Seymour resigns with scathing attack on Panton

| 22/09/2023 | 220 Comments
Dwayne Seymour reads out his resignation letter to MPs on Friday

(CNS): Dwayne “John-John” Seymour MP (BTE) has resigned from the PACT Government and from his position as the labour minister. In parliament on Friday, Seymour launched a scathing attack on Premier Wayne Panton before crossing the floor to the opposition benches. This is the second time during this administration that he has moved from one side of the aisle to the other, having joined PACT in November 2021.

Seymour announced his resignation from government Friday afternoon when he read out a resignation letter he had sent to Governor Jane Owen, in which he said that he had never experienced such “disorganisation” and “lacklustre leadership”. He said he had crossed the floor to join PACT to help and offer his experience and to give the country some assurances. He then launched a direct attack on the premier.

“In my opinion, the autocratic way and manner in which the premier of this country leads his caucus leaves me much to be desired [sic]. It is my experience, it is his way or no way,” he said. “The premier’s failure to adequately engage and empower the civil service, his inability to keep his PACT group cohesive and focused, his inability to get the 2024/25 budget completed in a timely and consultative manner, his inability to listen and his inability to show fairness to all of his caucus are untenable.”

Seymour continued his criticisms of Panton, adding that he believed the country required leadership that had the full support of the caucus, one that inspired the country and gave the people hope in challenging times. The Bodden Town representative added that he was still fully committed to serving the country as an MP.

Seymour asked for his constituents’ forgiveness for not calling a public meeting to tell them in advance of his resignation, as he implied it was some sort of emergency, but he was confident he had made the right decision. He said he was disappointed because he had thought a government of independents could work.

“There was so much we could have achieved,” he said, adding that “it had taken a toll on me” and referring to “what happened last night” without specifying what part of the late-night proceedings had caused him to decide to resign.

Shortly after Seymour wrapped up his resignation speech, McKeeva Bush, as Father of the House, asked the speaker for a suspension of the proceedings.

Check back to CNS for more on this breaking news story.

Watch Seymour read his resignation letter in parliament on CIGTV below:

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  1. Anonymous says:

    I appriciate how john john can switch sides twice in two years to whatever political party he believes is most in favour to save face and ensure he retains his wotes.

    Biggest joke of all is how mcbeater is the father of the house and all these jokers are honourable members.

    as that commentator says “Just Another Day in Absurdistan”

  2. Anonymous says:

    Tickets are now on sale for the cage fight between Saunders and KB for who will be king 👑 with Mac as the referee🤡🤡🤡

  3. Caymanian voter mother of two says:

    We, the voters need to start paying attention. We have huge problems coming at us in health care, pension and immigration. We need to brainstorm for solutions NOW. Our children are going to pay tomorrow for our lackadaisical attitude today.

    • Anonymous says:

      LOL “brainstorm”

      • Haters will be haters says:

        To Anonymous 23/09/2023 at 3:37pm: I assume you are a voter and hence you have a brain. Otherwise, you are simply a hater and if so, it is understood that you do not care about Cayman, only what you can get out of it for as long as you can get it.

        • Anonymous says:

          Assuming voters around here have brains leads me to believe that you are a little short in that department yourself.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Panton must’ve thought politics and political leadership is like running a big law firm where others are doing all the work for him. PACT appear disorganized every time there is a session in parliament. Do they agree on anything as a group? The buck stops with the leader.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Seymour failed to deliver as a minister and clearly could not handle the responsibilities of his ministry so did what he always does and jumped ship. This is the second time he has failed the country when appointed as a Minister. He does not deserve a third chance.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Wayne Panton deserves it. What a disappointment as a leader given a great chance to change the way things operate. He appears aloof or tone deaf not valuing the views of others due to his arrogance and lack of understanding the concepts of mutual respect.

  7. Anonymous says:

    John John joining PACT was all a ploy. Who crosses over and leaves in such a short period? Thought he wanted what was best for the country.

    Could it also be that he couldn’t handle the role as Labour minister?

