CIG should make terms of dump deal public
Smiley Whiley Take Your Timey writes: When this bid call was put out by CIG IN 2017, the final bids were down to Decco-Dart (a newbie to waste management) and a French-led consortium of several experienced international waste management and waste-to-energy operators. In the final analysis and in a process not open to public scrutiny, Decco-Dart was declared the preferred bidder with the French consortium CNIM/Wheelabrator as the second preferred bidder, to be re-engaged in negotiations in the event that an agreement with preferred bidder Dart could not be reached.
It is still not clear on what terms of offer Dart was declared the preferred bidder, but one would have thought that a deal should have been struck by now, nearly six years after ‘winning’ the bid. The failure to get the deal done may be as a result of shifting expectations on the part of CIG but it also could be that unrealistic, even fantastic, deliverables were held out to CIG that got walked back under closer scrutiny. We shall never know.
What would have happened if the presence of CNIM/Wheelabrator as the second bidder waiting in the wings was allowed to loom over the negotiations as intended by the bid terms? There is an even chance that CNIM would have got the job done by now at a price retrospectively more acceptable to the residents of the Cayman Islands.
The terms of both bids should be disclosed in the interests of transparency. The inability of CIG and Dart to finalise this deal now makes such disclosure imperative. We need to see what we could have achieved by now had the CNIM/Wheelabrator offer been accepted.
This comment was posted in response to Saunders urges release of audit on $2B ReGen deal
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Category: Environmental Health, Health, Viewpoint
Make one public, you have to make them all public. I double dog dare you.
Firstly, how dare you try to spout fear mongering? That is a very ignorant/arrogant statement to make!!! What world are you living in whereby the people of the nation do not have the right to speak truth to power (You must be from an Authoritarian state or something)????? Every individual citizen and resident of these islands has the inherent right to question anything and everything regarding these islands’ social and economic affairs. It simply does not matter what good or bad anyone has done for these islands (plenty people have done lots of “good” – he’s not the only one). People not only have the right to speak out, but also they have the absolute right to question!!!! Furthermore, I would encourage them to do more of it, as much and as often as humanly possible!! Speak your truth, Cayman! Whether you’re seen as right or wrong… simply speak your truth!! Let’s go, Bobo!!
lastly, it is quite unfortunate that I am not aware enough of the pros and cons of the topic at hand. Therefore, I’m not taking sides at this point. However, what I do know is that I do have a low tolerance for stupidity and bullying. Hence, I’m simply encouraging folks to speak out and not let arrogance prevail!!!
CIG should admit they are unable to solve the waste management and the Dump problem.
Then, they must hand it to the world’s experts in the field – Japanese companies who solve these problems in the 3d world countries.
Nobody would do it better than Japanese-from scratch to finish.
This can grow to $3-4B in no time remaining unfinished, or partially finished. Eventually Cayman would drown in its own filth, already high cancer rates skyrocket and the land could be practically declared unlivable.
Yes, let’s pick the Fukushima experts for our dump. /s
How do you know that Japanese Companies are not involved in the Cayman project? Nothing is in the public domain other than the name of preferred bidder. A number of subcontractors will naturally be involved in a project of this magnitude.
A good governance CIG might retender the opportunity in a transparent international manner. Dart can try to sue on pithy basis of agreement to agree, but there is no meat of an agreement they can point to, or claim loss. They are also beyond the stated hard deadline to agree anything, so tough beans. They should also be DQ’ed from qualification as a bidder in re-do for earlier non-performance/bad faith.
any truth behind Saunders International Waste Management Ltd wanting the contract?
Let me try on my tinfoil hat for a second and see if this sticks:
Dart has (I believe) wanted to move as much of the dump away from this location as possible for a while. They have the country’s most expensive school and now a housing development right next to it and they want it gone. They also own acres and acres of land in between the dump and the rest of industrial park along the waterfront.
So here’s my theory: they NEVER wanted to do the REGEN project. They only wanted to tie it up in red tape and ensure that it wasn’t economically feasible while MT Trashmore gets “remediated” and covered in grass. Meanwhile the country’s solid waste problem continues to grow and now that they’ve made the waste to energy plan non-viable (on purpose) they will lobby the government to move all the waste management out towards Bodden Town as they’ve always wanted. Then they can further expand Camana Bay and the rest of their site south towards the waterfront acreage they own in industrial park.
