Elizabeth II, Queen for 70 years, dies in Scotland

| 08/09/2022 | 95 Comments
Cayman News Service
Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Charles, who is now King Charles III

(CNS): Following hours of speculation after it was announced this morning that Queen Elizabeth II was ill and her family rushed to Balmoral Castle in Scotland to be by her side, Buckingham Palace has told the world that the 96-year-old monarch has died. Her eldest son, Charles (73) immediately acceded to the throne, becoming King Charles III. His wife, Camilla, is the Queen Consort.

Prince William, Charles’ eldest son with his first wife, Princess Diana, is now first in line to the throne, and his children with Kate Middleton, Prince George (9), Princess Charlotte (7) and Prince Louis (4) are second, third and fourth in line.

“The Queen died peacefully at Balmoral this afternoon,” the official Royal website said. “The King and The Queen Consort will remain at Balmoral this evening and will return to London tomorrow.”

Queen Elizabeth was the United Kingdom’s longest reigning monarch, having celebrated her Platinum Jubilee this summer. She became heir to the throne after the abdication of her uncle, King Edward VIII, in 1936. When her father, King George VI, died in February 1952, Elizabeth, then 25 years old, became Queen, and her coronation in 1953 was the first in Britain to be televised.

She was married to Philip Mountbatten for 72 years until his death in April 2021, and they had four children, Charles, Anne, Andrew and Edward. The Queen also leaves eight grandchildren and twelve great-grandchildren.

Condolence books will be opened to the community to sign beginning tomorrow, Friday 9 September, and can be found at the Government Administration Building in Grand Cayman and District Administration Building in Cayman Brac. Floral tributes can be left on the steps of the Government Administration Building and the front gates of Government House.

The day of Her Majesty The Queen’s State funeral will be declared a public holiday.

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Comments (95)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    I’m no royalist but I’m genuinely shocked and embarrassed reading these comments. What kind pathetic, horrible individual takes time out of their day to come on CNS to annonymously post ‘funny’, nasty or gloating messages at the death of an old lady who has dedicated her entire life to public service and whom many people love. Have a word with yourselves. Your posts say far more about your own utter inadequacy than they do hers.

  2. Anonymous says:

    wow this is really bringing out the trolls on CNS heartless individuals, either way your opinion isn’t valuable.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Oh no, will no one think of the poor, suffering elitist monarch. The woman sat on a mountain of stolen wealth built up by inflicting suffering on billions of people. Not exactly a death I’m willing to mourn.

    Probably going to celebrate with some beachside cooking when the holiday is announced though.

    • Anonymous says:

      Ugh. What utterly crass timing to make your ‘point’.

      • Anonymous says:

        Valid point however.

        • Anonymous says:

          No it’s not. Wealth built up by inflicting suffering on billions of people? Complete and utter BS. The royal families wealth had a little more to do with at one time being the largest landowners in the UK than colonialism or slavery.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Everyday people die and no one cares, especially them. They will never struggle or know the need of anything. Instead, their stress comes from holding positions no one should ever have.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Queen Elizabeth II represented the most virtuous values, most positive ideals, loftiest aspirations, and deeply seated best wishes of the good British people far more closely than any of the vote-prostitute British politicians serving in the political brothel called Parliament.

    • And says:

      And avoiding taxes.

      • Anonymous says:

        Does Cayman not also avoid taxes?

        • Anonymous says:

          No we don’t, we just have a different way of taxing through duties and fees to fund government which happens to work better than the traditional taxation models.

          • Say it like it is says:

            12.15pm I agree that revenue funds our grossly overstaffed and overpaid civil servants but it certainly does NOT work better than traditional taxation models which share wealth amongst the population. Here the filthy rich get richer whilst the desperately poor get poorer.

            • Anonymous says:

              This is true and I agree. But I said 5he taxation model was better said nothing about the clueless morons who waste it.

  6. 345 Mafia says:

    I will tell you what I am sure Queen Elizabeth is probably really happy she no longer has to deal the realm of idiots a$$holes and ungrateful twats she has left behind God bless you Your majesty and I know you will Rest In Peace because you caught all the hell you could catch here !

  7. Anonymous says:

    Do we know when the holiday is yet? People got flights to book.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Phillip came to me today,
    and said it was time to go.
    I looked at him and smiled,
    as i whispered that “I know”
    I then turned and looked behind me,
    and seen I was asleep.
    All my Family were around me,
    and I could hear them weep.
    I gently touched each shoulder,
    with Phillip by my side.
    Then I turned away and walked,
    with My Angel guide.
    Phillip held my hand,
    as he lead the way,
    to a world where King’s and Queens,
    are Monarch’s every day.
    I was given a crown to wear
    or a Halo known by some.
    The difference is up here,
    they are worn by everyone.
    I felt a sense of peace,
    my reign had seen its end.
    70 years I had served my Country,
    as the peoples friend.
    Thank you for the years,
    for all your time and love.
    Now I am one of two again,
    in our Palace up above.

    -Joanne Boyle

  9. Orrie Merren says:

    Saddened to learn of the passing of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II. Rest In Peace.

  10. Anonymous says:

    I am certainly no fan of the Royals and all the hoopla and drama surrounding them. However, Queen Elizabeth won my admiration long ago. She served with dignity and grace, and she possessed an amazing natural elegance. Somehow she fulfilled her role without seeming the least bit pretentious. Elizabeth seemed born for the role of being The People’s Queen. She assumed the throne a few years before I was born, so all my life she was THE British monarch. Sadly, in my mind and heart, for me the monarchy ended with the passing of Queen Elizabeth.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Incredibly sad day, bereft. I wish the King well and hope their family come together in peace. You will be missed Your Majesty.

