PPM Cabinet waived planning process for ReGen in 2021

| 12/04/2023 | 92 Comments
Cayman News Service
Artist’s rendition of ReGen facilities and GT landfill

(CNS) UPDATED: The Dart consortium that will eventually be taking on the waste management project, now known as ReGen, has been given an exemption from the planning application process. Since posting this report, CNS has learned from government officials that the waiver was given to Dart by the previous administration just before the 2021 General Election. However, the PPM-led Unity Government failed to gazette the decision as required.

As a result, the current Cabinet recently issued a direction to publish the necessary notice following a weekly meeting last month.

The waiver means that none of the buildings the developer will be erecting on the site, including the waste-to-energy facility, will need approval by the Central Planning Authority, according to the most recent edition of the Government Gazette.

However, the project is still subject to the environmental impact assessment currently underway and will need to go through the usual agency reviews and meet the necessary building permit requirements and approvals. The former government had decided it was in the public interest to exempt the project from the planning application process, a power it had under development and planning laws.

The exemption covers four parcels across the old area of the dump, a.k.a. Mount Trashmore, which Dart is still in the process of remediating, as well as the limited operational landfill area and other plots where the Department of Environmental Health continues to operate.

The Cayman Islands Government has still not said when it expects to finalise the agreement with Dart and its consortium of partners, which has been making headlines again over the last few weeks. The ultimate cost of this project is increasing and the CIG is struggling to strike a value-for-money deal with the islands’ wealthiest landowner.

Even if all goes to plan, the EIA is not expected to be completed until close to the end of this year. At that point, the results of that scientific study will form the basis for the design and construction of the WTE plant, which is expected to take almost three years to build.

In the interim, with a population of well over 81,000 producing among the highest amount of waste per capita in the world, there are concerns that the space designated for landfilling until the WTE plant is ready will be pushed to its limit.

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Category: Environmental Health, Health

Comments (92)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Too bad they did not waive the EIA for the East West Arterial extension before they left office.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Often the PPM has plenty to say (criticize) on such newsworthy topics.
    They seem really quiet on this one…

    Did PPM act in integrity and contact CNN to correct the original story? Or did they choose to ignore the opportunity?

  3. Anonymous says:

    To be fair, it’s probably more logical to waive it than have the luminaries in planning do an assessment.

    • Anonymous says:

      Here’s your binky and pacifier, now tell us where the planning department hurt you, Mr. Developer.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Asking for a friend… Why would we waive planning approval on a site that manages toxic waste?

  5. Anonymous says:

    Makes sense. This is totally outside the expertise of CPA.

  6. Anonymous says:

    in dart i trust…and less red-tape the better.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Can I get a planning exception to build a one bed appartment

    • Anonymous says:

      Only if you build it on the dump.

    • Anonymous says:

      Sure. Just build it in a container. If Planning says you have to move it, the bring in a truck and move it. After the inspector leaves you just bring it back again.

  8. Elvis says:

    Kangaroo court decisions

    • Anonymous says:

      Might as well just rename the Cayman Islands, the Dart Honey Child Republic because everyone knows whos really making the decisions here. PACT has been even more corrupt, ineffective, dithering and bigoted than the last government which is actually a quite impressive.

      • Anonymous says:

        Dart Organization are the greatest management team in the world. They only build first class projects and provide high paying great growth potential jobs. All you haters need to shut up

        • Anonymous says:

          Dart is not to be trusted……….. and I DO NOT trust him!

          And I don’t trust you either, Mr. Anonymouse.

      • Anonymous says:

        If it means we can get rid of our terrible politicians, I might be in favour of the change.

    • Anonymous says:

      Law didn’t factor.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Guys…are you SURE that is legal? I mean, absolutely certain? Like stake a billion dollars on it certain? Especially given people with adjoining properties may have reasonable concerns about an incinerator upwind from them? Are they to be denied their right to object or ensure reasonable protections/mitigation measures?

    • Anonymous says:

      No offense pal but as a nearby dump resident, I already have an incinerator upwind and there’s nobody to object to but the Lord Almighty when it catches fire and pours toxic smoke and fumes into my home. Let Dart do the thing and let’s move this stalled project forward.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Vote all of PACT out. This stinks more than the dump they are claiming to be addressing! Cayman/Caymanians seems to have a seriously inept problem with chosing who leads this country. They are sending us down the hill and there is surely a brick wall at the bottom. Over developed, over populated, getting drawn into the woke wave, lack of proper oversight, lack of respect for the environment, and lack of respect for this country. is disgusting to be honest.

    • J says:

      Ain’t anything “woke” about this! You gonna have to find another Merican torminology! LOL

      • Anonymous says:

        Lol – and he conflates being woke with a lack of environmentalism and government oversight. He heard a new word on the news and thought he’d show us how smart he is!

