Tourism minister revives floating cruise pier idea

| 18/08/2022 | 161 Comments
Cayman News Service
Port Royal’s SeaWalk floating pier system

(CNS): Following a recent visit to Jamaica, Tourism Minister Kenneth Bryan wants to look at the viability of a “floating dock” in the George Town Harbour, reviving an idea that was raised and rejected as an alternative to the previous administration’s controversial proposal for cruise berthing facilities. While the PACT Government has made a commitment to voters that it will not sacrifice the marine environment for a permanent cruise dock, Bryan has said that seeing the floating piers at Port Royal in action made him think about the possibility of using them here.

Appearing on Radio Cayman’s ‘For The Record’ on Wednesday, Bryan said the government had not adopted a policy or a formal position about the installation of piers like those in Jamaica and Scandinavia but he wanted the public to know he was looking into it. “There are no commitments at all,” he said but told listeners that he was “blown away” when he saw how solid and functional they were.

He said the government was “comfortable with the way things are”, but if there was an opportunity to enhance the cruise product, it was worth looking at.

Bryan has stated on several occasions that his ministry is looking at increasing the quality of the cruise passengers rather than quantity. And since the cruise lines are all still committed to calling on Grand Cayman without piers, the motivation for looking into acquiring them is not clear, but it is likely that the current minister, like his predecessors, is subject to the same pressure from the cruise lines regarding their desire for piers.

Despite insisting there was no commitment to such a project, Bryan said that two cruise lines have offered to come to the Cayman Islands and do further investigations of this type of pier, which can be folded up in bad weather. He said he wanted to examine the idea “because, from what I saw, it’s something that can be an option for Cayman”, as he noted how much less expensive they are compared to berthing facilities.

However, the viability of floating piers here has already been considered by the consultants on the environmental impact assessment that was undertaken for the PPM’s now shelved cruise project. Those experts challenged the technical viability because floating docks have not been used in a location like the George Town Harbour with its exposure to the open ocean. The piers installed in Jamaica by a Norwegian company were the first in the Caribbean region and they are in a sheltered harbour.

Following Bryan’s comments, the social media group associated with the successful referendum campaign that put a stop to the PPM-led administration’s berthing facilities described it as, at best, “a pipe dream”.

Watch the “For the Record” show and the Jamaican Government’s news item about Port Royal’s SeaWalk floating pier system below:

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Category: Business, development, Local News, Tourism

Comments (161)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Replace Kenny with Johann Moxam
    Replace Chris with Shomari Scott
    Replace Heather with Sandra Hill
    Replace all Jamaicans in tourism with Caymanians.

    I can dream, can’t I?

    • Anonymous says:

      Give back Caymanian priority in their own country.

    • Anonymous says:

      Send the slimy recruiters back to wherever they are from…all they do is abuse our immigration system.

    • Anonymous says:

      Sandra Hill…? Are you kidding. .??

    • Anonymous says:

      Jamaicans are not the only ones in our tourism sector. So many other nationalities are selling our product. I hate it when we pick on the Jamaicans knowing damn well that the Canadians, Hondurans and all the other nationalities are taking up spots that could have gone to Caymanians. Why is that XXXXX recruited a waiter all the way from Lithuania during a time when our own Cayman ppl where out of jobs? We need to stop behaving like Jamaicans are our only issue. ALL of them needs to go! So that our ppl can gain the spot they are sitting in.

      • Anonymous says:

        Any Caymanian that wants to be a waiter can be a waiter. Do you really think that is an issue? Anyone who wants to work late into the night and hustle for tips can get a job being a waiter.

    • Anonymous says:

      I’m in agreement with everyone but Sandra Hill, Not because I don’t like her, but because I feel she doesn’t have the right background for that position. She should stick to Marl Road. She can keep us informed about what is happening in the background from the other side.

    • Anonymous says:

      Shomari is Chris Saunders’ bestie…replacing one with the other won’t make any difference.

    • Anonymous says:

      Johann looks down on GTC people

    • Anonymous says:

      But that sound like a nightmare. Try wakeup. Do.

