Family hospitalised after car crash in North Side

| 07/09/2023 | 12 Comments

(CNS): One woman and a baby are currently in hospital, both in stable condition, while a man has been treated and discharged following an early morning collision in North Side on Thursday. Police were called to the scene just after 1:15am on Frank Sound Road, where a white Kia Optima travelling south had come off the road and hit a concrete post and a utility pole.

Emergency services attended the location, and the family were taken to the Cayman Islands Hospital to be treated for their injuries. Police said the matter is under investigation.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    There seems to be too many spirits either on these roads in the Cayman or either in the people, but they are more than just operating under the influence of alcohol and to know something could potentially cause a life and you continue to partake of it, that is more than just influence, it’s more like a curse. Better have a march on these roads in The Cayman Islands and ask The Lord God to turn back every accident cause this is way more than anyone can imagine.

    • Anonymous says:

      We have a Marl roader!

      It’s nothing to do with God, and everything to do with terribly trained, terrible drivers.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Why can’t people keep their cars on the road here? Speeding? Alcohol? Drugs? Just crappy driving? If any of those things are an issue here, the driver should be utterly ashamed of themselves, with a baby in the car.
    This dangerous driving should get people a lengthy driving ban.

  3. anonymous says:

    Do people actually get charged for dangerous or reckless driving when these crashes happen? There are instances every other week and all we see on CMR is ‘prayers for the family’ etc. You have a kid in the car and you’ve driven into a utility pole – how?! Sure the only damage they have done is to themselves, but they could have easily injured or killed someone else.

  4. Anonymous says:

    those pesky utility poles always getting in the way.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Was the baby in a proper car seat?

    • Anonymous says:

      At 1.15am?

    • Anonymous says:

      The Cayman baby seat is either cradled in arms in front of an airbag, or loose on the backseat.

      If older, it’s imperative that the child is allowed to stand in the space between the two front seats. This way they’re ejected through the windscreen in the event of a highly likely crash, and thus away from the car wreckage.

      • Anonymous says:

        at 4.53 what a moron.

      • Anonymous says:

        Truth. No matter what the 3rd world imports think.

        The police should be sorting that mess out. Adults get a choice. Children do not.

        You should be punished so heavily for putting your child’s life at risk for such a simple solution that your child inherits that idea.

        It’s disgusting how many children have been injured at 2am on our roads because they are sat in the front lap of someone or sitting between the back seats.

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