Community service for animal cruelty conviction
(CNS): Rohan Omar Webster was ordered to undertake 80 hours of community service during the next twelve months when he appeared in Summary Court on Monday for sentencing following a conviction in December for animal cruelty. Webster was in possession of 15 roosters whose wattles and combs had been removed and their spurs filed.
Despite the crown’s suspicions that the birds were being used for cockfighting, Webster claimed he had been trying to combat disease. He was charged with just one count of animal cruelty, which he admitted to in December.
The magistrate stated that no fines would be imposed on Webster, who has no relevant previous convictions, provided that he completed the community service as ordered. However, a conviction was recorded.
According to the Animals Law, the maximum penalty following a trial and summary conviction is a fine of $4,000 or up to one year in jail for the most egregious of cases.
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No fine and 80 hours for animal cruelty but if he was feeding wild chickens or cats, could be 4 years and $500,000. Cayman just doesn’t make any sense at all.
animal cruelty is not taken seriously here. just like the local owners who let their dangerous dogs run free to attack anyone out walking. when it’s one of the politicians own children that’s mauled will the laws finally be enforced? so sad they leave them outside all day and night too.
I guess Wayne is not for sustainability and reducing waste.
He doesn’t know what this is.
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle is a foreign concept in the Cayman Islands
Gets to keep his job at Worc with full pay too.
Abusing animals. Low mentality. Arrested development.
Cayman Kind
So they proved nothing. Posted his photo and we all now treat him like a criminal. You all sit and let corporations rape and pillage the place and watch as eggs hit 11.00 in the store and wonder why lettuce is 7 bucks. But cry about someone and chickens?. We pay no real attention to someone raping their own kids but a man and chickens is a public death sentence? We watch chicken fights that appear in movies and then piss ourselves to believe that it happens in real life? We sit and say innocent until proven guilty and then still give a guilty verdict after no proof. We care about chickens but drive past kfc everyday.
Eggs are $9 in Florida. Not the fancy ones. The regular that used to be 99¢. This morning there were none-maybe they restocked it later on.
They say chicken don’t lay eggs anymore. Some blame chicken feed, some say that chicken decided to be roosters.
Mysterious fires on chicken farms one after another. Not talking about burning chicken allegedly infected with avian flu.
Crazy times we live in.
OK as.hole! He was raising them to FIGHT! Not lay eggs. God the stupidity of a few.
No proof? He pleaded guilty!!!!
Ignorant person writing this!
roosters don’t lay eggs, numbskull.
Forgive me, but I’m unclear. Based on comments, is it correct that “feeding chickens” is a crime?
Yep. Feed a chicken 500K and 4 years in jail. This government needs to go. Please drop CaymanKind because we are cruel.
Chickens and cats, $500,000 fine 4 years locked up, but if you bring guns on a flight, you can get bail for only $30,000
Honestly, it’s like people have no ability to think for themselves. First of all it’s not about “feeding chickens” it’s about feeding feral animals in the wild which have a negative impact on NATIVE habitats and wildlife, and second of all, the maximum sentence is the top end for ANY infraction under the entire conservation law. To suggest it will apply to the smallest infraction is, well, stupid.
Well thank goodness he was only cruel to them – imagine if he had fed them. Northwood for 4 years for that caper. Clearly Government sending notice that feeding chickens far more serious than being cruel to them. What a hot mess 😡
The fine was illegally clearing lands is minimal.
The Bible condones cruelty of its people towards animals they eat; more cruelty to other humans not of their tribe; the most cruelty to God who tortured all humans and animals by drowning them.
More centuries old mythology. Please recognize that the year is 2023, not 230. We have evolved, we have toilets, running water, electricity, etc. The edicts from ancient times were there to explain to the uneducated why things happened. Surely you don’t believe literally what was written in ancient times. But maybe you do? How sad for the future of Cayman – go look for a donkey with a smile on your face.
Say what you will about the bible, but there are many great parables and lessons to be learned and followed within, even if you arent a believer.
Gosh that will stop him! He will never do it again! What a whole of BS.
cayman justice is a joke and another story to make amockery of the nonsense ‘caymankind’ mantra…..
Poster child for the Civil Service!
This is what low IQ looks like.
So you can’t feed the chickens or get 400k fine.
But you can have a cock fighting ring and get community service with no fine.
500k fine, 4 years prison
Feeding feral cats and chickens new statutory penalty seems disproportionate and may, perhaps, be deemed unlawful, irrational and disproportionate and thus ultra vires.
New law starts Friday.
the best comment
So community service for abusing the chickens and a jail sentence for feeding them?! WTF? This place isn’t real.
Exactly. It perfectly sums up the local attitude toward animals.
Good point! Of course, the powers-that-be will say it’s because the relevant law hasn’t been updated for decades – to which my thought is that those responsible for not updated the laws should be held negligent in some way!
And the magistrate didn’t ask for a social enquiry report? What kind of “community service” will he do? Unreal!
there is a special place in hell reserved for those who are cruel to animals… it however seems that there is no place in Northward for one…
Personally I would prefer a conviction that applied the same level of cruelty on the perpetrator that was done on the innocent animal..
But apparently for the ones who feed animals there would be. How is it even a crime for such a punishment ? It is beyond comprehension. Humanity outlawed. It is going to be illegal to be kind to a chicken but he just got a slap on the wrist for animal abuse.
Another example of imported scum bringing their savage past times to Cayman.
Wasn’t it a bunch of natives that burnt that poor dog up in Northside? You have a short term memory. I do not.
Imported!?! You know he’s a born Caymanian. There’s good and bad from all Nationalities.
OK agreed..but the practice of cruelty to animals is an import.
No, unfortunately I remember well the practice of drowning newborn kittens. And these people were so called Christians.
Crocus sack and a flowers block bobo.
Nope, the practice of leaving your barking dog chained up outside all day without ever walking him/her is not imported and is also cruelty to animals AND neighbours!
They get walks. They’re the ones running rampant terrorising the neighborhoods day and night. Infuriating practice.
born generational Caymanian bobo.
Anyone check to confirm ?
Don’t need to, already know the family.
Two K9s died after suffering from neglect. Their handlers were paid to take care of the animals. We are not talking about savages here, but The Royal Cayman Islands Police Service. The ROYAL! 🤦♀️
World class!