    • Anonymous says:

      I was with you until you mentioned the name Sandra Hill.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Geez they still haven’t given up on the port pay day eh? So greedy.

    • Anonymous says:

      It appears that is what they want. How can anyone be so greedy? It must be something inbred with certain Caymanians.

      • Anonymous says:

        Piracy is not only accepted it is rewarded and revered….it has become common and part of the culture.

  3. Anonymous says:

    I will join all you experts about getting rid of cruise lines, as soon as you all get rid of 6000 civil servants. Because Government will not be able to pay their salaries, plus free medical, dental insurance. Do any of you think you have a plan to offer up a new industry that can offer good salaries? What is it? Can it pay the 3000-6000 people minimum of $2500?
    We are already proving the coral is decreasing by the new disease that is attacking it now. “What is plan B”? Anyone? Johann, Courtney, Sharon, etc.? Two of you are in tourism from hotels and Condo guests. How much money would you lose if just 100 people decide to compete with you? We need ideas for NEW industries. Industries that teach Caymanians those new industries that only Caymanians will be working at. Because when only Caymanians are working in those jobs, minimum wages will be equal with the cost of living. I don’t believe you can run this country with small hotels and Condos that are only 10 stories. It’s time to look at what really we can offer? Factories, yacht building, manufacturing?
    If you stop Cruise lines you have to replace it with a substantial group of new ideas we don’t have now.

    • Anonymous says:

      This is all governments fault…..Aldart, Marco, and Roy were to dim to run the country without selling our futures and destroying decades of policy development. Yep thanks a lot stooges.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Did I miss the referendum?

  5. Anonymous says:

    Didn’t Premier Panton state that the cruise ship pier would not be revisited under his government? What is going on ??? Mr. Panton you need to get a grip of your cabinet and stop this nonsense. The Government is looking more dysfunctional by the day.

    • Anonymous says:

      Good catch 1:09, – if Govt started with a set allowance of tokens for their stupidity, do they have any credit left and if they’re now in ‘stupidity deficit’, do they owe us even more before they start on their allowance again 🤷🏻‍♀️🤓

    • Anonymous says:

      @1:09pm Did you hear what Wayne said about this foolishness from Kenny? I n a polite way he was telling Kenny that he didn’t know crap about what he was talking about,,

      The problem with Kenneth is that he is so easily excited about everything he sees. One would swear that the littliest of things excites him..He goes to Barbados and comes back and wants electric buses without any thought or plan on how they could work here. He then goes to Jamaica and sees these floating piers and know he wants them. School children in China could have told him that this won’t work. One good Norwester and they would be gone particularly when there is no good place in Cayman to store them.

      He needs to keep his mouth shut until he has something reasonable and well thought out but these harem scarem things that he comes up with just shows that any little thing excites him.

      Kenneth, a bit of advice, Rome wasn’t built in a day, you have to take a more reasoned approach when you open your mouth otherwise people will continue to think you are just full of hot air and foolishness.

      Keep this up and you will be joining your wife in real estate sales come next election.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Does a day ever go by that these clowns don’t put their stupidity on display?

    • Anonymous says:

      @ 12:39 pm:
      Very few! I wonder if those clowns are really necessary…..??? It seems most Caymanians believe that they are not!!! ………. And I do too!

  7. Cayman Real Development Plan says:

    Bring back sweet Jamaica right ya in grand Cayman and when it get mess up we move to Schilling Town Cayman Brac!

    • Anonymous says:

      Vote no for Schilling Town. Man say he wants input from public? Leave Scott’s Dock as is. Kids play, families barbecue, people fish, dominoes games, etc. we love it the way it is.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Do these guys have a shared plan or is it now every man and woman for themselves ?

  9. Anonymous says:

    I don’t know why you people are getting so worked up. Kenny’s trip was just a time-honored tradition of politicians making treks as an excuse to live the good life on our dime. Now that covid is on the decline, or at least the reporting of it, you can expect Jay to go look at more foreign cows, and the rest of the politicians going here there and everywhere. All paid for with our money. The only plan any of them ever return with is “where can we go next?”.

