Wilks-Ebanks knocks back PPM vote on speaker

| 05/10/2022 | 127 Comments
Cayman News Service
Speaker McKeeva Bush and Deputy Speaker Katherine Wilks-Ebanks

(CNS): The leader of the opposition has said that Deputy Speaker Katherine Ebanks-Wilks has refused to accept the no-confidence motion that he submitted to parliament last week for a vote to oust Speaker McKeeva Bush. Roy McTaggart stated that the clerk of parliament had notified him that the motion, which was seconded by Barbara Conolly MP, was intended to be tabled in this upcoming meeting. But in what McTaggart said was an unprecedented move, it was “disapproved” by the deputy.

The parliamentary clerk also confirmed to CNS on Wednesday afternoon that Bush has still not submitted a letter of resignation, despite a request to do so by Premier Wayne Panton. CNS has contacted the premier and the deputy speaker about the latest developments of this situation and we are awaiting a response.

The opposition leader said he was given no reason why their motion was refused, despite calls for the resignation of the speaker of House from various individuals in the Cayman Islands, including the premier and the governor.

“I, along with my colleagues, believe that this motion deals with a matter which is of grave concern to all those who are resident in the Cayman Islands, but also to those who do business here,” McTaggart said. “The motion complies in every material respect with the Standing Orders of the House, and it is therefore surprising and alarming that it appears to have been disapproved arbitrarily as no reason was given.”

The PPM leader said he has now written to Ebanks-Wilks to ask why she has refused the request to debate the issue. Calling her decision “unprecedented”, McTaggart said, “The Cayman Islands over the years has been a sound democracy. It should be noted that in the Westminster Parliamentary systems an official like the speaker should remain in office only so long as he/she enjoys the confidence of the majority of the elected members.”

The no-confidence motion in the government remains on the order paper for Friday, and that will apparently be presided over by Bush as he remains in office. A third motion has been filed by backbench PACT member Dwayne Seymour calling for a vote of confidence in government. However, the point of that motion is not clear, and it is not known if it has been accepted.

See all the statements on the incident and calls for Bush’s resignation in the CNS Library.

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Comments (127)

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  1. John Brown says:

    blah, blah blah…just another day in Corruptistan….I mean Cayman…

  2. Anonymous says:

    Ebanks-Wilks is a pawn who has no clue what is going on. There needs to be a no confidence motion filed in respect of her decision as well as it does not seem to comply with our law based on what has been reported.

  3. Anonymous says:

    What a poor decision. Fortunately, he finally gave up the seat, but a poor decision from this MP from so many viewpoints.

    • Anonymous says:

      Poor thing, Kathy is so out of her league. Or at least she appears very happy coasting in the shadows. Another political disappointment for Cayman.

    • Anonymous says:

      The point is that he has not given up the seat. He is still there! Katherine is behaving like a fool.

  4. Yea I said it.... says:

    Very disappointing especially from a sitting MP who protested out by the Government Admin Building against Bush in the last incident.


    • Anonymous says:

      Yeah her father must be rolling in his grave. He was there by the LA when they were protesting against Mac!!

      • Yea I said it... says:

        While I understand your frustration, I do not believe your first sentence was necessary.

    • Anonymous says:

      Where was her constitutional understanding from law school and the reading of the constitution.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Kathy Ann this looks really bad on you, sorry to say.

  6. Anonymous says:

    What a bunch of ultra maroons!


  7. Anonymous says:

    Without the required delegated authority she had no power to make this decision. If she had no power then her statement is null and void.

  8. Anonymous says:

    She disgusts me

    • Anonymous says:

      The stupid people will vote for her again, remember there are more stupid voters than sensible ones, so she get voted in again. So can say stupid people rules.

  9. Sadsack says:

    People please understand that at some point we’re all going to die. lets all focus on our own personal happiness. Honestly it’s better for our health as Mackeevaitist is not good. Yes we care about our future and good Governance. But whether it happens or not. we can,t do alot about it. I’m not suggesting a dont care attitude, but lets focus and enjoy the beautiful things of life, especially those things we have control over. We will never ever get it right at times. There’s so much trouble in this world. So lets strive to be happy? Is the speaker of the house making you that unhappy? really??. Come on people. Lets refocus on the true things of life. Mac will be Mac. But don’t let him be a part of your everyday thoughts. There’s more to life than Mac.
    This too shall pass. So in the end of this Fiasco ask yourself these questions. Will it make you any happier?(Maybe you will) Will it give you a much needed raise in salary? Will it give you a promotion? Will it make you love yourself or your family more?
    Yeah and there’s more questions but I think you got the point.

