Cayman observes 10 days of mourning for the Queen
(CNS) Updated with National Mourning Protocols: Along with the UK and other British Overseas Territories, the Cayman Islands has entered a period of ten days of national mourning following the death of Queen Elizabeth II yesterday. Flags are being flown at half-mast until 8am the day after the royal funeral. Flags will be raised briefly for the proclamation of the new sovereign tomorrow when King Charles III formally assumes the throne. A date has not yet been set for the funeral, which will be a public holiday in Cayman.
Premier Wayne Panton said in his message to the country, “She was a defender of the faith and a stalwart wife, mother, grandmother and great-grandmother. As our Head of State, our loyalty to the British Crown was strongest and most heartfelt under her reign. We remain loyal to the British Crown, but it has definitely lost one of its most precious jewels.”
The Queen visited the Cayman Islands twice during her reign, first in 1983 and again in 1994, and many Caymanians who had the opportunity to meet her during those times have fond memories.
Condolence books have been opened at the Government Administration Building in Grand Cayman and District Administration Building in Cayman Brac. Floral tributes can be left on the steps of the Government Administration Building and the front gates of Government House.
A 96-gun salute is scheduled at Government House this morning at 10am, with one round being fired every 10 seconds and the number of rounds fired to match her age.
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Category: Local News
Anyone know when Charlie’s fake birthday is going to be? Need to make those travel plans asap.
Quick question, with respect! Did anybody know .. are a lot of the social events going to be canceled until the funeral is held?
I see no reason for anything to be cancelled.
This event has no real impact on our lives.
And yet events are being postponed, hence the question.
Respect, Blessings, and sadness to the Royal family and all those who deserve it. To all those who live in hate the rest of us will continue to try and tolerate living with you until we don’t. All our lives have lost a little something from this.
Wrong. I’m all good thanks.
If you are living in Cayman you have already benefited from the monarchy.
She is eternal
Beautiful pic you choose, CNS! Beautiful. The queen looks stunning here. What a lovely tribute. Thank you.
question is… Would you have preferred to be a third world citizen… Or be protected by Our beloved Queen…under the British oversea Territory…hmm.. nothings wrong with either but educated yourself first before being so negative in This Country
Island or Territory, until we go full independent this is not a country…
The fact is that the so called third world was created by European Colonialism. The rape of resources without capital reinvestment in the colonies was guaranteed to created a lop sided world of the super rich and the super poor. Throw in Christianity and you end up convincing the poor non whites that they should thank God for their miserable lives and pray to go to heaven! Makes sense?
Ancestral privilege is a terrible thing. The Royal Family should do the decent thing and give up to charity all the wealth they accumulated from the slave trade and invasions. Their ‘colonialism will be judged not differently to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
so everyone should start from 0? nah. I for one am okay with some people starting with privileges even if it’s not me, because I’d like for my children and grandchildren get a better start.
Oh shut up. Colonising was going on everywhere by many countries, it is just a part of history. England suffered invasion and colonisation too. Some of it’s kings didn’t even speak English.
Two wrongs don’t make a right.
Read history instead of quoting irrelevant idioms. Slavery wasn’t considered wrong at the time either and yes you can thank the British Empire for dismantling it without a war. Colonisation was going on everywhere. Why do you think French and Spanish are common regional languages?
10 days of mourning….a bit over the top…good god, what century are we in?
If anyone deserves 10 days of mourning it is the late QEII. She has been a constant in our lives and a Christian role model for so many of us. Rest In Peace our beloved Queen and God save the King.
what a total bell
Take a vacation or go back home and enjoy the luxuries you lack here! This is our Beloved Deceased Sovereign you are disrespecting thank you!
Our flags are at half-mast and our hearts are heavy. God rest the Queen.
Our flags are upside down
Which is quite disrespectful.
Upside down flag represents a country in distress. Given PACT is in power seems pretty appropriate actually.