    • Anonymous says:

      I guess you are just going to ignore his resignation speech? He gave his reasons. Other PACT members are voicing the same concerns to people, just not publicly… There is deep seated contempt for Wayne within the group, they all appointed him Premier and now he is showing his true colours. I for one am not surprised, I know him and I know how he is. That why I wouldnt vote for him and I never will.

      • Anonymous says:

        You really think he wrote it?

      • Anonymous says:

        Panton made them. He got in bed with the devil to form this government and now he’s reaping what he’s sown. In his thirst for power the resulting paralysis means we will have wasted four years with no measurable progress. Congrats Wayne.

  8. Anonymous says:

    This back peddling Jon Jon is destabilizing the country. Find it in your heart and stop this foolishness. I understand the premier don’t have no balls and will not stand up for the environment but he no different of only looking out for himself and special interests.

    • Anonymous says:

      Wayne Pantons leadership is destabilising the country. I have never seen such a mess. they have met 3 times this year in Parliament, this is completely ridiculous. And when they meet the majority of changes are brought by the Opposition. The Government is doing absolutely nothing but a lot of talking and announcements.

  9. Sports fan says:

    So what’s the plan. Where do we go from here. Do you have a strategic plan? You don’t just move to the other side without the 🏈 Game on🧐

  10. Anonymous says:

    Well those who vote for him know what they will get, a big pair of flip flops! Lol

  11. Anonymous says:

    Can we get that in Urdu as well please?

  12. Anonymous says:

    John John can’t even spell rezegkneeshon

  13. anonymous says:

    Is there any truth to the stories that Jon-Jon moved to the PACT because Kenneth threatened to take away his government contracts at the airport. Must have struck a deal with Kenny and maybe that explains his comment about his PACT colleagues ‘who would make a good Premier one day’.
    #freshelection #needforeducated&honestpolitians

    • Anonymous says:

      Can his businesses be checked to make sure he is following all the relevant labor laws like overtime, holiday, vacation, health insurance, pensions and sick pay? As the former minister for labor he must be well aware of all the laws.

  14. Anonymous says:

    This what happens when you are used to having your own way and when you can’t, you shift blame and walk away and hope that the people see you as some kind of God nad here that they absolutely need. Sickens me to the core.

    John John, as you said it is not your first rodeo but it should well be your last. It is time that the people of Cayman stop electing these types of politicians who bring nothing to the table save for “personality” and promises that they can’t keep. John John has switched sides so many times now that I have lost count. This is a man that will go wherever the money and power is. Unfortunately for him, this time he ended up in a situation where he was not overly glorified and not consistently given his way.

    I cannot express enough how new, younger and more innovative people need to get involved in Government and we need to give them a chance to prove themselves. When I see some of the new blood that we elected, ie Andre, Jay, Sabrina, and to some extent, my favorite loose canon Kenneth (unfortunately his ego and thirst for power will be the death of his political career but he is still young so I’m willing to give him a chance to turn himself around) getting on with the “people’s work” and being effective, it gives me great hope that maybe some others will step up to the challenge and we can get more qualified individuals who can put their egos aside, work within the structure and laws that were set for them and do what is best for the country. We can no longer continue recycling these old, useless, egotistical, “what’s in it for me” politicians. One needs to only look at the opposition side where the PPM sits and you will see exactly what I am talking about. The same goes for the couple of independents like John John and Chris Saunders that have joined them. They are all birds of a feather and they will never change their ways. We need better than these, Cayman.

    People of Cayman, in the next election, I beg of you to set aside personalities, “who you Mama or Papa tell you to vote for”, or who is going to give you that washing machine or turkey and ham for Christmas and better scrutinize those that offer themselves for office in the light of what skills, education and track record they can the bring to the table that will help our country in the long run.

    Let’s dump most of these old recycled politicians that are just there for the money and for the power. If we don’t we are headed towards being like many of our neighboring countries to the east and we cannot let this shining star in the Caribbean go down that route.

  15. Anonymous says:

    Hope Roy stands firm and doesn’t take him into opposition. He now has time to find a donkey and check the moon phases. The fact he has switched sides all the time shows his inability to put 100 % into any side. Best he is out !!!

    • Anonymous says:

      Roy? You mean Alden right? That old fuddy duddy they call Roy is nothing more than a puppet whose strings are pulled by Alden.

