Premier isolating after catching COVID-19

| 05/07/2022 | 70 Comments
Premier Wayne Panton (file photo)

(CNS): Premier Wayne Panton is in isolation after testing positive for COVID-19 following a routine morning lateral flow test ahead of his working day. As Panton awaited the results of a PCR test, his office issued a release stating that he is mildly symptomatic and will remain at home for the next seven days, attending meetings via Zoom. The revised COVID-19 regulations that came into force just days ago eliminated the mask mandate and exit testing after quarantine.

Panton, who is fully vaccinated, joins an estimated 836 people who are in quarantine having reported an active case of coronavirus to Public Health officials, including eight patients currently hospitalised, just two of whom are unvaccinated.

Although Cayman has reduced a number of restrictions, such as the requirement to have a negative test prior to entering the country, the move from mandatory to voluntary mask-wearing and the dropping of exit testing, the virus is still spreading throughout the community. More than 400 people have officially tested positive for COVID-19 over the last week and the rolling seven-day average on Monday was 46.

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Category: Health, Medical Health

Comments (70)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Stop eating a diet full of processed carbs and flipping white rice. Eat veggies and lean proteins, You will feel better. You will lose weight. You will reducing your risk for complications.
    Just my two cents, as a person whose unhealthy, triple vaccinated Caymanian spouse has had Covid twice. Whilst I have never even had anything, despite caring for them and being in constant contact with them. Potato salad is not a salad. Corn is not a veg it is a starch. Patties are delicious, but are not a healthy breakfast. Just saying.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Get well soon, Mr. Premier!

  3. Orrie Merren 🙏🏻🇰🇾 says:

    Wish you a speedy and healthy recovery, Premier Panton.

  4. Anonymous says:

    said it before… no-one who is relatively healthy, under 70, who is vaxxed, will die from covid.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Stop living in fear people! Covid is over life must go on!!!

  6. Anonymous says:

    Fortunately Wayne, and most of the Cabinet, have taken the last 2.5 years as a sign to get more healthy, shed a lot of weight etc.

  7. Chet Oswald Ebanks says:

    Oh well, Now he will know what the rest of us who have caught it feels like. Wrong decision to do away with exit testing and mask wearing. When we have a serious outbreak with the hospitals beds full and people dying, then this so called PACT Government will listen and do more for its people. We have had wild chickens, roasters roaming around since hurricane Ivan. Time to act on these wild, poultry running around our islands. But wait PACT is no different. Care for themselves not there people. You send emails out and no one answers you back. Am guessing all 19 MP’S must be fast asleep including the Governor. Time for him to go now too, just like this so called PACT Government. Sad really, Caymanians struggling to survive each day. While our MP’S live in luxury with their over inflated monthly salaries. You have a surplus try and do something good with it, instead of grabbing every photo opportunity with the rich in this country. A Government who’s time has come and gone. Mr. Premier your people have lost faith in you and your so called PACT Government. All talk, no action. I would say this PACT is now tied with last 2 governments, useless. All for themselves.

    • Anonymous says:

      Remember that time when HIV was going to kill all who contracted it?

      • Anonymous says:

        Yes. And it killed many of my friends. When medical treatment advanced to the point of reducing fatalities, that was great. But it did nothing to replace the absences.

    • Anonymous says:

      You are more than welcome to stay home, never go outside and double mask while alone in your own house. Can’t be too safe!

    • Anonymous says:

      Chet sounds like those chickens are getting to you? Be the change you want.. Gather some up and cook them. They lil tough but they can still eat and you won’t have to worry about struggling to survive..

      No one is immuned from getting covid, not even the Premier. It’s what you do to ensure than when you do get it that you will lessen the severity or the long term effects of it, that matters.

      I’m still suffering from long covid but caught Delta before the vaccine even came out. I don’t ever want to catch that again or wish it on my worst enemy but if I do, I feel prepared as I have been vaccinated and boostered.

    • sheriff says:

      surely you jest

    • Anonymous says:

      Assume this is a joke. Chinas policy is a renowned failure. And they are a communist country so the policy would not be possible in a democracy with human rights.