      • Anonymous says:

        Funny how the only word you noticed was woke, hmmm, your brain is a closed box yet it’s on full display LOL

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes! Vote them all out! Bring back McKeeva! Ummm…. Wait … no. Bring back Alden! Ummm… wait … no. Bring back Anthony Eden, or Elio, or Rolston, or Alfonso, or Ozzie, or Austin. Ummm…. Wait … help me out here. Just who are we supposed to bring back or elect?

      • Anonymous says:

        They don’t even realize it was PPM that waived planning. Why would we want that style of government again?!? PACT are trying to clean up decades of messes. I have sympathy.

      • Anonymous says:

        Bring in some real clowns in costume and makeup, we need authentic representation. Can’t be any worse.

    • Anonymous says:

      It was PPM not PACT. Which begs: are Caymanians smart enough to know the difference and vote?

  11. Somosa says:

    Wow – man you can’t make this shit up

  12. Anonymous says:

    This must just be a formality because the CPA would approve anything and everything Dart wants to build after looking at the plans for half a second.

    • Anonymous says:

      Wrong…..approved with or without looking

    • Anonymous says:

      CPA approved two tunnels without plans of any kind. They then allowed tunnel extension, again, in absence of plan. Like the dump waiver, all under PPM/Unity regime.

      • Anonymous says:

        You do realize the Board has changed right? Different members – some one which are actually attacked as being anti-development, environmentalists. But by all means, keep generalizing, accusing and making defamatory comments until they give up the fight and their spots are handed back over to the pro- development, rubber stampers.

        • Anonymous says:

          If they are completely ineffective as they have proven themselves to be, who cares if their feelings are hurt and they “give up the fight”? It’s the same end result for Cayman.

          • Anonymous says:

            Because it’s the same Planning Laws and Regulations dimwit. It doesn’t matter who you put on the Board, they must comply with the ‘law of the land’. Oh but let me guess, it’s ok to breach the laws as long as the decision is what you like right?

            • Anonymous says:

              What 9:34 am said !!

            • Anonymous says:

              Just because permission “can” be granted does not mean permission “must” be granted, dimwit.

            • Anonymous says:

              I believe the law gives them discretionary authority. That means they can (and often should) say No.

              • Anonymous says:

                8:34 pm The CPA’s discretion is limited. If it is exercised, it must still be done within the confines of the Development and Planning Act and Regulations.

      • Anonymous says:

        7:04 am You are absolutely and 100% wrong. The tunnels proposed by Dart and approved by the CPA definitely had detailed plans. The CPA would not have been able to consider the application in the absence of plans.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Because of course they did. Dart doesn’t want any meddling in this, his latest boondoggle.

    BTW, how is Public Beach working out now? Should it be renamed Non-Caymanian Beach or just keep out locals beach due to lack of parking.


    • Anonymous says:

      Wait until the new hotel opens up. Public Beach no more.

    • Anonymous says:

      Lack of parking? You are either really stupid or have a memory problem, be it selective or otherwise.

      • Anonymous says:

        Just lazy and doesn’t want to walk all that way. It’s hard to illegally park there now.

        • Anonymous says:

          Except for all the Dart construction parking, no?

          You are very brave keyboard warrior that would never make such a foolish and demeaning comment like that in person.

      • Anonymous says:

        I must be both 816 because when the parking lot was redone by uncle Dart, they created less parking than there already was.

    • Anonymous says:

      The fact that CIG seemed to have their hands tied when dealing with the illegal beach vendors should really make everyone question what the last NRA deal with Dart was and who really owns that land.

      • Anonymous says:

        8:15 am You make NO SENSE !! The only reason CIG has their hands tied is because they are too afraid of losing votes to deal with it. The NRA Agreement is published online and land ownership is public knowledge and available to see at Lands and Survey. But in case you’re too lazy to actually bother checking, let me tell you. The land on which public beach, the play courts, the playground, the restrooms (both of them) and ALL the parking….all that still belongs to Government. The land on which the new (under construction) hotel sits, that belongs to Government. That became part of the revised NRA deal when the PPM would not comply with the earlier agreement. The land on which the former Calico Jacks sits and the land to the north was and remains Dart land.

        • Anonymous says:

          CORRECTION to 6:59 I meant to write the lane on which the under-construction hotel sits belongs to DART, part of the amended NRA deal when PPM reneged on some of the original clauses.

    • Anonymous says:

      4:39 pm Get a grip!! It was GOVERNMENT, not Dart, that decided on and approved the current plan at Public Beach.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Successive Cabinets haven’t a clue what they are doing, can’t negotiate a deal, and commit us to their terrible costly decisions. Those Caymanian professionals that can intervene at this time to supervise and recommend better deal-making should step forward and lend their expertise to PACT. Speak now or forever hold your peace.

