Premier urges MPs to follow Queen Elizabeth’s example
(CNS): At a special meeting of Parliament on Monday commemorating Queen Elizabeth and pledging allegiance to King Charles, Premier Wayne Panton said that the Queen had been an impeccable example of a leader. Panton said she led by example and urged his colleagues to do the same,e as he spoke about the things they could take away from her leadership qualities. He urged them to adopt her leadership traits of humility, selflessness, dignity and integrity.
“As leaders, let us be inspired by the life and legacy of her late Majesty and may we never confuse our positions or our office as being about our personal identity,” the premier said. “Let us recommit ourselves to our purpose and to hold first and foremost the responsibilities of our roles. Let us commit our time, talent and treasure to improving the lives of the people we serve and in so doing resist the impulsive pull of our egos that might tempt us to put ourselves first. We will be better leaders.”
Governor Martyn Roper said she was the best diplomat the UK had ever had, while Speaker McKeeva Bush said she was a “model of decency”. Opposition Leader Roy McTaggart said she was a constant presence here and her passing had “hit us all with heavy hearts”. Former premier Alden McLaughlin said she had become the most respected leader in the world and her absence on the world stage requires someone to step up and fill the role.
While marking the loss of Elizabeth II and the end of her reign, MPs were all nevertheless enthusiastic about her successor, King Charles III, making it clear that the Cayman Islands’ political landscape remains firmly in support of the British monarchy.
The period of national mourning for the Queen continues until next Tuesday following the funeral on Monday, 19 September, which will be a public holiday.
See here for more details.
See the proceedings below on CIGTV:
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Category: Local News
I see the Post Office (closing now on Saturday) has picked up her work ethic.
The queen worked tirelessly until 96.
Proper Marketing & Promotion is needed
Our Educational System is Headed in the right direction
As the world continue to evolve from the old to the new, starting where past centries used boats and animals as a source of transportation to move goods and products to markets that created jobs and income in trade and commerce during the old days.
To the introduction of cars, planes and trains that cultivated and created new innovated minds for technical jobs and income in today’s economy
We find that technology is playing an important role in shaping the minds of the next generation with changes in the ways from the way we teach and learn academically to the way we advertise, market and sell goods and services
Colleges and Universities in other developed parts of the world have introduced new courses geared to develop students into entrepreneurs by teaching students new innovative and creative possibilities to stimulate and generate ideas for future ventures that is essential for prosperity and social progress with technology that sometimes open completely new markets and transform existing industries.
The briefly explains how some of these transformations will affect us like it did with our forefathers when the world that we know it today, changed millions of old jobs in the world they knew with jobs ranging from using boats and animals to transport goods and products, to markets for income and prosperity, to new technical jobs that required technical training and education to build, service, mentain and repair cars, planes and trains
In other words, developing proper teaching skills for Colleges and Universities for these new Entrepreneural Courses to stimulate and create innovation in the minds of the next generation that is going to see some manual or human jobs losses, while other technical jobs are created.
Meaning, that people employed today or people that are laid off, need to constantly re-tool themselves with the most up to date college and university trends to stay employed or create employment for themselves
A few good examples of what college or university re-tooling tools may be required is the self driving cars that will need new minds developed with the technology to produce and install the technological equiptment for these cars to drive themselves, roads and engineers to better develop and communicate with the self driving cars to drive themselves
Another example is the discussions of flying cars that can fly from one geographical location to another.
These potential Flying Cars will need better and more organized Air Traffic Control Towers, modern equiptment designed that can create flight paths or air passage routes for these cars to fly and aviod accidents etc……….. emergency personnel and teanspertation that can quickly respond and attend to any possible flying car accident on land and in the water to save lives
Which is why these entrepreneural classes and teachers are still in the process of being designed to stimulate innovation and creativety in the minds of the next generation
The STEM Science, Technology, Engineering and Math programs are used together academically to address education policies or curriculum choices for the workforce, national security concerns and immigration policies
There is no universal agreement on which disciplines are included in STEM; in particular whether or not the science in STEM includes social sciences, such as psychology, sociology, economics, and political science.
In the United States, these are typically included by organizations such as the National Science Foundation, (NSF)
The National Science Foundation deals with all matters concerning science and new discoveries in science as it affects development, research, and innovation.,_technology,_engineering,_and_mathematics
Therefore, as the world continue to evolve from what we know today and into the future, by shaping the young minds in our community and broader society to be creative and innovative
Why isn’t our government proving more or providing sufficient information to parents and guardians to promote educational programs that can be studied at home like extra Online Calss Work or Online Home Schooling Tutoring Programs like
Kindergarden Grade School Programs
Hooked on Phonics
Grade 1 – Grade 12 Math & English
That can improve students grades and give them a greater chance at excelling and succeeding
It is hard to imagine, in the modern age, that soldiers are trained in the arcane skill of removing bearskin hats.
