Women urged to report indecent assaults on buses

| 07/08/2023 | 16 Comments
Public buses at George Town depot on Grand Cayman, Cayman News Service
Public buses at George Town depot

(CNS): Police are investigating at least two cases of indecent assault on public buses, and they are urging other victims to come forward. In a brief press release with few details about the serious incidents, the RCIPS said they were investigating complaints by women who reported being inappropriately touched by another passenger while using public transport.

In addition to the two separate incidents that are already being investigated by the RCIPS Protective Services, the police suspect that there may have been other incidents that have gone unreported for various reasons.

Anyone who has been assaulted in this manner while travelling on public transport buses in the Cayman Islands is encouraged to report these incidents to the police by calling 649-2930 and leaving a message with your full name and contact details.

Anonymous tips can be provided to the RCIPS Confidential Tip Line at 949-7777 or the website.

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Category: Crime, Police

Comments (16)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    So we have another reason to remove this kludge of a bus system and replace it.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Unwanted inappropriate actions should definitely be deterred. But what has the PTU/PTB done about the dangerous driving of many of these same bus drivers? Nothing!

    Dangerous driving generally has a higher risk of fatal consequences than uninvited groping!

    PTB/PTU, please focus on fixing your present problems, you’re not capable of taking on any more challenges!!

  3. Lead by example says:

    Really 529pm drove by one politicianā€™s house in Eastern district 9 vehicles at his hacienda just as bad as one of my neighborā€™s in my complex over 52 cars he has imported and sold 2022- 2023 and more arriving and on a work permit this type of @#%$hit has to stop Cayman. Sex assault transporting drugs prostitution all sorts of stuff going on public buses. How do we expect them to really do any better when the political leaders in charge are not setting any example. Why donā€™t they ride the bus a couple of times to see what is really going on ??

  4. Anonymous says:

    And politicians are trying to get people out of their cars and use public transport!

  5. STOP Cayman says:

    Big surprise here i thought the hoard all had deportees cause their brethren have been actively buying them cheap overseas and importing them and clogging up our roads whilst on Work permits. This S%$@ need to stop PACT this definitely would not be allowed in their country that’s for sure!

  6. Cayman last Generation says:

    Look no further than those in control of public buses???? No surprise here and their driving habits are just as criminal. Cayman urgently needs a serious purge but it appears to be too late now our politicians are totally useless and our government leadership has now been overrun not sure why we keep hoisting the Cayman Flag up on flag poles?

  7. Anonymous says:

    Any update on the revamp of the Public Transport system PACT?

  8. Anonymous says:

    why don’t public busses have cameras? police and politicians?? too afraid to arrest their cousin….

  9. Anonymous says:

    You can’t make a step these days without being caught on camera. Not in Cayman however. And this is by design.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Why canā€™t the men report the same?

    • Anonymous says:

      They can, it’s just that most females are entirely too smart to stoop to mere groping on the bus.

      If you mean ‘why can’t men who see inappropriate touching report it’, then I say that they can and should. I hope nobody has to suffer the humiliating of being groped or touched without permission, however if it happens in front of me, I will say something, and most likely do something about it. I would guess in such a circumstance, the other bus patrons would suddenly become fascinated by something out the windows.

      We need to start taking care of our own, and that means ALL residents here. The Police can only respond after the fact. We need to be a more active part of the community/police liaison. No, sadly, I don’t completely trust them either, but we’ve got to step up.

      • Anonymous says:

        Itā€™s commonplace and accepted in other culturesā€¦ the same cultures you will find driving and riding the bus

        • Anonymous says:

          According to McKeeva its our culture too (ref Miami Casino case). Apart from that,we get unwelcome gropes and advances all over the place, not just on buses. They need to educate on sexual harassment… against both sexes.

        • Anonymous says:


  11. Anonymous says:

    and if you do report, nothing happens.
    mandatory cameras, gos tracking and one mistake lose your license.
    very simple, very effective.
    trouble is, nobody in charge cares.
    and in a religious society, women rights don’t exist.


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