Bush denies allegations in resignation letter
(CNS) UPDATED 8:30pm: CNS has now received a copy of the resignation letter given to the clerk of parliament on Thursday by McKeeva Bush. In the letter, Bush claims he did not assault anyone at the Caribbean Tourism Organization cocktail party last month, despite getting the date of the event wrong. But he said that because the allegations against him have “grown into a national distraction” and to avoid further controversy, he would resign. Bush said he would support the PACT Government as he advanced towards “the sunset of my long and productive career as a parliamentarian”.
But the veteran West Bay MP is not planning to swap his speaker’s seat for one on the back bench for more than two months because, he claimed, the government would need time to organise a replacement. As a result, the opposition is still pressing Deputy Speaker Kathy Ebanks-Wilks to put their no-confidence vote on the order paper to ensure Bush’s immediate and certain departure from high office.
In a letter sent today to Opposition Leader Roy McTaggart, following her refusal yesterday to accept the motion for the vote, Ebanks-Wilks said that their motion was filed out of time. However, this appears to be inaccurate.
The PPM leader has written back to the deputy speaker setting out why the motion was filed in time and urging her to accept it and let the vote go ahead. McTaggart said that her “ruling is patently wrong”, and while her inexperience may explain why she made the mistake in calculating the time, given the gravity of the motion she should have consulted the attorney general.
In a press statement issued Thursday evening, the opposition leader said the government was becoming increasingly “heavy-handed”, as he questioned why the PPM’s motion of no-confidence in the PACT Government was being pushed down the order paper to accommodate a vote of confidence in the government, which was filed by backbench MP Dwayne Seymour a week after the opposition motion was submitted.
The opposition leader said that during Thursday evening’s parliamentary business meeting ahead of the parliament meeting Friday, the government had “hijacked the process”, as he accused PACT of trying to silence the opposition.
See all statements on the matter in the CNS Library.
See all three letters below:
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Category: Politics
Off you trot Mac – nobody has believed you for years. All good and well handing out appliances here and there in the past. Get yourself an armchair, put your feet up and leave young women and liquor alone. Its time you became a better citizen and more importantly, a better husband and father
That he has, in his resignation letter, DENIED the accusations of “assault” (a word used to deliberately mislead) may not stand Bush in good stead. He should be reminded of 133 of the Penal Code (2022 Revision):
“A person who, with intent to insult the modesty of any woman, utters any word, makes any sound or gesture or exhibits any object intending that such word or sound shall
be heard, or that such gesture or object shall be seen by such woman, or intrudes upon the privacy of such woman, commits an offence and is liable to imprisonment for
three years”.
The law is clear.
PACT need to step up and get rid of anybody in Bush’s pocket – That includes Wilks. They need to start from scratch and appoint someone who is able to be unbiased and preferably able to speak (as its a speaker role!!!)
They need to suspend Bush immediately on his pay until November and MOVE ON.
Cayman looks ridiculous with this hanging over our heads.
Who singed up Bush to get in power knowing full well of the history?
It wasn’t me. I can’t even carry a tune!
Singed…so that’s what the funny smell is surrounding Mac..
Which time? He’s been a community idiot for two generations now. Go to elections.ky and request copies of signed nominations papers.
What?! the guy who has NEVER taken responsibility for his own actions isn’t taking responsibility again? I am shocked… SHOCKED I say
Just when we thought things could not get worse Jon Jon came on.
What are the odds that the police show up at the Parliament today to arrest Bush ?
Nil. Tho it would be a hoot.
Very low since CoP Byrne has relayed that they still haven’t given DPP the file.
No file exists. No prosecution will be made. Bush will enjoy his millions.
Who wants to bet that the forced resignation is all that happens?
Wasn’t me it was the U D P! Gang still running bout the place yah!
Just shows how much he thinks he’s above everyone. And it shows how little backbone Wayne has. How is he allowed to dictate his own departure date? Backwater nonsense.
What’s next Mac? You going to deny that Earth is curved?
Morons in charge! It was predicted!
If The Walking Wig is denying it then that tells me he has already been informed that there is insufficient evidence to proffer any charges.
Don’t be so sure. His batting average ain’t what it used to be.
I believe this is the definition of the local phrase,
Just had to turn off TV while JonJon Seymour is spewing garbage typical of an uneducated buffoon murdering the English language.
He lauds his God given talents for having guided the young ministers of the UDPact government….Cayman we are lost.
Bush denies that the Pope is catholic.
Please don’t resign McBush there’s nobody else with your comedic skills to entertain us!