  12. Anonymous says:

    The last royal that understood and accepted the responsibility of royalty and behaved accordingly.

  13. Anonymous says:

    I feel like I have lost my Grandmother today. Very sad.

  14. Anonymous says:

    On the plus side, apparently the energy crisis has been averted.

  15. Anonymous says:

    Meghan Markle is thinking….”…oh s**t, Im here for 4 days and this happens? Now I am stuck in this country that largely hates my arrogant pretentious ass and now I potentially have to face all the people I have trashed, including the new King”

    Watch, she will leave shortly ‘to be back with the kids’ while Harry stays in the UK for the memorial and potentially the coronation.

  16. Anonymous says:

    So I guess Cayman and all the Commonwealth countries will have to change the look of their currencies to have the image of King Charles III now. That’s a shuddering image that should have us considering transitioning to a cashless society.

  17. Anonymous says:

    So did 170.000 other people all over the world. Including 30.000 kids under the age of 10.

    19 billion in assets, and the people are suffering.

    Think about it for a minute.

    • Rae Publican. says:

      And they dodge all inheritance tax.

    • Anonymous says:

      What ARE you talking about.?

    • Anonymous says:

      I understand the controversial history the monarchy has, but that is completely out of the modern day Royal Family’s control. What if your ancestors were bad people? Is it fair to blame you for things they’ve done? Queen Elizabeth was the first British monarch to truly love and respect everyone, of all colours, religions and creeds. That is why she is so respected; she changed the way the monarchy operated. Having been forced into the job at 25, she has not flinched, or shown weakness, not even once, and that’s more than I can say about all of our weak world leaders, with no backbone. So may Her Majesty Rest In Peace.

      • Anonymous says:

        Really.. did she really LOVE and RESPECT everyone?! I think she did as she was told…. EVERYTIME. Everything comes from something. Diana was a commoner and they made her life miserable and Meghan is mixed and they rejected her. She was smart to leave before getting into an accident under a dark bridge. Not many people can standup for themselves. Who wants to be isolated and cut off? That’s a sacrifice, not just for Meghan but her husband and kids too. Meghan’s sacrifice will not be in vain. Once (Diana) hmm… not sure, twice (Meghan) huh maybe, but thrice (whoever is next) now you really got my attention. They are ruling over what they don’t want to be mixed with. This is a very old story that keeps repeating itself over and over again. Just burn the book already.
        Every man is just a man….. and every man is a sinner, including the Royals even more so as they have people to cover their scandalous ways.

        • Anonymous says:

          Just to clarify, Diana was born into the British Nobility…she was not a commoner.

        • anon against ignorance says:

          12.34pm What do you know about the Queen, why don’t you take your bigoted brain and crawl back into the swamp where you came from.

  18. Anonymous says:

    I agree William and Kate would have made a better King and Queen. They are attractive, younger, more modern, and have more class. Charles and Camila can claim none of that!

  19. Anonymous says:

    I can already hear the nicknames the cynics will call King Charles III now. Poor fella!

  20. Anonymous says:

    Think they’ll play Candle In The Wind at the funeral?

  21. Anonymous says:

    I am no royalist but am deeply upset at the loss of such a legendary leader. She has steered the UK and it’s territories through some tough times and has always addressed her people when they needed her most. Her life has been devoted to her job and she was still performing her role right until the end. She was the most recognised person in the world and was admired across the globe.

    This is a great loss to the UK, the Common Wealth and to the world.

  22. Anonymous says:

    RIP Queen Elizabeth. As a teen in my family said, “she is dead?! But she is immortal!”

  23. Anonymous says:

    RIP Her Majesty

  24. Anonymous says:

    The greatest Briton of all time and a remarkable woman, who dedicated her life to public service. Such a sad day. RIP Your Majesty and long live the King.

  25. Anonymous says:

    I am not a monarchist but I have to give respect to Queen Elizabeth who did not put one foot wrong in her 70 years on the throne. She carried out her duties with dignity and class.
    You can never be replaced and will surely be missed. We thank you for your service. Have a good rest Mam you deserve it!

    • Anonymous says:

      Oh dear, someone’s head has been buried deep in the sand of SMB for a long time.

    • Anonymous says:

      I remember, her coronation most vividly. Having grown up in one of the out-lying districts we all had an opportunity to watch it on outdoor screens. It was a unique opportunity for me. she was so young and pretty. It actually was a nice affair just to watch even though there were so many miles separating us from England. At that young age I could not comprehend the beauty and magnitude of the occasion.. Once the formalities were completed we milled around watching fireworks ( my first time seeing that as well) and munching on icecrean and popcorn. I also had the previledge of meeting her on her first visit to Cayman. On my first visit to England many many years later I had the pleasure of seeing Buckingham Palace up close. I will cherish these memories forever. May her soul rest in Eternal Peace.

      • Anonymous says:

        Great comment. I would love to read more real life, real people comments like this. Thank you.

  26. Anonymous says:

    Bring on the long weekend!

  27. Anonymous says:

    I am more sad than I thought I would be. Even if you aren’t a fan of the monarchy, you must admit she has stayed true to the job and has always shown her dedication to her country. RIP.

  28. Cav says:

    He would not necessarily take the form Charles III, though Liz Truss will be embarrassed if she didn’t know he will be doing that when she referred to him as such in her speech. It ought to be for the monarch, not a politician, to confirm that point.

  29. Anonymous says:

    Couple of days off, will mark her greatest contribution to these Islands. Shame old sausage fingers is now the King, they should have skipped a generation.


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