Police appeal for information in fatal crash

| 07/08/2022 | 19 Comments
Margret Rose Garcia (from social media)

(CNS): The RCIPS has confirmed the identity of the 77-year-old retired school teacher who was killed in a car crash last weekend on the way home from her daughter’s wedding, as they appealed to the public for more information. Margret Rose Garcia of Bodden Town died as a result of the collision on Sunday morning, 31 July.

Two other people from the wedding party were also injured and have since been discharged from hospital. It is understood that a white Kia Sportage SUV carrying four people crashed into a tree on South Church Street.

Police have not made any arrests and have not said what they believe caused the driver to hit the tree. However, the RCIPS expressed condolences to the family.

The collision remains under investigation by the Traffic and Roads Policing Unit (TARP) and investigators are encouraging anyone with information regarding the collision to call the unit at 649-6254 or the George Town Police Station at 949-4222.

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Category: Local News

Comments (19)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Mrs Garcia is a true mother not just to her own.This death I just can’t get over.May her soul rest in peace😭😭 I pray for God strength for the family

  2. Anonymous says:

    Please leave the trees. There are ways to mark them for motorists to see and protect them instead of cutting them down!

  3. Anonymous says:

    Deepest condolences to Mrs Margaret Rose’s family. To have also lost her brother just after her tragic passing on her daughter’s wedding day, is almost unthinkable and heart wrenching. May their dear souls Rest In Peace and may God’s love and peace surround the family during this very sad time.

  4. Anonymous says:

    If only we had a CCTV system across the entire island like promised.

    I wonder how many innocent people have been killed by reckless drivers and we’re non the wiser. We just chalk it down to “probably tired at the wheel”, “probably speeding” etc, firmly placing the blame at the feet of the deceased when it was most likely some scum dump truck driver overtaking someone coming the opposite direction forcing the person off the road and then continuing on their merry way leaving us non the wiser – begging for information.


    • Anonymous says:

      After midnight and on South Sound Road – rather unlikely to be a dump truck driver. At least not one driving a dump truck at the time.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Who thinks the RCIPS should start with witness statements from the other two people in the car?

    • Anonymous says:

      Suspect they might just have done that, but would like to see what independent witnesses might have to say as well. Note that there is nothing to say that the victim was the driver, and if she was not, and all the other passengers are family members, getting some outside corroration is rather important. SMH. RCIPS may not be the most effective police force in the world, but I think I might just give them the benefit of the doubt on the basics unless there is evidence to the contrary.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Let’s petition to have the tree removed.

    1. It is a huge obstacle that has caused numerous accidents and unfortunately at least one direct death.

    2. No one eats the almonds anyway.

    3. It really serves no purpose and hush if you talk about it being on that street for generations. Much of our crucial mangroves have been around for equal time and yet the CPA is allowing these big developers to remove them.

    5. Removing this tree will help save a life which just might be your own.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Sincere condolences to the family. Mrs. Garcia’s brother died suddenly three days after she did. RIP x 2.

  8. Anonymous says:

    I am sad that this lady has lost her life but do we need to put the huge yellow signs on a tree, that is not in the road, that has been there for generations?

  9. Anonymous says:

    Such a tragedy! A true lady!!!


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