The rest of our elected representatives can only do incompetence.
Oh I don’t know, Jon Jon adds a certain air of comedy to his undoubted incompetence.
don’t forget about Kenny…
Cryin Bryan will step into the clown shoes fo sho!
How can the speaker resign and give 50 days notice? Why was this accepted? He should not be allowed to dictate terms of his resignation. Premier Panton should require it be with immediate effect.
spendin de people money on he self
To Anonymous 9:30pm: Does his being here have any impact on whether or not Mac resigns? No? Ahh…..
Both the speaker and the deputy speaker are out of time. Roper, ya dead?
So… I received this from Jon Jon Seymour today. I think he is back to speaking in made up foreign languages again.
I am personally invited everyone even if it’s for one hour or so to show up to Parliament tomorrow for a 10am start, I am due to be the first presenter of what is considered historic for Cayman in a Confidence vote to hold the government together, we all know nothing or Noone is perfect but if you can’t bring the solution you need to what your time. I look forward to seeing you All.
Seriously, Is this a joke 8.44 ?
If Seymour did really send that memo, then I weep for Cayman .
I don’t think Jon Jon wrote that. I would have expected more spelling mistakes.
If she does not immediately reverse her refusal to accept the motion then Roy ought to file a motion of no confidence in the Deputy Speaker as well – hopefully tomorrow.
That is stupid who is going to accept it!!
You are the stupid one
Read and try to understand the Standing Orders
So sad that the PPM has to educate the Deputy Speaker like this…. and she’s supposed to be a lawyer!!
Legal schooling and qualifications. Not a lawyer.
To Anonymous 6:32pm: Being an MP does not mean they know everything. The lady could have call the Attorney General for guidance if she wished.
What an offensive bunch of poorly reasoned claptrap Roy. Perhaps your legal advisor might revisit the first sentence of LA section 8?
Garbage – Go back to the bar, the ice in your drink is melting
What a mess – anyone note that if Roy’s right about the 5 days notice and the application of the Interpretation Act, then the Clerk was right about the 5 days but wrong about the 10 days?
Facts…… We don need no stinkin facts!
Ebanks-Wilks made a rookie mistake. Although PPM and Roy are irrelevant and pathetic, Roy was correct. The Deputy Speaker is off to a horrible start with displaying her skills as Speaker.
she knows exactly what she is doing. PACT don’t want the motion heard at all costs.
Exactly – democracy and the rule of law should not be allowed to interfere with PACT’s machinations.
No mistake! She would have consulted the clerk at the parliament and she would have advised her accordingly! She chose to use this lame excuse in order to prevent the motion being accepted. This is a PACT manipulation and slap in the face to all abused women. But we don’t care it seems, these same jokers will be out giving the handouts and getting voted back in next election. 2021 was my last time time voting, never again will I participate in this fraud.
Dear Deputy Speaker,
We the people of the Cayman Islands have no confidence in your competence. Please resign.
The reason that the motion was refused is that PACT does not the public to know that many of their elected members still support Mac and everything he has done. In fact no small number of them want to be him – or at least want to be coached by him in the art of condo procuring and all the ways that he has made money while in office.
The opposition can simply move a motion at tomorrow’s session that the standing order for the five day notice requirement be waived to allow a motion of national importance to be brought to the house. That will allow for a clear indication to be made as to who supports allowing the motion of no confidence and who doesn’t. The Deputy Speaker might not have the authority to accept the motion but the Parliament does, if the suspension of that relevant standing order passes then the motion will be allowed, if it fails it confirms that the majority of the MP’s didn’t want it.
Good point from someone who seems to know the way the game is played
But the Speaker has the power to deny motion to waive the 5 day period, so it will not heard.
CNS – thank you for publishing both letters. Now it should be obvious even to the PACT Koolaid drinkers that the decision to prevent the vote of no confidence was not lawful.
Which one?
Have you seen some of the ignorant fools who have that PACT koolaid drilling from their chin?
Is Bush’s purported letter of intended future possible resignation not an extremely important matter of public record? If it is part of the public record then why is it not being released pray tell.
Roy’s letter is correct. The Deputy Speakers analysis is rubbish. The Deputy Speaker is in a daze about days and should be removed on the basis of her utter incompetence.
Honestly she is being guided by the Speaker himself. Eitherwise he did it to make her look stupid or he is out of it too. I think it is the 1st point.
come on…let’s be a bit patient
with the process and less judgemental, it’ll work out..just breathe.
You must be new here. We’ve been waiting DECADES!