  16. E says:

    Seymour’s critique of the Premier doesn’t sugarcoat the situation. The concerns he raised about autocracy, a fragmented PACT group, budget delays, and a lack of fairness demand attention. In these trying times, leadership that unites and inspires is paramount to success. Seymour’s words serve as a firm but necessary wake-up call for the Premier.

  17. Anonymous says:

    A man of the people for the people! Powerful and stimulating. On top of that looks quite like Denzel Washington. I literally was hearing the Rocky movie theme music when reading the statement. This country needs you tanks. Tanks a lot!

  18. Anonymous says:

    A beacon of light! That’s what I’m talking about. History will remember this day just like Martin Luther King’s speech. I would be doing myself a disservice if I didn’t behoove that Dwayne “The Rock” Seymour should be his new nickname.

  19. Anonymous says:

    Was his resignation written in crayon? Just curious.

    • Anonymous says:

      No, he kept eating the crayons so they had Alden type it up and John John just signed it. Falling in line like Joey Who and Grampa Roy.

  20. Concerned pensioner says:

    Snap Election please asap!

  21. Anonymous says:

    That’s a good start. How lucky we would be if he resigned from public service all together and stopped embarrassing us. that would be awesome. Also please take Julianna and Kenneth with you kind sir as they are just as dangerous if not worse.

  22. Anonymous says:

    For a brief second the entirety of Cayman breathed a sigh of relief thinking this clown has resigned from politics full stop. Alas, it was not to be.

    “Leaves me much to be desired”. What a joker. That’s BTE for you.

  23. Thugs rule in Parliament says:

    Did DuhWayne ever contemplate that little old him was ever fit to be in the house to begin with? He wouldn’t know contempt if it smacked him up side his head. Your lack of rehearsal and unconvincing read of your resignation speech someone else penned is proof enough of your simpleness.
    Do Cayman a favour and disappear for good, its a pity you didn’t quit government completely DuhWayne. Now go and form your own Morons and Misfits party with Sir Alden et al.
    Alternately, I hear there’s an opening for a Lightpole Design Engineer at NRA. Maybe you can come up with one that dodges drunk drivers?

  24. Anon says:

    I’m sure he and the donkey and Jesus will enjoy their retirement together, what an embarrassment to politics this man was

  25. Anonymous says:

    Another struggle for power with John John..I wonder what Alden is offering this time around..Lord help us!

    We have to stop recycling this useless politicians and find some decent Caymanians that are going to work for the people and leave their egos and pocketbooks at home..

    Sick and tired of them now.

  26. Cheese Face says:

    This man, this idiot, is nothing more than a baby. The one thing Wayne did that pissed me off, was get this overgrown man child off his alleged DUI (shame on you you Wayne). But let’s get back on point. This absolute fool should not be allowed to run his own lunch money. He has the brain power of Cryin Bryan, hungover and on a major coke comedown. If you’d like to see major financial firms leave this jurisdiction, vote these cock badgers back in. I weep for all of us 🙁

  27. Junior says:

    Hehe so embarrassing im so sorry for him

  28. Anonymous says:

    Trouble in paradise

  29. Anonymous says:

    Let’s be real here: this is a net positive for PACT. Please let Julianna be next.

  30. Anonymous says:

    “He said he had crossed the floor to join PACT to help and offer his experience and to give the country some assurances. “


  31. Anonymous says:

    Panton is justified leading in an autocratic manner when idiots like Seymour are in the cabinet.

    • Anonymous says:

      But he chose to be the leader of those you call idiots. Because he wanted to be Premier more than anything else

      • Anonymous says:

        It was him or Chris Saunders.i think we got the better one..Can you imagine Chris Saunders as the Premier of this Country?? Lord forbid.

  32. Anonymous says:

    Dont be fooled people, there is a larger plan that has been schemed…..stay tuned, in the coming weeks there are going to be more.

  33. Anonymous says:

    So John John couldn’t have his own way and like a spoilt child he packed his bags and ran back to Alden. What a complete idiot! Hope the people of understand now that no matter what side you vote him on in, he will drop you you like a hot potato for the next best thing..