How does that sound?
If I’m going for bonus points: they will “discover” contaminated soil on their land in the future and get the government to cover the cost of remediating it. Much of that land where the connector road is going is ALL muck and mud for 15-30 feet before you hit cap rock. So they will get CIG to remove the contaminated muck and replace with clean fill which would have cost them a TON of money to do on their own.
If we legalize gambling…what are the odds of the above being right?
Not impossible
If this is true then you can expect Dart themselves to propose that a new landfill toward Bodden Town would be much cheaper (maybe only $500 million) and that they will give up their Regen deal if CIG wants to go with this alternative.
Or offer to drop the ReGen contract altogether once they have been paid for what they really wanted, which is capping the current sun
No so it’s not unsightly and doesn’t stink up their real estate. The. CIG will have to start from scratch in finding a waste’s contractor to deal with the future waste.
Speaking of waste, the majority of the poo stink comes from the municipal sewage ponds just east of the landfill mound, and there are no plans to relocate those. Poo be poo. Those ponds are also closer to North Sound than the dump. Yards from Olea and CIS.
Who owns the Water Authority again?
Very happy for the dump to be moved to Bodden Town.
So take it out of the rich peoples backyard and place it in the poor peoples backyard? Question for you….why contaminate 2 sites? Everything around the dump now is poisoned. Still can’t understand why parents would send their children in harms way.
What are we paying to subsidize the CAL flight to LAX? In the interests of transparency.
What are you talking about? Those 12 business class seats are making the half empty airplane profitable. That is what we were told.
Yeah right…..
Too many egos to admit this route isnt working….
and the ministers’ expenses that we are also paying for, make them public.
and the cheek of the Govnr to want to put checks in place to stop ministers creating their own new companies to get government contracts. To line their own pockets with Caymanians money.
The CCTV contract, how much did we pay for 1960’s camera resolution.
It seems it has gone on so long, a certain minister believes that corruption is part of Cayman culture and its colonialism to try and reign it in.
It should be alarming to all stakeholders that the world’s biggest international waste management companies were not bidders at all, let alone in the final cut. Their omission is startling and should draw into question the Unity regime’s RFP and bid selection process, which they hurriedly ratified without a proposal, just in advance of their vacating office. All of this is gravely suspicious.
In normal places public bidding means the public gets to see the bids. No such thing as “commercially sensitive” when spending public money.
Not the biggest, the world experts in the field weren’t bidders at all.
If CIG wants someone to remediate the dump, another to build PTE plant, yet another to run it (with no laws on emissions control), yet another to do recycling, yet another to educate the public- NOTHING WILL EVER GET DONE PROPERLY. It is a System!
There are experts who could manage the project from start to finish snd whom you can trust. I’d only trust Japanese experts.
Without proper RRR this rock’s doomed.
I agree that the terms and conditions of this CIG ReGen Dump Deal should be made public and available to our seniors and our youth for innovative entreprenueral recycling Arts & Craft Programs and taught in classes at each school for a proper Cayman Islands Recycling Program
The recycled Plastics and Glass currently package and shipped overseas, “with a little effort and proper entreprenueral education” could easily be used to create a Local Arts & Craft Industry that could lead to many local jobs to make Garden, Dinning and Living Room Furniture such as:
Plastic Garden Tables
Plastic Chairs
Plastic Benches
Glass Dinning Tables & Chairs
Glass Living Room – Coffee Tables
I’m pretty sure if anyone wants some garbage they can get it from somewhere.
11:05am What spaceship did you arrive on? Do you know this is the Cayman Islands?
No one has any right to question the Dart organization. They have done so much for Cayman. just stop the nonsense and say thank you.
But you have the right to make ignorant, uninformed, biased comments. I get it, you directly or indirectly work for him. You can’t see past the short term gain can you? Your self righteous comment is disgusting.
Take a chill oil and look up the define of sarcasm
10:16 you might want to read up on the freedom of information act. It might enlighten you.
You might want to read up on ho many FOU requests are actually met versus either ignored or refused on the basis of commercial confidentiality or personal information. It might enlighten YOU.