Cops tackle burglary spike on Cayman Brac

| 26/04/2023 | 11 Comments

(CNS): Police are currently investigating four burglaries that took place on Cayman Brac over the last four days in which premises were broken into and ransacked, and where cash, goods and a truck were stolen. The first break-in happened sometime before 6:15am Friday at a business on West End Road East. A window was broken and the premises were left in disarray after the thieves made off with a Ford F-150 truck, cash and food.

Later that same day, a second report was made of an attempted burglary at a church on West End Road West, where two louvres were removed from a window but nothing was taken.

The Air Operation Unit travelled to the Brac on Saturday to conduct an aerial search over the island and found the truck.

On Tuesday, 25 April, two more burglaries were reported, one at the same business premises on West End Road, where a window was broken again and food was stolen. The second was at another commercial premises along the same road, where a rear door was forced open but nothing was reported stolen.

The police helicopter returned to Cayman Brac yesterday, along with Crime Scene Investigation staff.

All four incidents are under investigation by the Cayman Brac Police Station, and anyone with information is asked to call 948-0331.  Anonymous tips can be submitted to the Confidential Tip Line at 949-7777 or the website.

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Category: Crime, Police

Comments (11)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Brac members of parliament, presiding over years of incomplete personal SIPL conflicts disclosures, redacted multimillion public-private contracts and lucrative awards to cronies, can’t very well lecture the public on obeying laws they so distain. At least not without risking their own pants combusting on fire, or noses tripling in length. Such is Cayman.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Your story did not mention that a large TV was taken from the church or that the front door was smashed in.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Match up the DNA left behind at Star Island. It’s not rocket science. You MUST have suspects.

    • Anonymous says:

      Talk about a real idiot. Break into restaurant for what . . . cake. And to top it off, who is paying the bill for this idiot to receive medical treatment.

  4. Anonymous says:


  5. Anonymous says:

    You can tackle this by stop letting crackheads n bums live there. You should have a job letter to even live there.

    • Anonymous says:


    • Anonymous says:

      Well when this story is updated – the two masterminds will be noted that they fit in the category of crackheads n bums. But both are Brac residents – please note this in your update CNS.
      In my opinion, the father of one of those arrested will pay off all of the affected premises – his son will go free. The other, well he doesn’t have a rich parent – so he may get justice.

      • Anonymous says:

        Observation: To all busineses – why would you even leave cash in a locked cash register overnight?

        Years ago I recall seeing a grocery store in Cotton Tree Bay Cayman Brac that had 2 cash registers lighted up so you could see them from front door. Both cash registers were wide open with nothing in them. Hence,
        it lessens the opportunity for low-lifes to break in and smash the cash register.
        Still doesn’t stop the trash from breaking in, but never understood why businesses leave cash registers locked after hours.

      • Anonymous says:

        6:31 am, u r right and materials will go up in price, to get more money to pay for him to get off.

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