Esso gas station robbed at gunpoint
(CNS): Police have opened yet another robbery investigation following an armed stick-up at the Esso gas station on Shamrock Road at around 3:20 on Friday morning. Two masked men entered the store, brandished a gun and demanded cash from the registers. They took off with an undisclosed sum of money on foot, appearing to head east.
One of the suspects was about 5’6″ tall, of slim build and dark complexion, and was wearing a light-coloured jacket with a hood and a mask. The second suspect had a light complexion and was of similar height and build. He was dressed in full black with a dark-coloured mask.
This robbery comes a few days after the nearby Burger King restaurant was robbed at gunpoint late last Saturday night. And a bus driver was attacked by passengers with a knife on Wednesday night, but he fought them off before giving up any cash. No one has been arrested yet in relation to any of these robberies.
The latest incident is under investigation by George Town CID. Anyone with any information or who may have witnessed anything suspicious in the area around that time is asked to contact 949-4222. Anonymous tips can be provided to the RCIPS Confidential Tip Line at 949-7777, or the website. Tips can also be submitted anonymously to
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Where is the security camera footage?
Google pay coming very soon. Won’t be long before none of these businesses will carry any cash.
This may be unpopular for many reasons, but you just need to get rid of cash. I worked in a petrol station 40 years ago (yes I am old) and just about all the cash went straight into the safe through a trap door, we never carried anything more than the bare minimum to make change, and it was posted everywhere.
I disagree with getting rid of cash.
But you are right that most of these businesses are probably running a drop safe. So the thieves probably get relatively little, particularly for the ‘mess’ they cause the victims and the rest of us. Which is why society needs to change to make theft unacceptable by and unattractive to the people now doing it. This means removing their perceived drivers to steal. (I would have said make stealing unneeded by these people but that suggests it is justifiable. It is not.) As well as increasing detection and prosecution of criminals. (Also not an easy task likely requiring social changes.)
TL:DNR – Government-led social changes are needed to root out criminality more than more policing.
My suggestions:
1. Start bike patrolling the hotspot areas in GT.
All licensed guard’s should be able to wear body armour for protection against armed threats.
A bullet or blade pierced into a critical part of the body can cripple a person or be fatal.
You will get the high rollers that target liquor stores. But, honestly, I know nothing about any pending heist. Just speculating.
Forget about the shipment of legal guns into the Cayman Islands.
Cayman do not fall in the ways.
The US and Jamaica both have gun violence.We have seen the gun violence.Like the wild wild west…
Spare Cayman the follow-fashion.
Legible business owners could use good tactical methods to help deter armed threats.
The first step could be to implement an access control system to lock out criminal opportunist that could easily barge into the store before closing.
You understand me well.
Do not gaslight me.
You are all sinners, and so am I. We live with a generation of vipers.
I should never leave it up to people to decide if I deserve my crown. Try go get your own.
Caymaica Caymaica!
They need to give armed robbers a 10 year sentence.
RCIPS – you need to get off your butts and start arresting – instead of expecting the public to do your job for you!
There is cctv footage of the incident- what more do you need?
If you want us to talk you need to show.
Release the CCTV footage AND include audio as soon as possible after these incidents.. we can’t see them but in Cayman everyone sounds quite unique.
Y’all wanted PACT.
A thief has no good intentions when committing a robbery. They will kill for their loot! Politicians need to pass stiffer acts for armed robbery! COP needs to lead the way to assist business owners in countering these attacks!
It’s time for business owners to be armed and defensive to counter these scalawag attacks! Until this type of counterattack is in place the police will not solve these type of crimes. They have too many other unsolved serious crimes to investigate!
Instead of the politicians worrying about legalizing Ganga and gambling for votes try helping its citizens counter crime!
you want guns? move to america. enjoy the kind of society that leads to, just don’t ring the wrong doorbell.
The Governor is responsible for the police force (not the politicians). The cannabis and lottery referendum do fall within politicians ambit. If a business owner wants a gun, they should first join the gun club and progress from there.
If you can get into the gun club (good luck with that btw) you have to keep the registered firearm locked up and ammo locked up in a seperate area. In other words, it wouldn’t help in an actual robbery.
Passing over the fact that the business owner is probably not the guy behind the counter after dark. Going to licence and arm all the employees? Oh, and train them how to use the weapon and not shoot the other customers as well?
…and not have the guns “stolen” from them…
Don’t forget big billboards about littering and how it could bring a fine or jail time!
Yes, if idiots with guns only killed idiots I would
% agree with you. But there are too many nutcases here to make your proposition viable. Put guns in their hands and a bloodbath will ensue. Don’t talk about gun regulation either, it doesn’t work. Besides we already ready have too many people here from another island who don’t seem to value life at all.
we have gun regulation. it seems to be working well enough as we don’t have mass shootings every few days like in the US. One political party there would like you to believe that we are just more mentally sound, but I doubt that. As for that other island that has looser regulations, they’ve managed to take the small portion of guns they have and get themselves to the top of list for murders per capita.
Bets are that one of these scumbags robbed Burger King next door last Saturday. Where’s the CCTV footage this time?
On the run… you couldn’t make it up.
These people are truly stupid, wutless idiots. Robbing a place with more CCTV cameras per square ft than about anywhere else. It doesn’t matter what you took, it won’t even compare to what you’d earn with a regular job. Then split that into two, if you can. Sheer stupidity.
Lawless Cayman – where are all our elected representatives now?
This is really getting out of hand and no action being taken.
Bad guys will always get weapons…arm business owners who have good Intentions and you will have almost zero robbery attempts.
I stil believe that exercising the death penalty for anyone carrying an illegal weapon will make a big difference in crime.
Another Caymanian education success story!
Think about that for a little while then feel free to retract it. What kind of country would we be for executing people for carrying an offensive weapon ? I don’t believe there is another country in the world that has such a punishment in place and for the obvious reasons, human rights, right to life, oh and ps we abolished the death penalty a long time ago and the uk, who runs the show will not allow it!
It was actually the UK that abolished the death penalty. We wanted to keep it, and were building facilities to execute people when we were stopped. Cayman never did execute anyone.
This isn’t Saudi Arabia.
Yep. Works great in the US.
In the long history of idiotic suggestions that has to rank right up there. Just look North for gods sake.