Local bullfinch gets ‘Cayman status’

| 27/07/2023 | 20 Comments
  • Cayman bullfinch, Cayman News Service
  • Cayman bullfinch, Cayman News Service

(CNS): The Grand Cayman bullfinch has been reclassified as a separate species, Melopyrrha taylori, having previously been considered a subspecies of a monotypic West Indian genus. As of this month, the American Ornithological Society now recognises the Cayman bullfinch and the Cuban bullfinch (Melopyrrha nigra) as two endemic species. The decision was a belated response to a 2014 paper by four authors from Cuba and two from the Cayman Islands, the National Trust for the Cayman Islands said in a release.

Local wildlife expert and one of the authors, Patricia E. Bradley, said the endemic split had already been recognised by other world ornithological councils. As a single-island endemic species of restricted range, the bullfinch is likely to be reclassified on the IUCN Red List of endangered species to a near-threatened species of global concern.

In modern times, the bullfinch lives only on Grand Cayman. Up to the 1980s, it was widespread throughout the island but due to intense development in the western half of Grand Cayman, it has shifted eastward and now occurs almost exclusively east of Newlands. In the 1970s, Gary Morgan identified fossil bones of this species from circa 13,000 BP (BP= Before Present, i.e. before around the 1950s) from caves on Cayman Brac.

It will require monitoring by the Department of Environment to ensure that, as development continues to encroach into its eastern habitats, sufficient areas are protected and remain connected to allow continued genetic diversity.

“Having an endemic bird is important — giving us a new flagship species to promote Cayman ‘s international biodiversity status and, locally, in education, tourism and the necessity of protecting wildlife habitat,” Bradley wrote in the release.

Both sexes of our bullfinch are morphologically distinct from the Cuban, being larger, longer, heavier and with a larger, wider and deeper bill. Colouration differs with the dull black of the Cayman male as opposed to the glossy black with a violet sheen of the Cuban. Both species have white on the underwing and on outer primaries showing as a white bar on the closed wing.

The Cayman female is bi-coloured, blackish upperparts with brownish-olive grey underparts while the Cuban female is slate-blackish overall. Vocalisations are also distinctly different, with the Cuban song more complex. Cayman birds build large bulky globular nests, often in a tangle of vines, woven with fibres, grasses, rootlets and twigs and lined with feathers; the entrance at the side.

Preferred trees are Silver Thatch and two species of Shake Hand. Both adults build the nest and feed the young; only the female broods, 2-4 dull greenish-white eggs with reddish spotting. The nest is also used for roosting post-breeding. The bullfinch forages predominately on seeds and fruits throughout most habitats; it breeds preferably in dry shrubland and dry woodland, occasionally in forest and buttonwood-mangrove edge.

Breeding has not been recorded in mangrove forest or in coastal seagrape hedge.

The Cayman Islands have 16 endemic subspecies, of these the Cuban Parrot has two subspecies, one on Grand Cayman and one on Cayman Brac. It is a likely candidate for genetic study to determine if either or both subspecies are sufficiently different from those on Cuba and the Bahamas to warrant separate endemic species designation.

The Grand Cayman Thrush, the only other modern endemic bird, was last seen in 1938 and is now considered extinct.

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Category: Land Habitat, Science & Nature

Comments (20)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    We know so little about the intelligence of nature.

  2. Eve O'Leutian says:

    Evolution can explain the prevalence of speciesism in separated island populations very simply. Those of you who think it all happened by magic have a tougher time.

  3. Anonymous says:

    What is 13,000 BP?

    CNS: Sorry, my note in brackets “before around the 1950s” was inadequate and clearly only added to the confusion. There is a full explanation here.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Even Solomon in all his glory has nothing on the simplest bird.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Every cat & dog that rolls up here has status. Why not this bird!!

  6. Anonymous says:

    Spending summers in the savannah area in the early 2000’s , these were plentiful on Pedro castle road. Nesting in the barb wire fence in clear view. Now, one has to venture deep into the interior to hopefully catch at least a glimpse of the bullfinch. Changing the name won’t help unless we change our mindset towards over-development.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Now let’s keep getting rid of feral cats and iguanas to help these birds thrive. Let me guess the humane society would rather have the flea bag cats live, and this bird die?

  8. Anonymous says:

    The handing out of status and PR must stop! Coming here, taking our branches.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Thrush is not uncommon in these parts.

  10. Anonymous says:

    These comments are bullfinch.

  11. Investor says:

    Hey there, Bullfinch, sure would be a shame to lose your habitat to my development plans.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Great just in time for PACT to make it extinct

  13. Anonymous says:

    This bird got status quicker than I did! 17 years and still waiting.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Great to know! Does this represent a “born-Caymanian” or an expat which received status?

  15. Anonymous says:

    Best destroy what is left of it’s habitat ASAP!


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