Move on Britain. Fund your NHS instead.
Oh shut up
what a great counterpoint!
Must have been a debate champ.
Yes, good point. All that money wasted on training them to remove hats. Think of the hospitals that could be built with that money!
It is because of military training that two world wars were won so that your freedom of speech is protected, even if they are stupid insular comments.
Sure, as soon as you fully fund your public service pension scheme.
Cayman cannot be considered an advanced society until the Filipino guards at the GOAB are given outlandish head coverings made from agouti fur.
You are too funny.
We’ll see how advanced we are when we see how much more disgrace the Premier can tolerate when it comes to the latest outrage perpetrated by one of our “honorable”.
I hope that this news article where a Rocket Launcher was handed in urges the Local Police to hold regular Gun Amnesty once every three months
Cayman really isn’t a real place. McKeeva? Does anyone else see the irony?
The influx of illegal guns pouring into the Caribbean is a major problem for all small island states
I hope and trust that they get it right and find Non-Violent, Non-Confrontational ways to deal with this problem and reduce the illegal arms pouring into these islands
Forner Jamaica Security Minister urges and promotes introducing new laws for law abiden citizens to arm themselves with fire arms to protect themselves and there families
Whats even more distrurbing is that he appeals for these fire arm laws be passed when an influx of illegal arms are flowing into the Caribbean, dispite calls by so many rational thinkers to find peaceful Non-Violent Confrontational ways for persons owning illegal fire arms to be dis-armed by handing them over to the Police to make communities and society safer
He goes further with his appeal to introduce these laws to be introduced that prevent people with Mental Healrh and and Domestic Violence offences from legally owning a fire arm
This goes as far back as World War Two when the Western Hemisphere was under severe attack of Phycological, Social, Emotional and Economical Warfare from strings being pulled from behind what Winston Churchill described as “the Iron Curtin’ that promted the well known promonent British Winston Churchill to pleaded with sensible people when he said in his short, but most notable speach, “Don’t Give Up, Never Give Up” until the phycological, social, emotional and economical tactics stop
World War Two ended years ago but has left behind few people who understand these pressures and are able to deal with them, “these types of personal, financial and professional pressures”
With the lost of our dear Queen and her husband Phillip, has weakened Britian and its Colonial Territories ability to be able to strategically deal with these types of onslots of aggression
I hope and pray that the good Lord Almight above, opens the eyes of our current leaders and bless them with the knowledge and historical details of why, how and who foght for the Freedom and Liberties we enjoyed for so many years and still enjoy today
…while Speaker McKeeva Bush said she was a “model of decency”. Wny is he even allowed to comment!
Quite funny as well of ironic his use of the word “decency” anyone out there thinks he knows the meaning of the word?
So much decency on display at the Ritz, that the police had to intervene.
But will they do more?
3.11 I doubt it very much, given tho a “suspended sentence” is somewhere in the mix.
What will it take I wonder for Wayne and the rest of them to say..Enough.
Former premier Alden McLaughlin said she had become the most respected leader in the world and her absence on the world stage requires someone to step up and fill the role.
Why did Sir Alden deem it necessary to issue a challenge to Cryin Bryan at a time like this?
Mr. Premier with all due respect the citizens of this country are suffering especially the ones that came by pain and not by plane. We are worst off than 2 years ago with the previous government. At least with the PPM lead government, when they sold the country out we received some of the crumbs. Now we get nothing! Our bills are 3 times higher, development still out of hand, traffic is worst than ever, vaccinated people dying from Covid 19, healthcare and property insurances way to high, discrimination is still allowed in the work place against Caymanians and the hungry still go to bed hungry.
Tell me what comparison to the queen is going to do for our citizens? Long live the King!
Your command of English is worst than ever.
Maybe he is just to high
Worse. ?
If the example to follow is being an ultimate drain and scrounger of the state, then our MPs are doing a fine job in emulating that.
As the official purveyor of white supremacy the Queen did a fantastic job. She didn’t speak out against criminal racist colonial policies she inherited as she could have. In the end the rich colonies were left drained, poor. The capital stolen was directed to build so called great universities in England and finance the industrial revolution. The Poor or non whites were left with crumbs. Meanwhile the “church’’ and Christianity told the poor-non whites to be patient, pray and god will reward them in heaven! At the same time the message to the whites was we are blessed to inherit the riches of the earth, those other people are hewers of wood and water carriers. Now that psychology when supported by guns, germs and steel is partly responsible for the situation the world is in today. Go on emulating the 🤴 👿
Our ignorance of history causes us to slander our own times. The ordinary person today lives better than a king did a century ago, but is ungrateful – Gustave Flaubert.
