Passenger charged with gun smuggling

| 31/01/2023
Anton Parygin, Cayman News Service
Anton Parygin

(CNS): Anton Parygin (45), who was arrested by Customs and Border Control at the weekend after they discovered three guns in his bags, appeared in Summary Court on Tuesday via video link from the detention centre. Defence attorney James Stenning asked for an adjournment of the case after receiving the charging documents from the crown just before the appearance of his client. Parygin and his wife flew to Cayman from Vancouver, Canada, where they live.

The case is set for Thursday when it is expected to be transmitted to Grand Court and Parygin is also scheduled to make an application for bail.

Parygin is facing serious charges with a minimum mandatory sentence of ten years if he is convicted. He is accused of trying to smuggle a 9mm semi-automatic rifle, a 9mm pistol and a 12-gauge shotgun and faces six counts of importation and possession of unlicensed firearms.

According to his social media postings, Parygin is a software engineer with his own company.

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