Five Cayman cops attain superintendent rank

(CNS): Brad Ebanks, who has been acting RCIPS superintendent for well over two years, has finally been confirmed in the senior rank along with four of his colleagues, who all received a promotion after the new Police Service Commission held its first recruitment process. The PSC, which was established in 2021, has responsibility for senior appointments and promotions within the RCIPS as well as good governance within the police service.
The new commission considered 17 applicants for this promotion, and the successful candidates were Brad Ebanks, Roje Williams, Wendy Parchment, Richard Barrow and Lloyd Marriott.
Before these promotions, there were just two people serving at this rank: Superintendent Adrian Seales, who heads up training and professional development, and Detective Superintendent Peter Lansdown, who heads up CID and served at this rank in the UK before he came to the Cayman Islands in 2016.
Governor Martyn Roper, who is the chairman of the PSC, congratulated the five officers who succeeded in the highly competitive recruitment process.
“It is excellent that we were able to recruit internally for these positions,” he said. “These officers have a proven track record and will make a valuable contribution to the strategic leadership of RCIPS. I thank Recruitment Panel Chair Richard Coles and his other panel members for setting a high bar for this first PSC recruitment since its establishment.”
Ebanks, who been with the RCIPS for over 35 years, has responsibility for all uniform officers within the RCIPS, including the Sister Islands. He has completed numerous leadership courses and has been acting as a superintendent since June 2020.
Inspector Roje Williams has a number of academic law enforcement qualifications and is currently responsible for the major events and emergency planning and operational support units.
Inspector Wendy Parchment has been with the RCIPS since 1984 and is currently managing the Cayman Islands Prisoner’s Detention Centre. She also has a number of professional qualifications and has served as the commander for the Sister Islands. She is also the chairperson of the newly formed Women in Policing Network.
Detective Chief Inspector Richard Barrow has been a police officer since 1993 and is second in command of the Criminal Investigation Department (CID), with a focus on the CI Bureau of Financial Investigation and the Financial Crimes Investigation Unit. He also has a number of academic and professional certificates relating to policing.
Inspector Lloyd Marriott is the commanding officer of the West Bay Police Station. He has almost thirty years of policing experience and a number of relevant qualifications, including behavioural knowledge and insight into gang behaviour.
Superintendents lead a complex area portfolio within RCIPS and across multi-agency collaborations, police officials said. They carry responsibility for strategic or policy lead for one or more areas of policing across the service.
- Fascinated
- Happy
- Sad
- Angry
- Bored
- Afraid
Maybe their first job is to find the RCIP insider
Sending Cayman Marl Road names of victims / witnesses and actual statements right from source. The. Being published for all to see
It’s a known fact
Be Warned, nobody should be helping the RCIP service when the information provided can’t be confidential
The COP is aware and guess what NOTHING has been done
I would never say anything to the RCIPS because I am not going to get my family targeted.
Insiders. Plural. More leaks than a dollar store sieve.
They certainly weren’t promoted for stopping crime!
Well done officers! However I would not have made this public until at least one robbery case was solved. 9 armed robberies in one month with 5 officers now being promoted.
Can anyone in that photo please let us know what reasonable cause or suspicion is for brethalysing a driver if it doesn’t include wrapping your car round a cuc pole at 11pm on a Friday night?
Laws for thee, but not for we! Looking at you, our MP’s!
Nothing new here . . .
Probably the largest police force per capita in the world, and can’t get any arrests. But let imbeciles drive into CUC poles and that’s all right jack. Pitiful excuse for a police service.
They harassed me in my private property during Covid lockdown! And I must respect them with them telling me my private property is consider public road??
Nothing put power tripping imported imbeciles!
Perhaps the commissioner will appoint one of the new superintendents to be exclusively responsible for traffic enforcement? Some directed leadership and RCIPS visibility must happen to sort out the carnage on the roads.
And it would appear the corruption.
Great. Can I give any of these guys a call when I run my car up a CUC pole? How does it work?
Wow, Congrats
Any word on when we will be getting a handle on all these escalating robberies?
Any word on the speeding sober MLA with the premier’s number on emergency dial?
Will we get a clarification on breathalyzing MPs who call the premier for help after crashing their car late at night?
Why would an island of 75,000 people need 5 police Superintendents with an area of 75 square miles? Canada has a population of 38,000,000 and a land area of 3.85 Million Square Miles and only has 179 Superintendents.
15 square miles each with discount for the swampland and mangroves.
Actually it’s seven – 5 new ones and the 2 they already had.
succession planning at its best. Congrats to all.
It’s succession planning when you replace an existing incumbent with someone else. When you simply expand the numbers of senior roles without an equivalent increase in functions or staff under supervision it’s just spending more money. All chiefs and no Indians.
Congrats Supt Brad Ebanks and Inspector Wendy Parchment, fellow West Bayas and in Wendy’s case a fellow Northwest Pointer. You both make us proud. We know you both and know your love for the country and dedication to our Police Service and people you serve. It brings a delight to see people we know leading in our Police Service that has fairness integrity and good reasoned judgement when it is needed. Thank you both for toughing it out. We know it has not been easy. The road less traveled never is. GBU you both and well done again. We are proud tee dee and bobo – we proud, I say. Congrats to the rest of the leadership team also. Nothing against unna. We just know these two better. Thanks for serving our country in the Police Service.
after jon-jon debacle i have no respect/time for any member of the police farce….and the governor.
Congrats to All
Good stuff. a real thing to be celebrated. However, these ivory tower bods aren’t going to fix the rampant, endemic Jamaican boots on the ground corruption that let John John get away with it.
We’re all f****d. accept it.
Yeah it was the Jamaicans that were responsible for DS getting off Scott free. Fact that the Premier was there nothing to do with it. Fact that DS and the Premier are multi generational Caymanian elected by Caymanians – nothing to do with it. If you want to blame expats, then blame the Governor who is responsible for law enforcement on the islands.
We do blame the Governor, who does not care about all Caymanians.
Congratulations to the new Superintendents . We pray for your success in the new role.
Success = stable crime, apparently.
Congrats to all of the Officers, and to those involved in their promotions.
How does this arrest McKeeva Bush?
Congratulations to all and please please strive to make a difference in the attitudes and competence of the rank and file.
Well done. Having worked with some first-hand, there are excellent officers in that lineup.
Now, get rid of those coasting, lazy officers.
…that would mean reducing police numbers by 75%.
If that’s the ratio, it would mean over 300 full time officers. Who then would the other 100 blame?
By the way that you spell and write, it is clear that your are (more than likely) far more competent than 95% of all RCIPS.