In what could have been a heavy & somber day, The Premier, whether by design or not said just the right thing to lift the mood,
He’s good at talk….nothing else just talk
He ga jokes for real.
Humility, selflessness,dignity and integrity! We wish but as the saying goes “if wishes were horses beggars would ride”. They would have to be born again literally to possess such virtues – so we wait!
You already did long time ago,look at your own.
“Humility, selflessness,dignity and integrity!”
We must hold all of our MPs to be compliant with the Ministerial and Parliamentary Code of Conduct, call them out when they are not.
Some of our MPs do not have even one of these qualities and yet still they are scheming to be the new Premier and Deputy Premier.
Brilliant stuff (headline) Wayne, has to be up for one of the best ‘Fringe one liners’ 😂😂
What a joke
The Queen of England. Grace, elegance and the India Partition.
Sitting on billions in property and assets while the shambling poors cry out.
Let us all strive to match this level of excellence.
Food banks closed on Monday across the country.
2.58pm The colonisation and partition of India took place before the Queen ascended the throne.Her personal wealth is in the region of $600 million far less than thousands of billionaires around the world and she did pay tax on her income.. As for the shambling poor we have large numbers right here in the Cayman Islands along with many local multi millionaires, might I suggest you strive to reduce this imbalance right on your own doorstep.
If your politicians were to follow the Queen’s example as your own Premier has urged, these islands would be a much better place.
Well said Roger. One thing though: you infer the 2:58 hater is Caymanian. Maybe they are, but maybe they are not. You and I are Caymanian and proudly so. Respect to you Roger – you are NOT anonymous.
Let The Queen RIP. She’s earned it.
Thank you Michael. Whoever 2.58 is, he or she has little knowledge of the facts. I wager this person will not own up to his or her nationality.Regardless, it is very upsetting to read these unwarranted and hateful comments at a time of national mourning.We have home grown anti-monarchists in Britain and I admit, some of them here,,but I am heartened that we also have many loyal Caymanian supporters of the Queen who are appreciative of her fine record over 70 years as Queen.
Got reparations?
Preach sir. Thank you. Our politicians will never be the gentlemen and ladies as the Queen. They are too selfish.
Are you the patron of over 600 charities? Have you donated 1 Billion of your money?
Did you dismantle slavery 32 years before the USA? Do you know what the US civil war was about? A war that caused more people to die than in world war 2? Are you admired by over 80% of the population for your efforts? When you are gone you won’t be remembered, the queen is a part of history.
The India divide is just a stupid ignorant comment. The Queen is no more responsible for that than whatever crimes my ancestors committed. Have you even pondered why India and Pakistan have not merged again?
Of course the partition of India took place 5 years before she ascended to the thrown, and by 1947 retains colonial policy was determined by the British government not the Royal family, but why let facts get in-the way of your rant.
Please get an IQ test. You might qualify for special assistance.
The MP’s could care less, all they want is to stay in power and take care of the main fat cats and the hell with everyone else. Nothing will ever change around here. Look at the new article on a flyover at Grand Harbour which is the worst bottleneck on the island. Why are they allowing more development in this area without the proper upgrades to the road network? Why don’t these hot shot developers have to pay for the infrastructure upgrades before they can build anything but instead our government gives these developers duty concessions.I believe everyone knows the correct answer to these dumb questions.
yawn….more empty platitudes. what else is he going to say?
Aren’t all platitudes empty by definition?
?…there is much to question about her reign.
at best she was an aloof, bland figure-head who did little to tackle any real issues facing her people.
The social constructor has entered the chat room. Please put your facts away and turn on your social media accounts.
And she never bought you a washing machine. We understand your anger.
“humility, selflessness, dignity and integrity”
All the qualities our representatives don’t have
And never will attain.
You’re not figureheads………run the country for your people….not only to get paid. Panton….just do something!
…while Speaker McKeeva Bush said she was a “model of decency”. Wny is he even allowed to comment!
Says the man who actively sought out convicted criminals in order to be able to form a government.
Somebody had to. You don’t have real political parties. Who was going to be your government?
So don’t feel up and/or batter women, don’t sell cocaine, assault police officers, gamble with government issued credit cards, etc?
Got it. Good luck.
Have to start somewhere. Stop voting them in.