    So yeah. If I get at least one person to reflect and refocus on this I would have accomplished my goals.

    #Love is the answer.

    • Anonymous says:

      I’ll see if that works on the cops next time I’m speeding

    • Anonymous says:

      Sadsack 6:27am: You are entitled to your (disconnected) opinion, but boy… is it truly disconnected from reality! You demonstrate the fact that political ignorance truly is the biggest threat to any democratic society. Good grief!

    • Anonymous says:

      Love? Get real brother…. the love of money is what drives our “leaders”!

  10. Sadsack says:

    People stop blaming the Deputy Speaker, she’s simply following orders. OMG! Progress is npw being made.Stop the hate please and let the system work.

  11. Anonymous says:

    We’ve seen this before recently with Bernie Bush. They want the kudos of being deputy speaker but when the chips are down, they don’t step up because they can’t handle the responsibility and haven’t a clue what they should be doing. A continual failing unfortunately of Cayman. Succession planning doesn’t exist.

    Let’s cross our fingers and pray to God that it doesn’t happen.

    Women of influence in Cayman, be ashamed, be very ashamed. You have done ZERO to advance the cause of women on this island. And those of us with a brain know it.

    • Anonymous says:

      Talk about the irony. Thanks for setting back gender equality yet again for the rest of us. Kathy is merely a token good Christian clear skin girl who could get the vote. Just another of the ‘yes men’. And here is the proof for all who doubted. She is not equipped to uphold, protect, and defend constitutional procedure as our Deputy Speaker. In fact what has she done at all? #freebananas #notmymac #macmetoo

  12. Anonymous says:

    One thing for sure…this is the most action I’ve seen out of PACT since they slapped together a “Government” after elections; PPM surely lit a fire under their ass; other than this heap of scrambling over the last few weeks, the only thing they have worked tirelessly on the past one and half years (lord…how much longer we have to put up with them?! 😩) is to try to form another government, generally without Premier Panton!

  13. Anonymous says:

    The dregs of the PPM will come out in full force now.

    Wait til Kathy gives her reason..

    Roy, Alden and those bunch of sore losers are still pining over their loss a still trying to find a way to usurp power.

    • Anonymous says:

      If she had a good reason she would have given it.

      • Anonymous says:

        Normally when a decision is made and announced the reason is clarified at the same time. Why does it take another 24/48 hours to come up with a reason- this shows she has no reason. Perhaps the motion to remove the Bigmac should also include her. This bunch of newly elected numskulls should all be voted out. They like the , power to make ridiculous decisions that they themselves don’t understand.

      • Anonymous says:

        RCIPS have not yet arrested, and DPP have not yet agreed to try the new(est) criminal case. That’s where our focused outrage should be.

      • Anonymous says:

        So right. I just imagine a deer in headlights. So pathetic!

    • Anonymous says:

      Reason – we know the reason

      in any event her reasons mean nothing if she contravened either the Constitution or Parliament’s standing orders by being the mouthpiece for a decision she had legal authority to make

      • Anonymous says:

        And who pray tell had the authority to determine whether a motion for a vote of no confidence in the Speaker should be accepted? The Speaker? You clearly have zero understanding of parliamentary procedure. As for the reason – Roy has asked for one and I am sure he will get it, but its likely to be that it was out of time – of true rather reflecting poorly on Roy’s understanding.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Bodden Town voters, please never inflict Jon Jon on the country again. A man with no intelligence, no integrity, steeped in ignorance, motivated only by greed.

    • Anonymous says:

      You could say that about pretty much all of them….

    • Anonymous says:

      Good sentiment, but sadly he is not the first with those qualities to be elected in Bodden Town, and probably not the last.

    • Anonymous says:

      Unfortunately with the entrenched, almost garrison-like majority voting population in BTE, he will not be easily moved as he is very attentive to their needs.

  15. Anonymous says:

    Even if Bush has resigned effective the end of November, the no confidence motion needs to proceed as no moral person can have any confidence in him at any time between now and the end of November or anytime thereafter. The voting public and international community need to see which MPs will vote to support Bush.

