Hospital tight-lipped over convicted EMT

| 16/05/2023 | 17 Comments
A&E at the George Town hospital

(CNS): The Health Services Authority told CNS it would not comment publicly on matters relating to specific personnel following our questions about the employment status of one of their emergency services technicians, Selvin Senon Caballero (41), who was convicted of child sexual abuse last week. The hospital said it was “aware that a member of staff was convicted”, but said nothing specific about Cabellero’s employment.

“Staff charged with serious offences are normally placed on required leave with notice of potential dismissal if they are convicted,” officials stated in an email. “The HSA will swiftly conclude this process in accordance with our internal disciplinary procedures; however, the Authority will not comment publicly on matters relating to specific personnel.”

Caballero was charged in 2020 and has been on bail since November of that year. It is not clear when or if he was suspended following his arrest or the charges, and if so whether or not he remained on full pay as he awaited trial. He was convicted of seven counts of sexual abuse on a child who was just twelve years old when the assaults were finally reported.

He remains on bail and is due to be sentenced in August.

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Comments (17)

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  1. anon says:

    This is the second EMT from the HSA that I know of to be convicted of child sexual abuse. The other went on the become a taxi operator after serving his time in Northward.

  2. Pohan says:

    another entity run by a private sector board.

  3. Anonymous says:

    SIck O problem is we have so many of them now running around this place ! The laws for deportation need to be made clear and not left to interpretation by some who have little or no regard for Cayman or its children .

  4. Anonymous says:

    Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a bill Monday allowing for the death penalty for child rapists. The bill, which will become law Oct. 1, makes sexual battery of a person under 12 a capital crime. 2 May 2023

  5. Very angry parent says:

    He is a sick man and he lucky it wasn’t my child because I would be going to Northward and he would be six feet under but first I would remove his offending part and make him suffer then he would be no more to hurt other little girls.

  6. Anonymous says:

    This person’s actions were not carried out on his job or in his professional capacity, why should the employer publicize that he has been fired, suspended or otherwise? Should they give a public account on all disciplinary matters? Where is the line drawn?

    It is a small community, everyone knows he hasn’t worked at the hospital for years, why name and shame the hospital just because he was working there before he was charged and or convicted?

    • Anonymous says:

      Well, someone who he attended to while at his EMT job has accused him of assault too so……

  7. Anonymous says:

    A policy of not commenting on specific criminals employed by the hospital is not very smart. It does nothing to protect either the criminal or the hospital and makes the public wonder what you’re hiding.

    • Parent says:

      As far as HSA is concerned, he was arrested, tried and convicted in a court of law and is hopefully going to prison for a long time, they have nothing to add to this story as he is no longer working there.

      They do not have to give their opinion nor are they trying to hide anything, there is nothing substantive they can say on this matter now.

      This story about them being tight lipped is a “nothing burger”

      What do you want them to say CNS?
      They stand by the victim? That is an unspoken truth.

      • Anonymous says:

        Thank you, exactly what I was thinking.

      • Anonymous says:

        Talk about missing the point. Nobody asked for their opinion. Just want to know when he stopped pulling a check.

        • Anonymous says:

          So that ….

        • Anon. says:

          Which is none of your business.

          If they continued to pay him until the case was over and he was covicted, what are you or CNS going to do about that now? Ask him for the money back?

          The point of the post is that HSA doesn’t owe the public an explanation of their HR decisions period!

  8. Anonymous says:

    A SEVEN year old girl child.
    Abused for years.
    And he’s free on bail!?
    Maybe still on payroll too!


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