PPM seeks no-confidence vote in PACT

| 21/09/2022 | 183 Comments
Cayman News Service
Opposition Leader Roy McTaggart addresses parliament

(CNS): Opposition Leader Roy McTaggart has filed a no-confidence motion in the government, blaming what he said was Premier Wayne Panton’s lack of effective leadership and the belief that the Cabinet is split, opening up a political opportunity for the PPM to take power.

But the premier has dismissed the move, accusing the PPM of “plotting and scheming” while PACT is working to deliver results. The motion, which lists 14 reasons why the government should be voted out, was filed today with parliament, where McKeeva Bush remains as speaker since he has still not submitted his letter of resignation.

The PPM motion is seconded by the Deputy Leader of the Opposition Joey Hew, and McTaggart said it is supported by the entire opposition. He said the government was “beset by controversies of its own making, mired in confusion and internal division, and incapable of effective action”, and the country could not afford “a government asleep at the wheel”.

He said there were members of the government who want to see the country progress and have reportedly discussed “their frustrations with the current leadership, or lack of leadership, and the general unease in their caucus”. McTaggart urged them to vote in favour of the motion and for a fresh start and a new government that would be led by the PPM.

“We hope responsible members of the government will be persuaded by the debate that we will put to Parliament …The Progressives, along with a coalition of the capable, can then look to form a government to take the country forward over the two and a half years that remain before the next general election,” he added.

McTaggart said that from the outset, the opposition had tried to be constructive and to offer ideas to a government “that lacked experience and had no coherent programme”. But effective government was proving impossible “due to a lack of leadership coming from the current premier and the apparent divisions within the Cabinet and government caucus”.

He said the cost-of-living crisis is escalating, families are facing considerable hardship and businesses are grappling with rocketing costs and a squeeze on profits, while forecasts suggest that Cayman’s economy will still not have recovered to its pre-pandemic level by the end of this year.

Hew said the failure to deliver results was compounded by ineffective governance. “We have seen ministers breaking the Code of Conduct that they themselves devised,” he said. “We have seen ministers making policy announcements that they have to walk back due to a lack of support from their colleagues and the public.”

He added, “In recent days, we have seen the divisions in the PACT Government revealed again, with both the premier and a minister claiming credit for supposedly getting Speaker Bush to agree to step down as speaker, and with the premier publicly reprimanding his minister for not showing restraint.”

Hew accused the premier and the government of doing little to assist the people, claiming that what they have done was only after being prodded by the opposition.

However, the government has rolled out a number of initiatives to help people through the current cost of living crisis, from a nationwide free school meals programme across the entire public school system to direct subsidies on power bills over the summer.

Hew also complained about the lack of sittings of parliament where MPs could tackle the various problems the country faces. “The country deserves better,” he said.

McTaggart said the country needs an alternative government that is ready to step in and take action. “Cayman is crying out for strong, capable leadership. Our people need action from the government to support them through the challenges ahead. The country needs action that only an experienced Progressives-led government can deliver,” he said in his bid to become premier.

He added that the convention in the government system demands that a motion on a lack of confidence in the government is a matter that should be dealt with expeditiously. “Such a motion places the government in an untenable position and a position of uncertainty. So, we expect this motion to be dealt with when the parliament next meets on 5 October.”

But the motion has first to be accepted by the speaker, an office still held by Bush at the time of publication. If it is accepted and placed on the business paper, it will then need two-thirds of MPs to support the vote to succeed. This means the six-member opposition group will need seven members from the government benches, including at least three Cabinet members, to cross the floor, which is very unlikely.

While the PACT Government, which is made up of 13 independents, may have some policy differences, the coalition is unlikely to collapse in the face of a no-confidence motion. The premier, who was still in London on Wednesday when the motion was filed, dismissed the political move.

“The Progressive’s filing a motion of no confidence at this time, immediately after the  Period of National Mourning and while the country is facing the threat of a hurricane, is not surprising. It is typical of the Progressives. They once again prioritise political power over the needs of the Caymanian people. While they are plotting and scheming, we are working to deliver results for the people and doing a good job of it,” Panton stated.

