permitting a developer to destroy the marine environment in order to access cheaper fill to move off-site are unjustifiable,” the DoE said in its review of the proposed dredging.

While conservationists can breathe a sigh of relief on this project, the constant pressure from developers to build and adapt Grand Cayman’s coastline for commercial projects that have little, if any, benefit for the wider community is becoming one of the biggest concerns for Caymanians.

Alongside the pressure from the cost of living, the worry about the impact unchecked development is having and continues to have on the local community remains a major policy issue. Despite PACT’s stated sustainable agenda, the constant approval of major projects is fuelling public frustration and anger.

See the original DoE report on this proposal in the CNS Library.

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Comments (41)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Dredge it and build it….the Caymanian way

  2. Stop the madness says:

    The petulance and sense of entitlement demonstrated by these new wealthy developers that made the millions in financial services is shocking!

    Having millions does not mean you get to do whatever you want because of your wealth and control over certain MP’s.

    Thankfully logic prevailed in this Cabinet decision.

    • Anonymous says:

      refused in part “because of the precedent approval would set to allow a developer access to fill on crown land.”

      Did I read that right?

      A billionaire wants to use fill dredged up from the bottom of the North Sound, Government owned property for a private venture? W.T.Actual.F?

      All the other quarries ran out of fill or wha?

  3. Anonymous says:

    It too late the environment has already gone to hell. They should fill the sound and make a road to North Side. They already have plans to extend the runway into the sound to bring more passengers to an already crowded airport

  4. Anonymous says:

    This is all a set up so they can bring tankers in for CUC for the natural gas they want. wake up my fellow Cayman people.

  5. Anonymous says:

    let’s hope the president is for no development that affects costal erosion. Morritts has submitted plans to build within the high water easement. I hope it is declined as well.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Come back in 10 years Pierce Holdings and they’ll be biting the hand off you for the money. Cayman is going down the cludgie big time and anarchy is just around the corner.

  7. Rick says:

    CNS, who owns Pierce Holdings?

    • Anonymous says:


    • Anonymous says:

      Unrealistic millionaire’s working with a reputed local billionaire that have lost the plot. Having lots of money does not make people reasonable as they demand special treatment.

      • Anonymous says:

        Lots of money but no common sense. A bad combination. If he is passionate about building Greta Grotto retirement home that surely no regular Caymanian will ever qualify to afford he should be prepares to pay for the fill.

  8. Anonymous says:

    They really thought this would get approved? We won’t even pump sand back onto the beach to save 7 Mile.

    Seriously though, does anyone know why we aren’t pumping sand back onto the beach?

    • Anonymous says:

      Obviously they didn’t grease the correct palms before making the application. That seems to be the only reason for such failures.

      Seriously though, does anyone know why we aren’t pumping sand back onto the beach?

      Pump sand back on to the beach and you will also pump every living creature in that sandy bottom onto the beach and create a dead zone. If you walk Miami Beach and wonder why the visibility is so poor, pumping sand is the answer.

      Let nature take its course, and stop suggesting improvements that God could have made if he only had a dredge.

      • Anonymous says:

        What about the creatures on the beach that have died from habitat loss? Turtle nesting habitat also gone!

        PUMP THE DAMN SAND and do not import any ugly foreign crap!

      • Anonymous says:

        Bollocks! Miami beach has poor visibility due to the wave action coming off the Atlantic Ocean.

        Conch can be relocated before pumping begins, and the rest of the smaller crustaceans will bounce back.

        If nature is allowed to take it’s course like you suggest, we’ll eventually see the beach erode straight through to the North Sound.

        • Anonymous says:

          Bollocks! Miami beach has poor visibility due to the wave action coming off the Atlantic Ocean.

          And what’s your explanation for why it doesn’t happen in Cancun with the same easterly facing beaches?

          • Anonymous says:

            Are you that dense!? 7 mile beach has poor visibility when we have a norwester. It’s due to the wave action. My gosh you’re an idiot.

          • Anonymous says:

            Composition of the sand/sediment completely different in the two locations. Anymore stupid questions?

