POF students plan climate action demo

| 28/08/2023 | 29 Comments
Protect Our Future 2021 campaign

(CNS): Several local environmental activist groups are inviting everyone to join them next month in a climate demonstration spearheaded by Protect Our Future. The organisers are also urging young people especially to take part in a global letter-writing campaign to government leaders here and around the world, sharing their concerns about climate change and the need to end fossil fuel dependence.

The letters will be presented to the Cayman Islands Government on 15 September, the day of the protest, which will take place outside the Government Administration Building in George Town at 4pm. The activists said this was an opportunity for students to use their voices and join the global cry for a fair and fossil fuel–free future.

The demonstration on Grand Cayman will take place as thousands of other young people around the world come together to demand that governments listen to the need for clean, safe, renewable energy before it’s too late. In the wake of the hottest summer in recorded history and the UN Secretary-General announcing that the planet is entering an era of “global boiling”, this is more necessary than ever before, the organisers said in a press release.

“The continued use and promotion of fossil fuels by corporations and governments both here in Cayman and around the world is causing devastating environmental catastrophe,” said POF Leader Evie Sweetman. “This is so severe, we are watching our terrestrial and marine habitats, not to mention endemic species, deteriorate at an exponential rate, while freak weather events decimate populations and communities. In joining this global demonstration, the youth of Cayman are voicing their support for change and a movement into a new, fossil fuel–free future.”

For information about the letter-writing campaign, visit fightfossilfuels.net and send completed letters to protectourfuturecayman@gmail.com

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Category: Climate Change, Science & Nature

Comments (29)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Lovely timing to block a lot of afternoon traffic, I can clearly see where this is going.

  2. Anonymous says:

    In 25 years humanity will look back at us now and think we were reckless beyond expression. They’ll believe we had collectively lost our minds and hate us for our passivity in the face of clear, approaching calamity. They’ll be right.

    Welcome to the war kids. The deniers and conspiracy believers on here are but a taste of the headwinds we all face in trying for collective change. Selfish avoidance of any collective responsibility up until death seems to be the modern human condition. The reality is that children born today will not be dying old and in their beds but more likely from starvation or a bullet. Don’t mock them for their efforts to bring about a livable future for themselves.

  3. Anonymous says:

    What we need is a good nuclear war between India and China. That should solve the problem for hundreds of years to come.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Sadly, neither young nor grownup Climate Warriors understand the matter which is extremely complex that even real scientists can’t come to an agreement.

    Methods used to fight the alleged global warming, no offence, are laughable. Kids are being
    kids, at least they write letters.

    Pollution is The Number One Problem the planet Earth is facing today-everything live and breathing is literally poisoned to its last cell, molecule and atom. We and all things alive being plasticised, insecticided, herbicided, fungicided, vaccinated, antibiotic-cided, nuked (ct scans, x-rays, etc) to our core.

    Lastly how can you fight the alleged global warming in the presence of never ending wars that release so much energy in the atmosphere and poison the environment? What about Fukushima water dump in the Pacific? Do these kids even know about these global affairs?

    It’s strange how the climate NGOs and their legion of crazies are always ready to target and harass working class people or farmers with their ideology. But all corporations responsible of serious environmental damage get a free pass.

    • Anonymous says:

      What about the one and only cause? There are to many people on this blue spaceship. In 2023 there are 8 billion people on the planet and in 1975 there were 4 billion. In 48 years the population has doubled! Its not the pollution and the wars, it’s people and the production of goods to sustain their lives.

      • Anonymous says:

        What is the plan?

      • Anonymous says:

        Feel free to distance yourself from the world and contribute to the cause you feel so strongly about. Consider seeking admission to a mental health facility due to the distressing and offensive nature of your depopulation theory. What you seem to advocate for is nothing but the widespread loss of human lives.