See the opposition leader’s statement in full and the motion in the CNS Library.

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Comments (183)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    PPM has such poor judgement. Disgusting timing.

  2. Anonymous says:

    The PPM just wants to look for every crack so they can weasel their way back in charge even though they did absolutely nothing to help the average Caymanian household all those years they were in charge. Maybe it’s true that they passed things quicker because they all read from the same hymn book, but everything they passed I completely disagreed with. PACT might be taking longer because they are not always aligned with each other but at least I agree with everything they are trying to do 100%! PPM will destroy Cayman’s environment to the point of no return and sell off every bit of this island to the highest bidder. Don’t trust them!

  3. Anonymous says:

    This may be a good thing..Give Alden and the PPM another flogging losing the Government twice in one term.

    Whoever walks across the aisle with them must realize that they are sealing their fate for the next election.

    The people didn’t vote to put Alden or Roy back in charge so because that didn’t happen, like the PORT fiasco, they are trying to push this through to take over the Government.

    Nah ga happen Bobo!

  4. Anonymous says:

    Who is in charge of the PPM now? I noticed Roy reading from a prepared statement. Is it the same like he did after the election. My guess its Alden behind this and wring this foolishness.

  5. Anonymous says:

    politics is a slimey business, filled with slimey individuals.

  6. Anonymous says:

    We the populace don’t want the Progressives back in power as Dart will keep getting richer while we suffer.

  7. Anonymous says:

    None of these people care beyond the power grab. Think the cost of living, immigration, health costs, mental health, traffic issues, education system, cruise port, garbage/recylcing, erosion of public beach access and on and on will be sorted by changing from Wayne to Woy (or worse, Julianna?!), you’re deluded.
    Same problems under PPM. All they’ll do is be less subtle about their ties to Dart.

  8. Anonymous says:

    This was needed…PACT Government led by Wayne Panton is a complete failure! The most they have done since being elected is fight amongst themselves. The MP’s treat Wayne like a dog and most of them can barely speak a proper sentence. But they will probably stick together because they all want to maintain their positions, this includes Wayne Panton who seems to be willing to continue working with bandits who have done nothing but disrespect him.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Isn’t it strange that the PPM would bring a vote of no confidence against the PACT Government?

    Shouldn’t the PPM have brought a vote of no confidence against the Speaker, who is accused (once again) of doing inappropriate things to female victims?

    Taking down the PACT Government and attempting to gain power is more important to the PPM than support victims who are women.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yep. PPM is so power hungry that, instead of doing the righteous thing to remove the Speaker, they could not help but make a grab for power.

  10. Anonymous says:

    what? A motion of no confidence by PPM. PACT still has work to do no doubt but less no forget what the PPM government has done to the people of our country. And they did so without caring for every single citizen not just the rich and privileged.

    “Pot calling the kettle black”.

  11. Anonymous says:

    I not certain what are the negative comments towards PPM. I personally do not like the group but I must say the truth when the truth is there to tell. Lets face facts even during a lock down residents and the country was thriving and was a lot better than where we currently are. What measures have the PACT government implemented to assist with the people of these islands? Our utility bills have doubled, local loan rates have increased whilst saving rates have not, insurances have increased and most of all salaries such as the minimum wage has gotten nowhere. What is certain is every minute the pact government is on a flight to somewhere on tax payers back. Enough is enough, they should all resign and a new government is formed. If not, then let King Charles take the reign.

    • Anonymous says:

      You are delusional. PPM fought against transparency, our own people, while giving our assets away, and lining their pockets – for 12 years. Where is their code of conduct? Who was their Speaker during a criminal trial? Why would you want THAT back? Fuel and utility bills are a completely different racket job, but also one that was co-sponsored by PPM…Joey’s brother runs CUC.

      • Anonymous says:

        Yes, it’s true! PPM were only interested in enriching themselves. They did nothing for anyone but themselves. Greedy, Greedy, Greedy!

      • Anonymous says:

        Yes, PPM has done quite a few things to make things better…. FOR THEMSELVES, NOT THE PEOPLE! We certainly do not need more ot that!