Important: the Union Flag has a correct way up – in the half of the flag nearest the flagpole, the wider diagonal white stripe must be above the red diagonal stripe, as Scotland’s St Andrew’s Cross takes precedence over Ireland’s St Patrick’s Cross. It is most improper to fly the flag upside down.,fly%20the%20flag%20upside%20down.
Hello. Why should I mourn? I don’t know her !!! Has she offered anything to help me with my finances? No ! I only have God.
There will always be the ‘what about me’ people. They have no idea how the Royal family drive charities and help so many people less fortunate than ourselves. Some argue it is a life of privilege, but imagine a life that is not your own, continually in the public eye and continually holding up traditions. Not many can do it because of the ‘what about me’ attitude. The King has a very hard task ahead because his mother set the bar very high. The Queen represented everything British, but they are a family just like us so how about showing a little respect. No one is forcing you to mourn but respect that you are in a British territory and following British protocols in the present time.
Are you sure God has you?
And how is god helping with your finances – complete idiot.
You may not have known her personally, but she was the Queen of our country and lived her whole life putting others above herself – have some respect
You’re sure about God..?
calm down.
And you expect God to help you with your finances? You are nothing!
Have some respect
They have done nothing to earn it.
Well you certainly haven’t earned it.
Engage brain before opening mouth
and what did God do for your finances… did he send you a blank check?
Alot !
11.51am She has offered you a full British passport with the same rights as any British citizen, you won’t get that from God!.
You don’t have to in which case it would be a simple courtesy though to just stfu and ignore it.
God is he paying your bills ? BTW The Queen was real , your God is a fictional character.
The Smiths said it best.
What about the Sex Pistols?
A 96-gun salute is scheduled at Government House this morning at 10am, with one round being fired every 10 seconds and the number of rounds fired to match her age.
Stupid? How crude. YOU are the stupid one!
Shots fired.
The Cayman Islands should have their own Royal Family. Perhaps a list of candidates and a referendum held.
King Mac the First!
Maybe pick up a history book and read up on where royalty/kingdoms come from. coming across as quite ignorant there chief…
Oh please NO NO NO , the idea of setting up a monarchy in Cayman given the quantum vacuum that resides in between ears (and propagates much better than the contrary down the genetic helix
I suppose ) .
The gene pool for any aristocraticy to maintain itself over time needs to be as deep as possible, just look around you and tell me that is possible and I will take you for a stroll down the endemic presence and growth of generational of ills that have a HIGH genetic prevalence and just to put the final nail to the coffin of such a brilliant idea will demonstrate how far up our dear local gentry ranges in such prevalences ! It will be good and educational fun !
By way of segregation in between who gets which rights and not into 20 different categories (all illegal and human rights infringing to the point it is criminal , no one really bothered to look under the hood and how segregating and as close to apartheid caymanian society really has become) we already instituted an aristocraticy that has little as possible to do with excellence , merit or valor by any accepted metric.
12.53pm He already has his robes, he just needs a dunce cap to go on top.
“Neural” allow me to take you off your High Horse. The plural of prevalence is prevalence. “Aristocraticy” does not exist, the word is spelt “aristocracy”. By any “accepted metric” your statement is a load of tosh (but perhaps you meant it to be?).
Sneaky attempt at making a very racist statement without anyone detecting it. Well I did and I am a black, born and bred and very educated Caymanian!!
Cayman is a British territory, it falls under the realm of the uk monarchy. Thankfully!
Great idea!
Build a Royal Cayman Palace for tourists to pay $10 entry, Caymanian tour guide showing where heads of States reside while visiting Cayman and a lookout tower chapel. It’s a TOURIST MONEY MAKER!
Set up an annual event where people can pay and get a photo of them kissing the Royal ring on the outstretched hand of the chosen Royal family King or Queen. Kissing the Royal ring from the Royal hand is known to give you 69 years good luck. T-shirts and souvenirs available after the tour.
Go home that us if you will be readmitted and if you have one!