  10. Naya Boy says:

    Jamaica Chris and Crying Bryan emulating their political sponsors/advisors well i guess we have the crime thing down Pat. So a few docks won’t hurt us ???? shall we bring some people to advise and install them too whilst we at it C&K. Wayne you don’t have any say now do you? poor you!

  11. CRITICAL says:

    Obviously bryan has never been near Hog Sty Bay/ Harbour during a decent Nor’Wester – his floating pier would end up in what used to be Cardinal Avenue.
    He says he and his buddy saw the pier in Port Royal – important question – did they also notice the natural protection provided by the area coastline.

    • Anonymous says:

      How do you expect money to be laundered if there are no developmental projects taking place?

    • Tigre says:

      Kenneth Bryan George Town Central does not only have Nau participants fella, it has all types and classes of thinking people. What the non NAU recipients ( to those in real need no disrespect meant) are thinking is that you need to ok within Breda, for ya jumpy jumpy like a jumping jack with the spring unwound. You are not exhibiting any ,eaningful thoughtful processes and clearly you are appearing wish you washy to many who have held some regard for your apparent lassoing to serve the people. Don’t know whose advice you’re listening to Breda but for the sake of the people, yourself, your family amd the government you represent; stop and think before you make utter@nces that appear not to be in the interest of t(e country but rather driven by either on the spur thoughts or influenced by power hungry chameleons.

      Take this as constructive criticism or not. You have been told. Now It’s up to you and your true purpose and heart.

      • Anonymous says:

        But Kenneth capitalized on the poor and used them to rise to power, not bad for a drug dealer, failed fireman and male model

        • Rick says:

          Jeez!!! I thought those were reasons to admire the man, but I guess not everyone appreciates rising above your circumstances and past mistakes to become a leader of your country. But, I am sure Kenneth will immediately identify bad minded people who are envious of his success represented much here. Meanwhile, Kenny if you keep leading with your heart I will be moving to GT Central just to vote for you.

  12. JTB says:

    Can we please have a proper, evidence-based analysis of the costs and benefits to the islands of cruise tourism, before we embark on any major infrastructure projects?

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes vs alternative tourism products and the benefits of stayover tourism.

      Oh wait we already have one of those. But let’s just ignore it press forward with destroying the environment.

    • Anonymous says:

      I am the Honorable Minister of Tourism, and I am Telling you how it go…so don’t bother with no Analysis dem.

    • Rick says:

      I thought the dock was about improving our product, as opposed to increasing cruise tourism?

      • Sunrise says:

        They were building the docks, to cater to the mega ships, thus increasing cruise tourism.

        • Anonymous says:

          And this is again what they are looking to do. Cater to the mega ships. They need to leave this issue in the ground where it belongs. How many more people does GT needs before you won’t be able to drive in it.

  13. SKEPTICAL says:

    Bryan is nothing but a mouth with arms and legs who is the epitome of an old saying –
    “ Empty vessels make the most sound “ – give it a rest.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Comedy gold from our boy Kenny.

  15. Anonymous says:

    God forbids he travels to Panama and sees how the Panama Canal works. He would want one here as well.

  16. Anonymous says:

    Kenny for Premiere!…and real estate

  17. Annoyed says:

    We do not need more Cruise Ships! I work it GT, very few businesses or sales people want these customers. They are cheap. It is bad enough that we have destroyed local businesses for the idiotic Cardinall Avenue debacle. What George Town needs: PARKING and BATHROOMS. Geez, who is getting a kick back? Because no person without skin in the game would have done such.

  18. Anonymous says:

    Sunrise @12.05 you are just a bad minded person.i never heard of anyone dying in Jamaica for hunger but you may be the first one to die in cayman of hunger.choose your words carefully.