  16. Anonymous says:

    If Wayne’s mouthpiece at Muck Road is to be believed a deal has been cut to allow Mac to retire with more dignity than he afforded his victims at a time of his own choosing without any vote of confidence to besmirch his ‘spotless’ record.
    Roy please force the motion to proceed. Make sure that a Parliamentary record of those who stand behind Mac and his deeds is recorded.

    • Anonymous says:

      Governors and police commissioners, with the exception of Duncan Taylor, appear to have stood firmly with him for decades. Enablers. A farce.

    • Anonymous says:

      Whilst you are at it dont forget that Roy and his no credibility Gang brought forward elections by 6 weeks last time to protect the same speaker from a motion of no confidence!

      • Anonymous says:

        05/10/2022 11:30 you shouldn’t forget that PACT had the opportunity to keep him out, oh yes there would have been no PACT without him.

    • Cha says:

      U is an idjut Roy can hardly force herself to speak witless anything else.

  17. Anonymous says:

    Just imagine independence ?

    • Anonymous says:

      Not a hope. Pack up my staff and my business and gone. On the first plane outta here. Who needs me anyway? I only train caymanians and employe 20+ people.

    • Anonymous says:

      We are not ready for independence. All MPs are a joke. All MPs should resign.

  18. Anonymous says:

    This isn’t about PACT or PPM so writers stop hating. This is about removing McKeeva, why it needs to happen and the repercussions if it doesn’t happen. This has already caused our nation reputational harm in a time when the region is under continued scrutiny.
    McKeeva’s behaviour is unacceptable and his refusal to resign even after the Premier and the Governor recommended this for the good of the country he refuses.
    Unbelievable that the female MPs apart from Barbara Conolly has not condemned his actions.
    We the people of the Cayman Islands demand better.
    Time to march!!

    • Anonymous says:

      @7:09pm Barbara could have condemned him multiple times during the PPM reign and never did..don’t make her seem like any Saint.

      • SSM345 says:

        8:48, When she can spew endless garbage about Smith Cove and is mute on every else it says it all.

    • Anonymous says:

      Agree that his behaviour is unacceptable but dont forget that Ms Conolly sat with her mouth zipped for 4 years, two separate arrests and convictions and then remained quiet as alden arranged the shutdown of parliament to shutdown an opposition motion of no confidence against the speaker.

      I have no doubt that the premier was speaking for the Pact ladies when he asked Bush to resign.

      • Anonymous says:

        Barbara is doing the right thing now. Unlike Kathy and Pathetic PACT who should not have formed a government with him after all the mess he caused to have early elections. They could have ended it like PPM wanted but they wanted power more.

  19. Anonymous says:

    OK time for direct rule now. Suspend the constitution, insert a clause prohibiting those convicted of crimes of dishonesty, violence or drug dealing from standing for office, then a fresh election. Enough of this bullshit. If the governor won’t take action then the people will, by any means necessary.

    • Anonymous says:

      Seriously? You think the UK is a model we should follow? God help us!

      • Anonymous says:

        It is a sad and sorry state of affairs when the Cayman Parliament (and government) is even more of a pathetic omnishambles/clusterf*ck than Westminster.

        But this is where McKeeva, Panton, and all the other dismal clowns have brought us.


    • Anonymous says:

      Direct rule, hell no. And to serve what purpose, except to totally marginalize generational Caymanians who are already on the brink of extinction!

      Go and crawl back into whereever you came from.

    • Anonymous says:

      7.06. No! No! No! to direct rule. The UK has it’s own issues to clean up.

    • Anonymous says:

      Piss off! The UK is a complete shambles and going down the toilet. Cayman cannot afford any more second rate Brit’s to come over for a jolly to secure big contracts and a great lifestyle because they are British civil servants. Fix Britain first before you attempt to govern a crown colony

    • Anonymous says:

      Lol! There would be no left in the parliament if you did that!

    • Anonymous says:

      He and all of them should be stripped of their “honorable’ titles until they EARN THEM.

  20. Bayer says:

    what a shame coming from a female minister. Caymanian people I hope you all a watching and don’t forget next election who you vote for. So disappointing but can’t expect any better.

  21. Anonymous says:

    “The government you elect is the government you deserve.”