    • Anonymous says:

      @9:08pm..Your mind or memory is short..Who did the deal with CUC that we can get out of? Wasn’t it the PPM

      Local loan rates are tied to the US Fed..How does PACT control those..Should they dictate bank rates now? PPM couldn’t and wouldn’t do that either..

      PPM had 12 years to do something about minimum wage and did nothing?

      I could go on but we all know what PPM was about and nobody beside the few left over straggling supporters want to ever see them back in control ever again.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Well interesting to see how we are being played. King Alden stood back while this government did the destruction and moved some very tall mountains. Now Alden is back to be hero. (port time?)

    • Anonymous says:

      If the Parliament gets dissolved, Alden will be eligible to run for premier again. He only needs to spend one term out of focus to be appointed again.

  13. Smithy says:

    Cayman was the envy of the Caribbean under PPM thanks to Roy’s financial management. The trouble with us Caymanians is we don’t recognise a good thing when we have it. Always looking at the greener lawn next door.

    • Anonymous says:

      You’re deluded!

    • Tell de truth says:

      Piss poor movement is up to nuts shenanigans again but everybody knows that’s all they good for.

      Wa really surprise me n I don’t know bout the bunch a you dat every day criticizing this one and the next but have nothing to say about the women in politricks. Kinda strange dat none a dem let’s see Ms. Julie, Ms. Barbara , Ms. Heather, the MP from west bay ( sorry no disrespect just can’t remember ya name), Ms. Turner all a dem and none a dem can stand up for the women they supposedly represent and speak against violence and harassment of women. Is it that they agree and support this kind a behavior ??. There has been a call for more women in parliament in these islands, but hear me out y’all you all ain’t representing. Get up and leave the job if you fraud o ya can’t or don’t know how to hold a sensible discussion on Bush’s crimes. What are we paying you for? What type of leadership is this. Are you worthy of the female vote? Right now ona failing baaad.

    • Anonymous says:

      Well said. I have no idea why these people would reject stability and prosperity. No. They would prefer a hodge podge of neophyte politicians many of whom need a paycheck and will sell their souls to keep it.

    • Anonymous says:

      Even while serving as the trusted money gatekeeper, he admitted their government was not keeping any current account of the duty waivers his government had allowed to their preferred developers. We don’t even need a calculator: the 3rd amended NRA deal provided DART with $30mln in duty waivers (expiring either at $30mln or in 30 years) back in 2016. Just one of their hotels, the Ritz Carlton, just completed recently a $50mln reno, and we’re still not keeping mental track. That’s OUR money, not DARTs. We are also rebating the Government hotel tax to DART!!!! Tip of the iceberg on our losses under PPM.

    • Jah Dread says:

      Smithy you and ya 44 peeps please stop vaping and smoking herb, it na doing you good.

  14. Anonymous says:

    One word for these power hungry fools..Idiots!!

    Moses, I hope you stay your behind right here in Cayman Brac and don’t follow those idiots again..Stand up and be a man and stop letting Alden lead you around..

    • Anonymous says:

      @3:52pm..It’s a shame how such a good businessman like Moses allowed Alden and the PPM to sully his reputation. I have always had respect for him and hope he can see the light soon. I wish that someone would speak to him and if not one of us Bracers then someone that can get through to him.

  15. Beaumont Zodecloun says:

    The party system is not good for the people, only for the politicians, by allowing their powers to coalesce and exert influence.

    If we had no parties, the elected officials would have to actually work together to serve the collective will of the people.

    Imagine that. What a nightmare for them, to actually have to represent.

    • Anon says:

      There should be a parliaments that caps the number of seats a parties can get. So that for any law to pass, they will have to negotiate with each other. For example in a 100 seated parliament, you need over 50 to carry a law. Therefore the leading party must only have a max of 40 seats. The second leading party can have no more than 30 seats. And all other seats are for third partiars and Independents. As a result, you will never have a party in the parliament that makes laws without respecting the views and amendments of minorities. My two cent.