    • Sunrise says:

      I am not a bad minded person, but I do respect your reply. I have been to Jamaica and have seen the dire situations there and the poverty, which by the way, your own governments have created!! May as well say; there is no crime in Jamaica, it is the safest in the Caribbean, right? Second highest crime rate in the world, following the United States, or am I not choosing my words correctly either? By the way, I have helped a lot of Jamaicans, which I guess makes me bad minded also. However, I think you all have lost that battle, sorry to say.

      • Sunrise says:

        Sorry, meant to say with the most murders.

      • Rick says:

        The United States have the highest crime rate in the world (corrected to murders!)???

        Now, you have failed the sense test.

        As a matter of interest; the USA has a LOWER murder rate than the Cayman Islands (USA – averages 8/100k). Most years, the USA has about 5 – 6/100k homicides. Most years, the Cayman Islands is over 8/100k homicides. We have been getting worse recently. Get your facts straight.

        • Sunrise says:

          Hey Rick, I was referring to the murders in Jamaica, but the crime rate in the United States. Sorry, should have compared them differently. But the United States, does have one of the highest in the world. Facts: Overall crime rate is calculated by dividing the total number of reported crimes of any kind by the total population, then multiplying the result by 100,000 (because crime rate is typically reported as X number of crimes per 100,000 people). Crime rates vary greatly from country to country and are influenced by many factors. For example, high poverty levels and unemployment tend to inflate a country’s crime rate. Conversely, strict police enforcement and severe sentences tend to reduce crime rates. There is also a strong correlation between age and crime, with most crimes, especially violent crimes, being committed by those ages 20-30 years old.

          The overall crime rate in the United States is 47.70. The violent crime rate in the United States has decreased sharply over the past 25 years. Crimes rates vary significantly between the states, with states with such as Alaska, New Mexico, and Tennessee experiencing much higher crime rates than states such as Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont. Some of the world’s lowest crime rates are seen in Switzerland, Denmark, Norway, Japan, and New Zealand. Each of these countries has very effective law enforcement, and Denmark, Norway, and Japan have some of the most restrictive gun laws in the world. Thanks for your input, but I think my senses are working fine. Too many guns and too many mass shootings, would rather be here on my beautiful islands!!

    • Sunrise says:

      Just to remind you of the situation in Jamaica: “In 2022, Jamaica was the second most dangerous country worldwide, with the homicide rate of 43.85 per 100,000 people living in the country”. Is this what you want to be proud of? Now, being a Caymanian, I WILL NOT LET YOU DESTROY MY BEAUTIFUL ISLAND,WHICH I WAS BORN AND RAISED ON, SO LET YOUR ATTITUDES, IGNORANCE OR WHATEVER YOU WANT TO CHALLENGE ME WITH,AND WE WILL SEE WHO WILL BE VICTORIOUS.

  19. Anonymous says:

    For sunrise 12.05pm anybody starving in Jamaica is because they want to so please shut up your dam big mouth.people travel to any countries they want to go once they have what it go and get yourself a life .

    • Sunrise says:

      Dumbest reply I have ever received, but you have your opinion and I respect that. See the other reply that I sent to 5:52. By the way, read carefully, I did not say “starving to death”!! When you are hungry and can’t eat, you are starving.

  20. Anonymous says:

    I get a feeling that Kenneth Bryan would be “blown away” by most things in the real world. Prior to his being elected in 2017, I’m not aware that he ever worked except for a brief time in from of the camera for some “media” house?

    • Anonymous says:

      Look at the profoundly en-educated electorate that ‘elected’ this piece of work – they are to blame.

      • Anonymous says:

        @6:03pm looks like you are wrong about them as clearly you can’t even spell the word “uneducated.”

      • Anonymous says:

        In support of your opinion… These people chose a convicted drug dealer over an educated and steady Caymanian .

  21. Anonymous says:

    How did Kenny get elected honestly ??

    Why is eco tourism not being focused on ? These are the sort of wealthy stay over tourists we want on this island. Not the same old fast food crap the cruise ships bring.

    Get a clue !

    • Anonymous says:

      GT Central which is Rock Hole, Swamp and Windsor Park. He would have never got in representing any other district.