    ― Thomas Jefferson

    • Anonymous says:

      My candidate did not get in. So, this is not the government or opposition that I deserve.

    • Anonymous says:

      This is a variation of the quote ‘Every nation has the government it deserves.’ Joseph de Maistre (1753-1821). Not everything is uniquely American.

      • Anonymous says:

        Why do you feel the need to inject anti-American rhetoric into this reference?

        If anything, it is more likely that Maistre (1753-1821) was paraphrasing Jefferson (1743-1826), as Jefferson was ten years older, and given the timelines of the revolutions that influenced their thinking, namely the American Revolution (1765-1791) and the French Revolution (1789-1799).

        If scholars can agree that Newton and Leibniz independently developed something as complex as calculus, then there is no need to think either of those great men was copying the other in a simple quote.

        • Anonymous says:

          “Grab ’em by the p***Y”. Trump (1946-Present)

        • Anonymous says:

          anti-American rhetoric? Are you some sort of liberal lefty that has hurt feelings? Saying not everything is uniquely American hardly fits the bill of anti-American rhetoric. Do you you know what rhetoric means?

    • Anonymous says:

      Yeah, but it’s like fishing for a live one in a pool of dead fish.

  22. Anonymous says:

    PPM got schooled by a junior member of the Parliament..She knew from yesterday that Mac had resigned…

    Tek dat Roy and Alden! Dah wa unna get!

    • Anonymous says:

      To 6.56pm. Well 6.56 if she knew and refused to let the opposition leader know it means she failed to do her job as acting speaker and she should resign immediately. So dah wha YOU get.

    • Anonymous says:

      that’s not “schooled” that’s dishonest, why did she hide the fac that he resigned ? she is just as bad as Mac!

    • Anonymous says:

      How is allowing McBeater an additional two months in the role and avoiding going on record as having no confidence in him as Speaker schooling anyone?
      It’s certainly taught us the character of the Deputy Speaker and her coalition of cowards.

  23. Anonymous says:

    Hey Roy, thought you were smart eh? This a woman you messing with now…She didn’t tell you that Mac had already turned in his resignation so there was no need for your motion…bless your little hard..

    Now Roy, Alden and the rest of your PPM power hungry group please just follow Mckeeva and get out of politics after this term. People sick of unna!

    • Anonymous says:

      I hope it is not true that Katherine knew that Bush had resigned and deliberately refused to notify the Opposition leader. If she did then that is neglect of duty and she is unfit to be Deputy Speaker or Speaker.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yeah until we see proof that he resigned from before her ruling, we nah believing anything. We nah stupid Breda

  24. Anonymous says:

    Bush owns PACT and is more powerful than the rule of law in Cayman.

  25. Anonymous says:

    WTF – As Parliament is not sitting and the Speaker is not absent and the Speaker has not resigned or formally recused himself, the Deputy Speaker has no lawful authority to refuse or accept anything. But then again this is PACT we are dealing with.

    • Anonymous says:

      Apart from the tiny fact that he would be hopelessly conflicted in dealing with it as a motion against himself. What are you suggesting – that Mac should have dealt with it? Or that it should simply be ignored? Either would come to the same thing.

  26. Anonymous says:

    Farewell democracy, it’s been real.
    Venezuela here we come! Without the oil.

  27. Anonymous says:

    Roper, where u deh?

  28. Anonymous says:


    Clearly the refusal of this motion is not lawful. It appears that PACT has abandoned all pretense of following the rule of law in their pursuit of power but hopefully you are willing to act to preserve good governance, including the rule of law.

    As you know, our Parliamentary standing orders require that in the absence of anything express in our standing orders, our Parliament is obliged to follow the precedence of the House of Commons in London. This arbitrary rejection of a motion is not provided for in our Standing Orders and is contrary to UK precedents and is therefore unlawful and void.

    If you have any doubt about the above please ask the Attorney General and your colleagues in London to confirm.

    Note section 88 of standing orders

  29. Anonymous says:


  30. N says:

    Very disappointing Ms. Ebanks Wilks. Though when it comes to politrics, I’m not that surprised!

  31. Pastor Alfredo says:

    How surprising.

    Said no one in Cayman ever.

    PPM should employ some abstentionism and refuse to take their seats in parliament. It’s an utter sham.

    Outside of a handful of people in West Bay who has no confidence in the speaker? Thumbs up if no, thumbs up if yes. I think we all know the outcome. It’s a shame we can’t all vote on it.