  5. Anonymous says:

    keep it up, we don’t have much hope unless you kids stand up to my generation of deniers.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Great. Can we also see what the ‘activists’ solutions are to these problems. Can we also see what results they computed from the available data? Have they listened to both sides of the arguments from opposed climatologists?

    CNS: Cornell University: More than 99.9% of studies agree: Humans caused climate change

    The Harvard Gazette: Tracing Big Oil’s PR war to delay action on climate change

    • Anonymous says:

      The science is not settled

      CNS: Laura Ingram talking derogatorily about “opinion masquerading as news masquerading as science” is rich beyond words. An example: What Fox News hosts allegedly said privately versus on-air about false election fraud claims . Fox is not “news”.

      The fossil fuel industry and its political and media lackeys have adopted the tactics of the tobacco industry: 99.9% of climate scientists agree, but you find the one or two that don’t and push their views relentlessly so that people think that both sides of the argument are equal. That video is a prime example of this.

      When Trump’s EPA Needed a Climate Scientist, They Called on John Christy

      “Christy’s argument has shifted from the early days of his work, when he challenged the notion that global warming was taking place. Since at least 2007, he has acknowledged that the Earth is warming, but not as quickly as the climate models predict. A team from NASA, the University of California, Berkeley, and Massachusetts Institute of Technology recently published a study showing that global sea-surface temperatures were well in line with climate models. But Christy, Spencer and others who rely on their work often display a chart that plots their satellite readings against those of the climate models that show no such agreement. It has become iconic among those who challenge climate science.”

    • Fly Ash says:

      Okay CNS, but what are their solutions?

      Would it include tackling the secretive system of global financial injustice which facilitates, promulgates and feeds off of all of the corporatized greed which they have rightfully recognized and referenced? You know, the one that is housed a few hundred feet away from where most of the youths in POF attend school? The one which uses ESG as nothing more than a marketing and public relations scam and a hidden in plain sight greenwashed lie? The one which is headquartered in “The City of London”? The one which Cayman has been squirrel-holed into being used and abused, institutionally corrupted, and grossly yet inequitably over-developed as a satellite pawn for? The one which is the “pillar” of Cayman’s unsustainable and monopolized farce of a viable economy for? The one which is the chosen profession of many if not most of their parents, the proceeds of which allows these youths to be indoctrinated into an education in how to speak out of both sides of one’s mouth whether they realize it yet or not?

      What are their solutions beyond virtue signalling paper straws which contain PFAS “forever chemicals” whilst their mentors are content to myopically collude with the worst of the worst?

      What the hell is the deal with straws anyway. Go get a sippy cup and use that.

      What are their solutions beyond some elitist’s fascist global impetus to force all of humanity into a diet of veganism when the reality is that the industrial agricultural complex’s production of soybean and other plant-based protein products parallel the negative environmental impact of meat production? Would their “educators” prefer that we all embark on a concerted effort to rid the world of all wild and/or domestic ruminants which have the unforgiveable temerity of being flatulent as part of their naturally occurring digestive processes?

      What are their solutions beyond mining of the ocean floor, the exponential increase in the mining of lithium, cobalt, copper etc. and all of the negative impacts which that creates now or will create in the future in order to fulfil the nonsensical dictates of the supposed “green new deal” or the “great reset” which they themselves have been indoctrinated into the propagandized ethos of and for?

      These youths deserve more, and they deserve better, than to be insidiously processed into sympathetic shills for an agenda built upon the most senselessly vile of what are ultimately destructive hypocrisies.

      Anyone with a modicum of sense knows that not only Houston but all of us collective universal have a problem.

      What are the solutions?

      Hollow rhetoric and hypocrisy are not solutions.

      There are solutions for Cayman, but those solutions will not be realized under the regime of subjection and subjugation which Cayman is presently under the thumb of.

      The realization of that simple truth is step one for a better way forward.