      From a Super Model to Cocaine Dealer to a Honorable MLA in 15 short years. Only in the Cayman Islands.

      • KB King of GT says:

        Anonymous @3.30pm
        You have no clue what neighborhoods make up GT Central. You are incorrect but complain about the ignorant people that exercised their right to vote. I hope you never get PR or Status and the right to vote. If you are a Caymanian drive around GT Central before you talk pure BS.

    • Anonymous says:

      Sadly, there is very little eco for tourista to see.

  22. Anonymous says:

    So the push for the permanent pier starts again…this less than subtle attempt to re-ignite the conversation about the “benefits” has McKeeva’s fingerprints all over it like a bartender’s neck. The vested interests, that have literally no interest in the the will of the majority, won’t let this go – although given the average IQ at ministerial level they will probably attempt to disguise this “permanent pier by stealth” based purely on the assumption that the general public have forgotten it was always tried and roundly rejected. PACT really aren’t exactly the sharpish tools in the shed.

  23. Anonymous says:

    This is just another reminder that the Electorate need to drive changes to the Elections Law so that people like this never again stand eligible for election.

  24. Anonymous says:

    Heaven help us if Kenny the Genius ever visits a Drone farm, he’ll be buying 30,000 drones and telling Carnival and RCCL that we’re gonna attach a drone to each passenger for the day, for a fee, and that passenger can fly in and around and over and back to their ship and the Turtle Farm and Stingray all they want, no problem…he may even see if whoever designed the Grand Harbour and Camana Bay roundabouts could be put in charge of Drone Passenger traffic….

    FFS, we really need to let Status holders run for elected office and get some brains and common sense into Govt.

    • Anonymous says:

      The poor young man, is so out of his depth. But we voted in him, you get what you vote for.

      • Anonymous says:

        GT Central voted him in and Panton appointed him. Panton will fell the sting come next round. he has too as he has “The no mask bandito Sabrina” to deal with too.

        • Anonymous says:

          Where is the Premier? Is he the sustainability of the environment promoter? Why is he quiet?

      • Anonymous says:

        YOU voted for him , not me.

    • Nya Right says:

      @1:29 pm get over yourself the day that happens you and the likes of you will be awarded a cat boat with holes 2 coconuts one hard bread and a gallon of swanky put out to sea b
      y the 12!Mike Bank and then

    • Anonymous says:

      Nope we only need District Councils to provide input and control them.

  25. Anonymous says:

    Relax. He was just thinking out loud. There is no chance of this progressing. Almost no one in Cayman is thinking of cruise ships anymore. There is almost no support for increasing the volume.

    A few cruise ships (using tenders) is just enough. Gives a little bit of work to some of the tour operators and merchants, and gives a few thousand visitors a week a peek at the island, and a small percentage of which will later become stayover visitors because they had a favorable impression.

  26. Anonymous says:

    Hopefully our mask mandate ends shortly. We are probably the only place in this hemisphere that still requires wearing a mask in supermarkets and restaurants.

  27. kurt Christian. says:

    Kenneth… Drop this idea !

  28. Anonymous says:

    Is Mrs Bryan in the floating pier business now ?

  29. Anonymous says:

    Of course he does, Kenny’s a ******** nitwit.

  30. Anonymous says:

    An Ivan will put these things in North Sound or at best someone’s front yard..

  31. Sunrise says:

    Mr. Bryan, we don’t need floating docks, we don’t need permanent piers, we don’t need you to get bribed by the cruise lines oligarchs, we don’t need any of this in Cayman!! The tenders are working quite fine, and with rarely any complaints. If you do piers, people still have to walk to the terminal, which could be as far as a quarter of a mile, piers are also destructful and will put this country in debt, for the next 50 years. Please just enhance the terminals, make that area nice and presentable, and for Christ sake, have some local entertainment and artistry, at the terminals. If Jamaica is a role model, why are their people starving and the crime rate out of control? Just a thought from someone, who can’t be bought!! I thought that was the PACT motto, seems like a lot of selling going on now!!