    • Anonymous says:

      Have you been living in a cave? Normally such a sensible poster but this is complete tosh and you are denying the reality before your very eyes PACT isn’t a party just a concept – we are seeing exactly what happens when there is no party discipline to force people to work together and independent s deciding to work together to serve the collective benefit of the people is not the outcome. You are an idealist my friend – unfortunately the typical Caymanian politician is a little more base than you.

    • Anonymous says:

      This is not an argument for or against the party system, but just to question if you realize you are offering a reverse argument?

      PACT holds the reins of power, but they are NOT a party, so how can you blame the party system?

      If there is one good thing to say about the party system is that they tell you beforehand (or at least they should) what they are going to do.

      So if the PPM told you they were going to build a dock, and you didn’t like that idea so you didn’t vote for them, then that is a good thing about the party system.

      A political party will have a manifesto in which everything they stand for is written down. An independent candidate stands for everything each individual voter cares about, and they can be in conflict. That’s not a problem since they don’t speak will all voters at the same time. Independent candidates just say whatever they think will get them elected, and do as they please once elected.

      PACT is the perfect example of faux party, and I think I might have coined a new term here. Wayne and his loose coalition of liars say they care about the environment, then he appoints Jay Minister of Destruction. Kenny’s indiscretions are too long to list, as are many of the other ministers and hangers-on, but you get the idea. People is the problem, not Party!

  16. Anonymous says:

    oh pleeasse, this PPM party is a Party of Political Muppets.

  17. Slacker says:

    The idea that a no-confidence vote passing, means that the PPM should automatically become the new Government is misguided. They were not elected last time around. If the no-confidence vote should pass, it’s only a call for a new election.

    • Anonymous says:

      PPM are operating under the delusional assumption they can instantly form a government and activate their self-serving and back-stratching corporate mandates. 7 of the 19 are new and suggestible enough that they might believe them.

    • Anonymous says:

      Actually it’s not. The party winning the vote gets to form the next government UNLESS the Governor decides to dissolve Parliament and force an election rather than appoint the leader Prenier.

  18. Anonymous says:

    While PACT is not perfect – Roy truly needs to shut his mouth!! He has had plenty time over the years and did nothing with it – yet continues to prosper and get rich of our backs while the rest of us are suffering and barely surviving. The only good thing PPM did (or Alden did – I should say) was navigate the country through the first phases of the covid pandemic. THAT IS IT! Nothing more.

    Before that they were simply focused on concessions for developers and making the wealthy get even wealthier. Never forget that PPM told us that Caymanians can’t get high-ranking positions. In their eyes we should basically settle for pot scrapings. SO, as far as I am concerned – they all need to HUSH and move along.

    • Anonymous says:

      You could not have said this better!

    • Anonymous says:

      Pact now has the power to set things right but have not done so. Just excuses and feeding us scraps. How offensive is to tell a starving man with a family of 4 to take 150 this will help with cost of living. Pact criticised but now you have the power to change things with the stroke of a pen. Just do it. But no they too their self-interest that is why they kept the 16% and still getting another 2% like the rest of us. Guess with power comes elitism. We must survive on 2% but not them.

  19. Anon says:

    I’m actually a bit surprised they have waited 16 months to file a vote of no confidence, They have been complaining about PACT since they weren’t able to form a government. I’m certain every criticism that you will have read from PPM in the last 16 months will have used these words “no leadership”, “bad leadership”, “not what the country needs”.

    I’m not saying PACT is doing everything it can, but please I really do not need PPM in power.

    • Anonymous says:

      No you would prefer a Jay Ebanks who tried last week to give us the impression that he was large and in charge. No you would prefer dunce Bernie Bush.

    • Anonymous says:

      You don’t get to choose – they get 6 people to cross the aisle, they are in charge irrespective of the outcome of the last election. And Mac gets to stay Speaker to boot.

  20. Anonymous says:

    PPM forget that the voters of Cayman have given them a “never again” confidence vote the last two visits to the polls.

  21. Anonymous says:

    Thank you, and Amen. And ditto! Although PACT may not be living up to all of their promises (and what Government can?) – I am FAR more disappointed in the greedy, self-serving, sellout disgrace that PPM became.


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