Regional conference highlights IT in judicial admin
(CNS): The Conference of CARICOM Chief Justices and Heads of Judiciaries will be meeting on Grand Cayman on Thursday and Friday this week (28-29 July). This is the second time the conference has been held in the Cayman Islands, which hosted it previously in 2007 when the Conference of Caribbean Judicial Officers (CAJO) was established. This year the heads of judiciaries from across the Caribbean Region and Bermuda will be focusing on how technology can help administer justicial systems.
The two-day conference will be hosted by Cayman Islands Chief Justice Sir Anthony Smellie. The goal is to drive innovation in the advancement of the administration of justice, and the theme is “Administering Justice by Use of Information Technology: Building on Covid-19 Experiences”.
“The administration of justice is a constant work in progress,” said Sir Anthony. “As heads of
judiciaries responsible for ensuring timely and effective access to justice for our citizens, we are obliged always to seek the best solutions, whether this is by way of the most modern
information technology or the promotion of legislative advancements, or the development of
rules and practices of courts. The important purpose of this conference is that it affords us the opportunity to meet and consult together towards those objectives.”
The conference will take place at the Ritz-Carlton Ballroom, where Acting Governor Franz Manderson and Premier Wayne Panton will welcome the visiting heads of judiciaries from Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados, Bahamas, Bermuda, Guyana, Belize, the Turks and Caicos.
Read the full release below:
- Fascinated
- Happy
- Sad
- Angry
- Bored
- Afraid
Our efiling system is the envy of the region. World class in action.
I hope you’re being ironic.
I’d love to see the tender document for that. Presumably it said something like ‘must be as impractical, user-unfriendly and unworkable as possible’
So many issues and potential with CARICOM.
Trade. Employment etc.
But is Cayman a Member, or only Ass. Member?
Associate member.
5:39 had it right the first time. Why continue to associate with these useless failing governments. Nothing there to learn.
Maybe at the next conference they can discuss the invention of the telegraph………
Why is it that in 2022 I have to buy a subscription to Offshore Alert to see all the court filings in Cayman online?
Because you are paying OA to conglomerate the Court’s online filings into one place for you. Basically, you are paying for an extra service to save you time/effort. Like the petrol station charging extra for someone to pump it for me. Welcome to a free market economy.
Read OA about hard it is to get complete case files from court.
Maybe it’s you that needs an upgrade! It’s all available in the court website
Not all.
Couldn’t be more boring. How about a conference on more rigorous punishment of criminals?
What kind of crimes?