    • Wa ya say says:

      Oh ye of pea brainS, ya pump sand back to the beach and what happens v walls are built to impede the natural ebb of sea and sand. The end result the sand you pumped in is washed back out. Clear as mud right. Think me chile think.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Well done to the DOE and Cabinet for standing firm on this decision. While progress is inevitable, it is imperative that we proceed responsibly and in a manner that sustains the very essence of Cayman. It is utterly baffling that some developers have the audacity to exploit crown resources for their own gain.

    Wake up, developers! Your actions have left a detrimental impact on the precious coastal areas of the Cayman Islands. The thoughtless disregard for the environment and ecosystem is simply unacceptable. It’s high time you recognize the consequences of your actions and take responsibility for the irreversible damage caused.

    We cannot afford to turn a blind eye to the destruction of our coastal treasures. Cayman deserves responsible development that harmonizes with nature, preserves our diverse marine life, and safeguards our beautiful shorelines for generations to come. It’s time for developers to prioritize sustainable practices and prioritize the long-term well-being of these Islands over short-term gains.

    The development potential is undeniable, but it must be harnessed in a manner that respects the delicate balance of nature and ensures the sustainability of our beloved islands.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Poor bastard didn’t grease the right palms.

    • Anonymous says:

      Poor man is being used.

      The brains behind this bankrolls half of PACT.

    • Anonymous says:

      This is bit mind boggling. The owner of the proposed retirement home is “thick and thin” with certain members of the PACK- heck he was the mastermind in” forming the government” after the last election. It is my understanding that the ” meeting ” was held at his White House? Causes me to wonder if this decision will hold up? I hope so but it ain’t over until it is over.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Once again some mega rich person wishing to do whatever it takes to get what they wanted with no regards to what is left of our Cayman environment. But thankfully Cabinet has shown some effort to protect our environment and we need to see more of this type of action in the future irregardless of who the developer may be. Well done!

  12. Anonymous says:

    Good, that Pierced his big bubble of expectation. Hope its not the same Pierce who owns a recording studio in London? What was this chap thinking or not thinking more like?
    Astounding is the sheer gall of these developers to want to just scrape resources from wherever they like with absolutely no regard for environmental impact.

    • Anonymous says:

      He is a puppet for the real money.

    • Anonymous says:

      The truth is that the foreign investors have seen us approve so
      many protects that are detrimental to the environment, the society, and generally of no value to our way of life that they regard us as gullible fools. Now we are going to import retirees to put more pressure on our health services, our cemeteries and let’s not forget the nappies in the dump. No to dredging and no to the exclusive retirement home.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Can’t go reaming out the Kings bottom all willy nilly now can we?

  14. Anonymous says:

    They’ll just try again.

    • Anonymous says:

      This will be pushed thru and then Dart will do his canal thru to 7 mile beach. No stopping progress!

    • TeeTee says:

      they will and I hope the result is the same and Cabinet don’t go yellow belly on us!@!

  15. Anonymous says:

    ….I mean those idiot developers were just joking, right?

    SURELY, no one could actually be THAT stupid so as to think that this whole hare-brained scheme actually made sense – could they?

  16. Patricia Bryan says:

    Thanks @ CNS for a well-informed article. Great job DoE and Cabinet.
    If it is “private” perhaps they can import fill. “Private” usually means wealthy owner(s)/investors.

  17. Anonymous says:

    Finally some good news and reasonable (albeit obvious) decisions.

    I would like to know who is behind Pierce Holdings and whether they forgot to take their meds when they came up with this idea.

  18. Anonymous says:

    CPA please take this one to Privy Council. We need the old folks home.

    • Anonymous says:

      In the end power and money will win out. Sorry folks but this is the Cayman Islands.

    • Patricia Bryan says:

      @7:15 p.m. If course we need another senior citizen’s home. We need one in every district. BUT…did you really encourage CPA to file to the Privy Council? SIMPLY because the islands need another senior home🥺😯??!
      So rather than have them come back with an alternative to their fill need i.e. IMPORT THEIR OWN FILL? So we allow dredging of our marine world and ecological environment, eroding what protects the foundation of this island to facilitate building a structure😳?! Are you an investor? Are you who the contract will be awarded to?! Have you seen what Grand Cayman looks like underwater, held up by…?!

    • Anonymous says:

      You do realise only the rich will be able to reside there.

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