    • Beaumont Zodecloun says:

      Thank you. An apt summary of the situation, with which I happen to fully agree. What value were the proposed piers? Bring visitors ashore much faster, so our limited resources have an increasingly more difficult time to deal with them?

      A related issue: If given a vote, I will choose no more cruise ships. I feel for those who were/are dependent upon the cruise ships, however I believe they bring more detriment than benefit to the Cayman Islands. I too, am still trying to recover from the changes that Covid brought to us. This is not the way.

      • Anonymous says:

        “Those dependent on cruise ships” are foreign born rich folk who own the crappy jewelers stores and the foreign staff that work in them.

        • Anonymous says:

          Are you speaking of the owners of Kirk Freeport and associated stores. They make up a large portion of the waterfront stores. I think the Kirkconnell’s might take offense at being called “foreign born rich folk.” I agree with your emotions but get your facts straight. Yes, it is about money and politicians selling out. But you can’t always blame the “foreign born rich folks.”

          • Anonymous says:

            @8:39pm..Kirks is probably the only Caymanian one still around but the majority off their staff is yes, I don’t mind offending them a little.

        • Anonymous says:

          They own some politicians too.

        • Anonymous says:

          3.52 you are right…
          .However these people pay rent, employ people, buy cars, spend in restaurants and supermarkets, and so on, thereby contributing back into the National coffers.

  32. Anonymous says:

    Ohh for the love of god Kenny… Get a grip! The people don’t want this. Many voted for members of parliament (that ended up forming PACT) because we believed you would never spout this nonsense again. We do not want this and it does not benefit the Cayman Islands or its people. It has been confirmed over and over that cruise ships do not contribute significantly to our economy.. How thick can you get? Also if I were you Kenny I’d be keeping my head down atm after that recent nonsense involving you promoting your wife’s business. Not professional and an abuse of your power and reach. We the people of Cayman aren’t stupid nor do we have short memories. Enough of this!

  33. Anonymous says:

    Everything the MLAs have announced they want to do for Cayman cost loads of money. Not one minister has any idea of what to do to help Cayman that doesn’t involve spending our money. If your going to spend our money then do it on education.

    • Anonymous says:

      Education and medical services. There is an alarming number of residents who are diabetic (as the Deputy Premier mentioned recently). Use the extra funds you all seems to have stumbled across to hire another one or two Specialists in the field to attend to the patients and if possible educate on how to better care for ourselves before the disease becomes chronic.

      • Annie says:

        Crazy how many people have diabetes here. Went grocery shopping last week, I was starving, and there was nothing healthy on the buffet. All greasy fried crap, and empty carbs. And the salad bar was just so sad and wilted. I was looking at peoples purchases. Lucozade, and fried garbage. Shocker we have so much diabetes. We need education from primary school on what is healthy to eat. And healthy items need to be subsidized. If we make it inexpensive to buy broccoli and cauliflower, brown rice and lean cuts of chicken that will benefit us in the long run.

        • Anonymous says:

          If its cheaper to eat out vs buy groceries and cook at home……and KFC, BK, Wendys and everyone else who sells sh*t for food knows this…….what do you expect?

    • Anonymous says:

      We already spend a mint on education. We need to be more prudent with our money, by applying basic investment performance metrics and stop shovelling cash blindly out the windows. More is not better.

    • Anonymous says:

      They are planning to tax the #$& out office for this and the road to Frank Sound.

  34. Anonymous says:

    How did these clowns get the title Honorable?

    • Anonymous says:

      You all voted in these clowns. Dah wah ya get. Deal with it.

      • Anonymous says:

        The PPM/UDP or UNITY were even worse than this lot and riddled with corruption scandals. Never forget why they were not returned to government Cayman needed something different in 2021. Sadly PACT are proving themselves no different given the competing agendas egos and lack of clear leadership. KB is looking like the weakest link every time he opens his mouth

    • Anonymous says:

      Gave it to themselves. All you need is to persuade approximately 300 voters to vote for you and Bobs your uncle.

