Cop denies cruelty charge over death of K9 Baron

| 28/02/2023
Cayman News Service
RCIPS dog Baron

(CNS): Police Officer Timothy Alexander Munroe appeared in Summary Court on Tuesday, facing a single charge of cruelty to an animal in relation to the death of the police dog, Baron, last year. Munroe, who pleaded not guilty, graduated from police training in March 2022, one of two recruits to be awarded ‘Most Outstanding Student’. The officer is accused of neglecting Baron, who died at the kennels behind the George Town Police Station in July 2022 after reportedly being left in the hot sun without food or water.

The loss of a service dog that had been involved in a number of important arrests was greeted with shock by the community, and the Office of the Ombudsman, which oversees the police, and the Department of Agriculture’s Animal Welfare Unit undertook an investigation. The resulting report made a number of recommendations to the RCIPS to address the situation at the kennels, and a file was passed to the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions in relation to potential charges.

The charge was brought earlier in February, though the RCIPS did not release any details at the time. CNS has contacted the police to ask if Munroe remains on duty, given the pending case, and we are awaiting a response.

Munroe was bailed following his court appearance Tuesday and is expected to face trial later this year.

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