Ad mandate for temp permits repealed

| 03/04/2023 | 30 Comments
Cayman News Services

(CNS): The new requirement for employers to advertise jobs when applying for a temporary work permit for a foreign worker was repealed on the day it was supposed to come into effect. WORC officials did not detail the reasons for the U-turn so soon after the new policy was announced last month but implied it was related to the agency’s online system and its ability to cope with applications.

“Progress continues on preparing the new online system,” officials said in a press release Friday. “WORC is committed to improving processing times through the implementation of efficient processes and internal systems.”

Of the more than 34,000 foreign nationals on permits or government contracts, over 6,500 of them hold temporary permits, and last year more than 39% of the permits WORC approved were for temporary staff. Officials said the requirement to advertise the jobs going to temporary permit holders was to align the job registration process and increase the visibility of opportunities for local job seekers.

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Category: Business, Jobs, Local News

Comments (30)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    WORC website has been down for the past 3 days!!!

  2. Anonymous says:

    I applied for a two month temporary work permit for a Jamaican lady who had worked for me for many many years before rollover. It was to look after my elderly husband who knows her and likes her and trusts her while I was off island with our child. It was turned down with the comment I could use one of the local helper provider companies ( all using foreign labor of course). So we didn’t bother and got around it another way that I won’t mention.

    Saunders is so conscious of his heavy Jamaican accent and the accusations…unfair in my view…that he is a Jamaican at heart, that he brought in stupid regulations to show he is a real Caymanian. He is suffering for it now.

  3. Lindberg says:

    Cayman Government is a bunch of Jack asses. they need some one to take action against them.

  4. Anonymous says:

    This is the best comment here thus far:
    “The WORC Jobs Cayman has to be the worst website ever designed, very difficult to use and very problematic. Before they consider new regulations/laws they should try to get a at least slightly functional website. Ball in your court Mr. Scott”

    Jeremy please ensure that the ‘sub groups’ of Caymanians, that are growing in numbers I might add, don’t influence any of your final decisions or dictate to you/rally their influencers to do so or do so by any other means.

    Remember all of these decisions that the government are making OR do not make will hurt generational Caymanians the most in years to come. Hindsight is 20/20 and legacies are going to continue to build the Cayman Islands or be their down fall.

  5. Anonymous says:

    All these big shot man, getting all these girls to come cayman so the can sexually use them. PROSTITUTION right under the Government noses

    • Anonymous says:

      sometimes even right under them.

    • Eh? says:

      What is this comment (re. prostitution) referring to? I.e. what is the assertion? Surely, if half a man were flying women into Cayman for such purposes, I would eschew any sort of paperwork? WORC can’t effectively prevent casual e.g. construction workers or restaurant workers, how are they going to inspect people’s bedrooms? Surely anyone flying in young women would simply bring them in as tourists. That’s enough to keep them here for a few months, after which they could be swapped out. I don’t see how work permits are relevant.

  6. Anonymous says:

    It’s obvious that what has happened here is that former Minister Saunders pushed for this to take place and now that he is gone the rest of Cabinet has backed away from it. Right is right and wrong is wrong and where the man is wrong I fully give him wrong, but he was right in this instance. There is a lot of disadvantages to Caymanians by not having temporary work permits advertised…. Most seriously, the companies put in for a temporary work permit, then train the expat to do the job and then apply for a 1 year based on the experience they gained… an opportunity that they do not afford to Caymanians. This happens all the time. Pact should have continued with this policy. The more I see happening now the more I see credibility in some of the things that Saunders was saying. Mind you I don’t give him a pass for wanting Cayman to be the next Jamaica but as I said.. right is right and give credit when snd where it is due.

    • Anonymous says:

      I agree with those sentiments 12.07. Saunders ruffled the wrong feathers with this and the approach to PR. Looks like he was the only one in there fighting for Caymanians, so they forced him out.

    • Anonymous says:

      I agree with you in some instances. However in many instances the aim is always to go for the 1-2 year permit but those cannot be expedited. Only the twp can be expedited. So employers have to go down that route because they can’t wait 3-6 months for the GOL to be granted.
      For me the TWP has never been about the need to not advertise but about the need for speed. If they allowed the expedited process for GOL then a lot of this would go away

    • Anonymous says:

      2% unemployment is very low

  7. Anonymous says:

    shambolic….as usual from cig and the civil service.

    • Anonymous says:

      I think I know what is wrong with the Caymanian government….. They are not honest. And they are greedy, and that makes it impossible to operate effectively with their people. Can anything correct this? I doubt it. What do YOU think???

  8. Anonymous says:

    I hear there is about 780 Caymanian’s looking for work, why doesn’t WORC employ them to help with this apparent backlog? I’m sure they’re better qualified than the foreigners they employ under contract and must have interviewed all of them, right?

    • watcher says:

      Because most temporary permits are bartenders and all that comes with it. They come and go. They don’t have to submit to the basic requirements being temporary employees, and when their stint is up, more are willing to take their place.

      These positions used to be filled by Caymanians, but they weren’t as pliant or controllable.

  9. Anonymous says:

    All politics, the large local construction firms made it clear that they did not support this policy and there it goes!

  10. Anonymous says:

    The WORC Jobs Cayman has to be the worst website ever designed, very difficult to use and very problematic. Before they consider new regulations/laws they should try to get a at least slightly functional website. Ball in your court Mr. Scott

    • Anonymous says:

      No. They should make employers advertise positions in newspapers…

      • Anonymous says:

        No, they should join the 21st century and have a user friendly online platform.

        • Anonymous says:

          Fine, as long as Caymanian job seekers can access it and know what opportunities are where.

          • Shelley says:

            I worked at Compass in the advertising section. 99% of job ads were for a renewal or they had the person already lined up. Sure they take interviews because they have to show that to WORC. Finding a job through those newspapers rarely pans out. So sad for Caymanians who are qualified and the bs about Caymanians not wanting to work is ruining our chances to get these jobs. The government needs to do a better job at protecting the people of the Country.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Don’t government agencies speak to their lawyers before they do stuff like this?


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