    • Anonymous says:

      Because they were elected by Clowns!

    • Anonymous says:

      voted in by clowns.
      we live in a magical wonderland where the best educated and most successfull in the community are prevented from running for office……zzzzzzzz
      cayman deserves what it gets.

      • Anonymous says:

        They came in like a mighty rushing wind,! Anyone remembered them on the campaign trail, they were suppose to be the panacea,. ” the ting was they were gonna fix everyting” they would “cleariify” everyting”.So much money was given and received. A year and a bit and we got nada, zero, zilch. So far haven’t been able to come up with one senseable idea. Hands up who is pleased with their performance? We jus await if hear what a go on.

        • Anonymous says:

          @3:35Pm..So far as bad as they are I am still so happy that we were able to rid ourselves of the PPM..None of them should ever be put back in control of the Government.

      • Anonymous says:

        So you know where all the Clowns are? Don’t send more in.

    • JTB says:

      It was a scheme cooked up by the Perpetually Honourable Sir Lord McKeeva, Baron Bush of the Republic of West Bay, JP, OBE, PhD, DFC & Bar, Blessed of the Lord, Fount of Wisdom and Hereditary Giver of the Fridge (PBUH)

  35. Anonymous says:

    this guy is ridiculous and people are ridiculous for voting him into power.

    Boy it wasn’t a good idea then, just because you took a trip to Jamaica doesn’t all of a sudden make it a good idea or one the public is willing to support.

    The bar just keeps getting lower and lower

  36. Anonymous says:

    George Town is a blue water port exposed to full brunt of an angry sea, on very short notice, for at least part of the year. Unless there is a magic pier made out of pixie dust that can appear or disappear with the wiggle of Kenny’s nose, it’s not a workable idea for many months of the year.

  37. Anonymous says:

    Idiot…going jamaica for advice….lol

  38. Anonymous says:

    There is really not much for cruise ship passengers to see here. Not much downtown as just some shopping and a small selection of restaurants. Nothing really to see for 6 hours.

    Once Hotel Indigo is completed, wont be much beach space if anyone wanted to lounge.

    Just leaves Stingray City.

    Stick with the small smattering of ships a week. No need to expand as this is not the future, and economically, we really dont need this.

  39. Pact problems says:

    If the clueless PACT follow the minister of idiocy with this stupid idea they will be voted out. They can kiss goodbye a second term as the government in power. The minister does not think before he speaks on any issue.

    • Anonymous says:

      Don’t forget this is a UDP government, and Kenny’s idol and mentor,Mac, will have made him aware of the rewards that flow from awarding these contracts.

    • Anonymous says:

      The same moronic characters will only be voted back in under a different party name and fake manifesto. Until the electorate wise up and actually educate themselves about the candidates they are voting for the sordid situation will continue. We can’t blame the politicians for being bent when most of their voters are too.

      • Anonymous says:

        As long as I keep getting my microwave/fridge/Xmas ham and turkey/driveway tarred/NAU cheque then i’ll kepp voting for them.

  40. Anonymous says:

    Kenny please STFU!

  41. Johann Moxam says:

    At best this is an attempt at literally testing the waters to drive a national discussion but can better be described as a “pipe dream” when all key factors are taken into consideration:

    1. Hog Sty Bay/GT Port is open to the ocean and NOT a protected harbor like what the ministers recently visited etc.

    2. Port Royal is a protected Harbour…just like the fjords where this idea was developed etc.

    3. CIG need to review the schedule and usage in Jamaica…current data shows they have 1 ship a month and they are small and not the target market or type of ship(s) that Cayman is seeking to attract based on CIG’s public utterances.

    4. If this discussion continues, the current administration will come under immense public pressure and need to address the requirement that a referendum is held which the people led by Shirley Roulstone secured in the Judicial Review ruling in Grand Court for any proposed cruise berthing facility to proceed given key environmental, financial and legal concerns etc.