    Pastor Alfredo

    • Anonymous says:

      ” Thumbs up if no, thumbs up if yes ”

      Too much vodka in the alfredo sauce for dinner I see

    • Anonymous says:

      Pastor Alfredo wouldn’t that be great..except the PPM still haven’t accepted that they lost the last election so they have to remain to find other ways to get power and take control of the Government whether we like it or not..

  32. Anonymous says:

    Great job. Congratulations to all! In the end this is just a speed bump. But where is Pact’s motion? Do they just want to keep on with Bush?

  33. Anonymous says:

    We wanted change

  34. Anonymous says:

    what a slap for women. Pun intended.

  35. Anonymous says:

    A slap in the face to all women in our god fearing islands.

  36. A. Fatta says:

    Tyranny at best. What a shame we continue to support and build misogynistic behavior.

  37. Anonymous says:

    Well so much for her crossing over to ppm. Alden will not take her now.

  38. Anonymous says:

    Very disappointing as a female leader…

  39. Joy Basdeo says:

    Good for you MP Kathy. Roy, sit down and wait your turn. This motion is the Premier’s privilege. He will do it in his own good time. Stop with this one upman ship Roy, you are making us lose respect for you.

    • Anonymous says:

      Roy seems to be the only one actually wanting to move this along. He is the only person in that whole parliament who actually calls it like it is.

      • Anonymous says:

        Oh, funny thing, the Governor spoke up following the Premier’s demand that the Speaker resign and where was Roy?…dead last

    • Anonymous says:

      Oh for gods sake don’t be so ridiculous- a motion was needed Roy filed it – frankly someone had to – doesn’t matter who it came from – what a total cluster – a woman molester who is not fit to hold office clings on because of pathetic mp’s who care more about themselves than our country – sack the lot of them

    • Anonymous says:

      The ghost of UDP past has arisen.

    • Anonymous says:

      All a scam and all of them in in cahoots with each other , yet they get reelected
      No wonder Big Mac build churches instead of schools ….keep ‘em fools they will continue to vote for you ,pretend Christian’s and their flock of fools

    • Shirl says:

      OMG please…Premier Panton lost his privilege with this (and other things) a long time ago…he needs to grow some balls; he is so in over his head trying to control this bunch of bandits …all for title of Premier!

    • Anonymous says:

      Where you just awaken from?

  40. Anonymous says:

    We can easily recall Roy and fellow clowns had nothing but confidence in this same Speaker even after his arrest, charges, and criminal conviction. Same with the casino arrest in Florida. Not one objection from any of them. They even put him on paid leave. More worrying for everyone that the Police have not arrested and charged him after gathering evidence all these weeks. Who is this guy? This is what worries Caymanians, residents, stakeholders and raises red flags internationally about the “soundness” of Cayman.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yeah, it’s as if he gave status without any clear reason to key members of the legal department, police, and judiciary…

      How are the investigations on First Cayman Bank coming along?

  41. Anonymous says:

    We are corrupt and it now seems clear, incapable of governing ourselves. #Leggewasright.

  42. Anonymous says:

    Tek dat CUC! Talking bout “we got the power”. You see way power is?

  43. Anonymous says:

    I will remember this next election Kathy!

    • Anonymous says:

      Maybe you should wait to hear the reasoning…?

      • Anonymous says:

        She has none…she was done what she was told to do…that’s it.

      • Anonymous says:

        Seriously? If she had a proper or legit reason she would have given it. She’s an embarrassment for all of us women and I hope everyone will remember this next election. If she had a good reason, she should have said it so it would ease the kinds of us women who have fallen victim to this man and men like him!

    • Anonymous says:

      “Earlier on Wednesday, it was revealed that Deputy Speaker Kathy Ebanks-Wilks had declined the motion. Although she did not give the Progressives a reason why some sources shared it was because the motion was out of time and no filed within the required timeframe”

      See…she had good reason. Have some faith nuh…

    • Anonymous says:

      I feel like she ended to be a one hit wonder so I doubt she cares.

    • Anonymous says:

      Motion of confidence- is that even a valid motion? I was of the impression that if you do not vote in favour of the no- confidence motion then you obviously have confidence.. our Beloved isles Cayman deserve better than this. A bunch of iincompetent ignorant people.


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