  15. TUNDI says:

    Cayman really is a Micky Mouse Island.
    Started by Alden and his cronies.
    Sorry but this jurisdiction is so corrupt and having been a CIG ex pat employee I have Unfourtatly witnessed it first hand.

    • Anonymous says:

      It started before Alden. McKeeva made headlines around the world in the 1990s for wanting to bring back capital punishment and regular public hangings in George Town, like Iran.

  16. Anonymous says:

    Dart is both presumed to be wealthy and a landowner, but not the wealthiest landowner. It might be true to say most prolific vulture investor. They could own that title.

    • Anonymous says:

      Dart’s real estate holdings are obscured by hundreds of nominee companies that don’t necessarily point back to the same beneficial owner. It’s doubtful that Ken holds any property in his own name. Even DRCL is upstream of the nominees. We might ask why this laundering of ownership is necessary and tolerated…at minimum they should be identified as same UBO on planning applications, if not explicit noted on title register.

      • Anonymous says:

        CPA board members don’t need to declare their own interests when voting

        • Anonymous says:

          But they ought to.

        • Anonymous says:

          3:06 pm Are you serious? Of course CPA members declare their interests, but they don’t do it “when voting”. They do it BEFORE the discussion even starts and they leave the room and don’t return until the discussion and voting is over.

      • Anonymous says:

        7:14 am Who cares who the applicant is on planning applications? Applications are decided on the land use, not who owns it.

        • Anonymous says:

          Perhaps we should do. That way we might’ve stood a chance to preventing folk from buying over half of the island before it happened, rather than helplessly look on now its way too late.

          • Anonymous says:

            8:41 pm So you’re saying planning decisions should be based on who owns or is about to own land in order for the CPA to decide whether or not to grant permission? Pray tell, where in the Development and Planning Act is that a legal (and non-corrupt) basis for decision-making.

  17. Anonymous says:

    The most dangerous facility on island. Next to a school. Surronded by thousands of people daily. Could cause cancer and horrendous things to the population.

    No planning needed … future lawsuits here we come !

  18. Anonymous says:

    No one is more poisonous for Caymanians than Brother Dart.

  19. Bak me some Sheesh nah mon says:

    Show us all who motioned this idiotic concession. List every Cabinet member’s decision including Waiver Wayne.

  20. Anon says:


  21. Anonymous says:

    Brilliant, more concessions and a perfect opportunity for Dart to cut corners, slap up a WTE plant fraught with headaches, cost overruns and ready for the wrecking ball when CIG takes ownership.
    This goes from bad to worse. What next, will Dart receive a bly for non compliance with acceptable emissions standards? Now Cabinet are nickel and diming this project into the ground it’s anyone’s guess if the facility will be fit for purpose if ever finally completed.

  22. Tell us DPACT our ruler and king says:

    All hail king Dart. Who is above all of the ci Laws/Acts. His coronation took place on …. so much for the T in the PACT government and the premier who claim to be an environmentist. What a big joke they played on voters. Lol.
    I hope everyone see all politicians are the same.

  23. Anonymous says:

    Cancel the contract. Rebid.

    • Anonymous says:

      All of the unfinished Dart plans and unfulfilled promises and obligations of past regimes should have been critically reviewed within the first 6 months of power transfer to PACT. PACT Cabinet have powers to tear up nonsense past agreements, claw back land swaps, and retender lucrative opportunities, properly citing breach of procurement laws, failure to supervise, corruption, and outright illegality. No small task as there are years of back dealings to review. This rogue investor, lacking any identifiable qualifications, creator of landfill contaminants, is unsuitable to be running critical infrastructure.

    • Anonymous says:

      Cancel the contract. Cancel Dart. Get someone honest and get rid of all the people wanting to get rich by feathering their own nest!

  24. Anonymous says:

    Boy you know its bad when you need an exemption from the Central Authority for Requirement Waving (CPA), before you even have plans submitted.

    We all look forward to the ReGen press release justifying the need for this Government decision.

    • Anonymous says:

      Let me guess..they’ll blame it on the PPM and say UDPact had no choice but to proceed.

      • Anonymous says:

        Why wouldn’t they blame PPM? It is literally their decision to do this. This is why we voted them out, and even took our chances with literal amateurs in the political field; it *could not possibly* get any worse than it was with PPM actively selling us out.

  25. Tell us DPACT our ruler and king says:

    All hail king Dart. Who is above all of the ci Laws/Acts. His coronation took place on …. so much for the T in the PACT government and the premier who claim to be an environmentist. What a big joke they played on voter. Lol.
    I hope everyone see all politicians are the same.

    • Anonymous says:

      Never truer words.

      They all promise a lot. But once elected they all follow the same path, shelving their promises, blaming previous Governments, and looking out for themselves and their connections.

      And now we have 18 of them! Unbelievable.

    • Anonymous says:

      It was PPM that waived planning, not PACT.


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