    Cayman represents a very different set of circumstances than what was visited in Port Royal, Jamaica and any other regional facility they may visit in the future.

    Best regards

    Johann Moxam

    • Beaumont Zodecloun says:

      Thank you Sir. I well-reasoned and supported response. I hope the future places you in government. I might just generate a little hope if that were so.

      No pressure. ;o)

    • Courtney Platt says:

      Dredging is still the same problem for floating piers as it is for permanent piers. The depth required to bring deep draft ships in to a dock is the same issue either way. We’ve already looked hard at this aspect of the CBF plan. Killing the harbor’s precious reefs with silt while dredging was the main reason I actively fought the first proposal and it would be the main reason I would fight this one too (Johann aptly addressed several of the many other negative side effects that also worry me). Our reefs are already in serious trouble and need all the help they can get now… not yet another attack. Please look at the dredging and drop this destructive, costly idea.

    • JTB says:

      Nobody wants this kind of sensible, reasoned and well thought-out comment, Johann.

  42. Anon says:

    SMH. Haven’t we been through this several times already? Floating piers only work in protected, calm water ports. Floating piers in GT Harbour will be as unusable on rough weather days as the current concrete port.

    Just get rid of cheap, unprofitable, polluting cruise tourism. There, problem solved.

    • Anonymous says:

      You forget it is not unprofitable to some, that is why these cruise companies have lots of slush fund money to throw around to high up officials. Be very vigilant because this current government has evidently been talking with the cruise companies who still want their docks. Always remember that money talks and bullsh&t walks

  43. Anonymous says:

    current cruise set-up is a disaster for gt and the cruise shippers generally.
    if things can be done to improve things without a severe environmental damage…then lets look at it.
    if not…i would recommend a situation where cayman cannot have more than 3 cruise ships per day.

  44. Cheese Face says:

    KB, please go back to selling drugs, does less damage to the rest of us.

  45. Anonymous says:

    A blind man could see this topic being resurrected from a mile away.

  46. mervyn cumber says:

    This is a joke, where will they put the pontoons during regular North Westers? Tow them to South Sound?

  47. Anonymous says:

    The floating piers would only be used in calm weather, the same weather that currently permits tenders. If the water is choppy at times in winter, the piers wouldnt be used nor would the tenders; the ships would go to Spotts. (Seawalk can be safely deployed at up to 30 MPH winds)

    I was on one of the floating piers in Europe pre-COVID. Perfectly fine, very steady. Kind of cool.

    I think this is a very cost effective, flexible solution. Nothing is attached to the seabed, and can be extending and contracted in 10 minutes. Seawalk indicates can unload 3,000 passengers in a half hour — just walk on/walk off — no tenders.

    Here is it in action:

    • Anonymous says:

      Up to 30mph. That’s 25kts, which is a normal blowing day here for much of the year.

    • Anonymous says:

      If nothing is attached to the sea bed, what’s holding the 200000 ton ship in place? You can’t tell me that the attachment point where the dock meets the land is sufficient- the strain in them at joint from any movement of the vessel hundreds of meters from the point of attachment to terra firma would be enormous. Either the dock is anchored or the cruise ship is.

    • Anonymous says:

      This sounds like the perfect solution to turn cruise shippers into overnight guests at massive profit margin.

      1. Cruise ship docks at floating pier, and unloads passengers in GT.
      2. Winds pickup, and dock is taken down in 10 mins.
      3. All passengers are stranded in Cayman, unable to reboard their ship.
      4. Hotels owned by Dart massively inflate their nightly rate, and earn huge premium on unsold inventory (or what little there is)
      5. Cruise shippers get to experience the real Cayman Islands where we charge through the nose for anything and everything
      6. The next morning the cruise shippers waddle back to their $400 cruise, after having spent $2000 in Cayman for a 1 night stay and the “American breakfast”

      I love it.

    • Anonymous says:

      You will notice that these ships are moored to land / mooring buoys, just like our oil tankers do and are not at anchor.

  48. Anonymous says:

    Stupid. Get rid of cruise ships!


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