  8. Anon1 says:

    Funny how all these restrictions dropped for tourist dollars and I’ve seen people all around me picking up covid like clockwork now that neva had it. Now the Premier picks it up in like a week. Don’t underestimate this virus listening to many these foreigners about mild. I heard someone in the neighborhood with covid expelling and a death cough from the crypt. Smh

    • Anonymous says:

      Yeah lets lock the island down for ever shall we?? Its a freaking cold at this point! How hard is it for people to understand that the virus has mutated and is no where near as lethal as it was 2 years ago. Stop living in fear and enjoy your life!!! Eeeediat!

      • Anonymous says:

        Wear a proper mask and dont contribute to the spread

      • Anonymous says:

        Yes, you can wear an N95 and still get COVID, especially with BA.5. But that doesn’t mean masks don’t work. You can also die in a car crash wearing a seat belt, but that doesn’t mean seat belts don’t work. Masks reduce the odds of infection. Be probabilistic, not fatalistic.

      • anon1 says:

        Who said anything about lockdown you troll?

  9. Anonymous says:

    Mr. Premier, I wish you health and life. Thank you

  10. Anonymous says:

    I’m sure he’ll be fine like 99.9999% of people who contract the virus.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Blatantly ignoring the spread of new variants in countries with airline passengers arriving daily here to ease mandates & mmake masks optional just in time for Caymas and the holiday weekend. Swell!

    The new variants mimic the sympto.s of vital meningitis and is proving vaccine resistant, whuch is why new vaccines are being developed.

    Facts that evade thousands here, but not the least bit surprising in a country with public school exorcisms and pray the gay away officials.

    • Anonymous says:

      Classic case of OCD

    • Anonymous says:

      Oh do grow up. The new variants are not killing any triple jabbed people in the UK where masks and all the testing was abolished many months ago. There is no scientific basis for having any restrictions anymore, cayman is already way behind the times in keeping masks at the supermarkets until only this week.

    • Anonymous says:

      I always like it when my meningitis is vital!

      Seriously this is now a common disease and we need to not be treating it differently from a flu or cold. The idea that it isn’t everywhere or that we can somehow keep it out is flawed.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Hope you recover shortly Wayne…take this time out to gather your thoughts on exactly what is going on around you. We know deep down that you mean well….however, it same that your cronies is spoiling the show.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Fix the damn dump.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Good, work at home and save gas!

  15. Elvis says:

    Its still out there folks

  16. Anonymous says:

    Dear Sir,

    Some quiet time needed to reflect on the Sunday Law:

    Can I suggest:

    Live music is allowed on Sundays fairly across business licensees and not just hotels or restaurants

    Live music is allowed on Sundays on water crafts, personal or chartered.
    (Who knew this law existed!?)

    My point is why is the music not allowed to play on Sundays?

    Can we modernize these laws so other businesses can benefit and not just hotels and restaurants

    Oh lastly, can life carry on at midnight Sunday instead of shutting down at midnight.

    Wishing you a speedy recovery.

    • Anonymous says:


    • Anonymous says:

      And also why are all the shops and supermarkets closed on sundays, why can’t a cinema show R rated movies on a Sunday and why can you only buy alcohol 1pm to 7pm at liquor stores on a Sunday. It is bizarre, never seen these rules in any other p,ace outside cayman, why is Sunday any different to Tuesday or Saturday for example?

      • Anonymous says:

        It is so people can rest and go to Church. If we open up any more on Sundays, society here will fall part…. oh snap!

        • Sad but true says:

          They can certainly fall apart stone drunk.

        • Anonymous says:

          Why can’t people who need to ‘rest’ and want to go to church still do that if a shop is open? I don’t like churches but want to go watch a movie sometimes on Sunday’s – why can’t I watch movies at the cinema on sundays? Or listen to live music? The most ridiculous law I have ever seen anywhere:

      • Anonymous says:

        Because everyone can get their liquor and watch pornhub after 1pm.

        Oh and because bullshit also.

        Personally I think we should copy Mecca (BINGO!).

      • Anonymous says:

        Because Sunday is a day of rest. A day that you can relax and spend time with family/friends. If it wasn’t that way, many slave driver bosses would not allow their employees a day off. Don’t like it, get over yourself. One day isn’t going to kill you and if that’s your biggest problem in life, consider your pathetic self blessed.

    • Anonymous says:

      I stopped going to Rum Point because of those loud annoying boatfulls of loud annoying drunkards!

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