      CNS: Instead of calling them hypocrites, I would suggest that you go to the demo and talk to the organisers. I think you will find they are far more informed than you give them credit for, and you also might give them something to think about. This clearly would be much more fruitful than expecting CNS to speak for them. Personally, I find the extreme snarkiness in your comment against young people trying to change their world grating. Whether you agree with them or not, surely you remember what it’s like to think that the world can be changed for the better. “Virtue-signalling” (like “woke”), is a tired, hacneyed expression and I think you can do better. Start by talking to them and learning about their point of view.

  7. Anonymous says:

    talk to China and India! They produce 70% of the global emissions and they have no plans to stop anytime soon. Disrupting Cayman who doesn’t produce a fraction (the smallest possible) of the worlds emissions is silly and will only lead to more non-sense on this already comical island. Cayman should start by preserving its environment from constant over development, but oh wait, that would mean we would have to stop importing expats and 14,000 jamaicans and others would have to find another construction boom elsewhere. Cant have that now can we, so lets pretend like our emissions are a serious problem.

    • Anonymous says:

      caymankind mentality…maybe every small city or country in the world should follow the same idiotic logic???

  8. Anonymous says:

    it is not fossil fuels but plastic that would decide our future. Research how microplastics affect climate change. It is in the air, in all bodies of water, in umbilical cords and breast milk.
    Did these kids contact The Ocean Cleanup Inc? Perhaps they should invite Boyan Slat, 27, CEO of The Ocean Cleanup. Younger generations would definitely relate to this young man. If every kid, teenager and young adult would meet this remarkable man, listen to him. learn about his project, things might start moving in the right direction.

    Otherwise Cayman kids will continue focusing on fossil fuels and meat.

    • Anonymous says:

      I am not aware of a single entrepreneur especially that young whose dream is to eliminate pacific garbage vortex, among other projects.
      He is the modern day true HERO.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Fossil fuels dependence isn’t even 50% of the GHGE contributions. We are heading for disaster without major consumer behavior changes in regards to acceptance of post-WW2 meat and dairy diets. A lot easier to fill our carts better than energy transition.

  10. Yasmine says:

    The biggest misinformation of our time, second to COVID, that has no purpose but to introduce and implement new taxes. in the 60s they scared the world about running out of oil, 70s they said we’ll have an ice age by the 1980, which then they said we will all die of acid rain. The Ozon layer was the biggest scare (what happened to that AL Gore?) in the 2000 the “scientist” absolutely agreed that the ice caps will be all milted by 2010. can we stop fueling these lies and just simply be sensible about our waste? can we simply contain our garbage and stop shoving our plastic water/juice bottles in the bushes, in the tree trunks and next to the garbage bin? why not stop using “convenience” as an excuse for using styrofoam? and most importantly, can we all take care of the trees, the earth lungs!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      Covid and climate change denier. Winning combination there, bub

      • Anonymous says:

        Because you disagree, you’re labeled. How’s about you form an argument instead?

      • Anonymous says:

        sadly there are too many like him that at the very end will blame it on something else… most likely the Democrats in the US somehow.

    • Anonymous says:

      Where do you conspiracy theorist cone up with this logic? It’s scary cause you actually think you’re being intelligent but you’re just illustrating your lack of critical thought or research. What’s your agenda for perpetuating your own ignorance and displaying it publicly? It’s weird

    • Anonymous says:

      Past predictions, like the ‘70s ice age, were based on limited data. The ozone layer issue led to the 1987 Montreal Protocol which successfully reduced CFCs, and the layer is now healing. It’s true that some earlier climate predictions were off, but the overwhelming consensus now is that human-induced climate change is real. Absolutely agree on waste management and valuing trees. Let’s use accurate data and work together for a sustainable future and not get caught up in conspiracy theories with no evidence.

  11. Anonymous says:

    cayman islands…the place that can’t afford a glass crusher.
    welcome to wonderland

  12. anon says:

    I will be off island so can’t attend to support … but I DO hope that many people of all ages will show up to let their views be acknowledged.


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