  34. Anonymous says:

    He goes where the wind blows and who will let him have his way.

    Most of these old school guys are used to being able to have their own way. Someone, like Wayne who is principled and not easily swayed by money or power will never be able to work with lunatics like this one.

    Alden will take him back as long as he can be Premier again.

  35. Anonymous says:

    Puffed up moron.

  36. Anonymous says:

    If you know Wayne Panton well enough you will believe that Jon Jon has a point!

  37. Anonymous says:

    Premier Panton is intelligent, environmentally conscious, and looking out for the long term sustainable best interests of the Cayman Islands.

    MP Seymour would have done better to learn from Mr. Panton. Mr Panton has done more for the environment and to prepare for increasing climate change issues than Mr. Seymour did when he had that portfolio.

    Thank you for your steady leadership Premier Panton.

    • Anonymous says:

      Wayne Panton is an arrogant bully that demonstrates little respect for anybody that dare expresses an opposing view on anything. Stubborn like mule and does not care to see the other side of anything because he is always correct. That is a receipt for disaster as a leader

      • Anonymous says:

        He also has a lot of dollars! At least word on the street was that he had a lot on the campaign trail. Hope he saved some for a rainy day- looks like it is getting overcast again.

    • Disgusted He Voted No To Pepper Spray says:

      @7:03 p.m. that is all and only what Premier Panton is focused on.
      when you see the leader of government leans back in his chair as though he’s lounging while the rest of the government including the opposition votes to legalize pepper spray and he is the ONLY member who loudly, proudly voice “NO” despite all of the statements and the please and the illustrations of how such a request would benefit the members of our community especially women it tells you a lot about the person. but like everything else until it falls at ine’s doorstep most people will never know.🤷‍♀️

  38. Anonymous says:

    Let’s see who is Premier on Monday – Kenny or Chris Saunders are the odds on favorites it seems

  39. Anonymous says:

    Good riddance. Bodden Town, please choose better.

  40. Anonymous says:

    McKeevea shouldn’t even be sitting in Government. This government is disgraceful to say the least. John John no great loss buy nevertheless he has good points. Kenneth being discord to caymanians versus foreigners, nothing from the premier on his poster with no one knowing about it

  41. Anonymous says:

    Wonder whether the Premier might eventually have to request that the Governor prorogue Parliament early and hold early elections (as Alden did, which caused early elections in 2021)?

  42. Nope says:

    Sponsored by Carl’s Jr.

  43. Anonymous says:

    Now go get a real job and see if you can keep it.

  44. Anonymous says:

    Does anyone care??

  45. Anonymous says:

    What a complete mess. I heard the way Alden spoke to Wayne and it’s almost like it’s orchestrated. Poor Wayne, he’s finding out what happens when you side with people of bad character to get yourself in power.

  46. Anonymous says:

    I am not heart broken and I don’t think I am alone as from the number of hits on the happy emoji.

    Your help and/or experience is minimal and your overall leadership seem to be no better than the Premier’s. ‘Pot calling the Kettle black’.

    My biggest worry now though is which of the other self serving politrickers in the House will replace him?

  47. Anonymous says:

    With all these MLA’s complaining about the Premier, one wonders if there is some truth behind the allegations?

  48. Anonymous says:

    what. Did the Premier stop him from bringing on his friends in that 1100 total the Premier nixed?

  49. Anonymous says:

    Its so difficult to figure out whether Dwayne John John Seymour wrote this resignation letter himself, – he didn’t even know who the addressee was, –

    • Anonymous says:

      In the Marl road report he said he was upset with Panton’s “Aristocratic” style.
      CNS have corrected this to “Autocratic”…
      Which did he actually say..?

    • Anonymous says:

      Sir Alden probably drafted the letter because this guy can not string two sentences together, in any case good riddance. Maybe now the labor department will straiten out the Palm Heights hotel fiasco along with all the “buy work permit” people running around. It would be nice if Seymour’s side businesses were also investigated for any possible labor infractions.

    • Anonymous says:

      I’m still in a state of shock to learn that he can read.

  50. Anonymous says:

    Who the h*** is going to call now after crashing into a light pole late at night !?!


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