Nominations open for King Charles’ birthday gongs

| 10/10/2022 | 29 Comments
Former Premier Alden McLaughlin, now Sir Alden, with Prince Charles

(CNS): King Charles III will be continuing the tradition of the British monarch having an official birthday celebration as well as his actual birthday in November, and has adopted the same date in June as the one used by the late Queen. The tradition of birthday honours will also continue, and nominations for the new King’s first list of gongs are now being accepted here in the Cayman Islands.

Officials said that nominations should be for people who have made an exceptional contribution to the islands or sustained exceptional achievement.

The honours system recognises people who have made life better for other people or those who are outstanding at what they do. They must still be actively involved in what they are nominated for, whether that is for life-long voluntary service or displaying moral courage. Honours are given to people from fields such as arts and media, health and sports, as well as civil or political service.

As well as potential knights, dames, MBEs and OBEs, the community is invited to submit nominations for the King’s Certificate and Badge of Honour, for which the same honours nomination form should be used. Nominators must indicate on the form that the nomination is for a Certificate and Badge of Honour.

More information on the Honours system, nomination forms and guidance on submitting nominations can be found here. Nominations should be submitted to the Governor’s Office to be reviewed by the Cayman Honours Committee, who will decide which nominations to submit to the UK.

The deadline for Governor’s Office to receive nominations is the close of business on 31 October. Nominations can be sent by email to, dropped off at the reception desk at the Government Administration Building or by post to Suite 101 Government Administration Building, Grand Cayman KY1-9000, by the earlier deadline of 24 October.

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Comments (29)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    You can bet Franz Manderson will be CBE. Not worthy!

  2. Cheese Face says:

    Alden is a Sir, Derek Haines is not, so honestly, who gives a F***? It means nothing.

  3. Anonymous says:

    in 21st century …this is just unbelievable…

  4. Anonymous says:

    Who cares about this rubbish. Why anyone would want a ‘gong’ from a family of scroungers and sex offenders is unbeknownst to me.

  5. JTB says:

    Surely McKeeva must be due a knighthood to complement his many other accolades

  6. Anonymous says:

    Would love a hit from the Royal Bong!!

  7. Unhappy Caymanian says:

    I would nominate several bell ends in Cayman.

    To a man and woman useless and Caymanian thus deserving of accolade.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Please stop all this meaningless colonial foolishness. Some of these idiots heads are already too big.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Whole place is a frigging gong show. Just give every civil servant a participation ribbon and call it a day.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Please, no more knighthoods and no more govt. people.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Sir John A. Cumber for National Hero!

  12. Anonymous says:

    Will Sir Alden be getting any new honors? The way his power grab is going he should need a little pick me up medal to cheer him up.

  13. Anonymous says:

    DG Franz does not deserve the knighthood Roper has arranged for him. World class service my ass.

    • Anonymous says:

      Oh my goodness, these knighthoods are really getting cheap and shoddy any more. I hope the King shuts all that nonsense down, he should recall this joker Roper for even suggesting such a thing.

      CNS: It’s worth repeating, the British monarch plays no part in politics, including the appointment of diplomats.

    • Anonymous says:

      And to think Mrs. Olive Miller was turned down for Damehood yet “Sirs” are being handed out like candy.

    • Merith says:

      1:30. The fact that you don’t like our DG is insane and proves that he should receive another Gong

      Jealousy is a horrible thing.

      Roper has done more for the Caymanian people than the last 4 Governors put together.

      • Anonymous says:

        Bullshit. He has overseen the final nail in Cayman’s coffin. We are now controlled by a motley crew comprising mainly Jamaicans and Trinis, with a smattering of Canadians to add the appearance of diversity. Caymanians have no place in their home, and we are inept or corrupt to the core.


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