GC police sent to Brac to investigate child’s death

| 28/07/2022 | 10 Comments

(CNS): Five police investigators, supported by forensic specialists and a pathologist, have been sent to Cayman Brac to support local officers investigating the tragic death of a two-year-old girl on the island on Monday. The RCIPS team from Grand Cayman was sent on Wednesday and police said they are now carrying out a full investigation into the circumstances surrounding the child’s death.

The police said they are approaching the investigation with an open mind and taking a multi-agency approach to ensure all avenues are explored. They have not yet confirmed if any formal reports or allegations have been made to the RCIPS against anyone in connection with the toddler’s death, but the RCIPS confirmed that no arrests have been made.

RCIPS officials also said that the name of the child will not be formally released to maintain the privacy of the family and individuals involved. However, family and friends of the little girl have already posted details of the child on social media, including pictures.

As a result, multiple comments have been posted discussing the events leading up to the child’s disappearance and the subsequent discovery of her body. Nevertheless, police are not commenting on any of the information and allegations circulating on social media.

“We understand there is significant public interest in this case and further information will be released to the public and media when there is an update to be provided,” an RCIPS spokesperson said Thursday.

The child’s body was found near Breakers condos, where her family was staying, by a fire officer searching along the shoreline, and not by officers on board the Cayman Islands Fire Service vessel, as previously reported.

Police are requesting anyone who has any information about this incident that might help in the investigation to contact the Cayman Brac Police Station on 948-0331 or 926-0635.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Mr Kay, we are hoping you can solve these problems.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Anything about the car that burnt in Cayman Brac the same night that this tragic event took place?

  3. Anonymous says:

    No one talks in the Brac thats the unwritten rule it ain’t like we haven’t had glowing examples of this from previous unsolved matters. The only thing that has changed in the Brac is the new leadership is certainly more open minded than the the previous one who still holding secrets for the old lodge hierarchy.

  4. Anonymous says:

    RCIP please put a stop to the drug problem. Get help for the addicted, and throw the book at their suppliers. And stop the road crew – the workers work for their supervisors, not themselves. We need help.

    • Anonymous says:

      Leave the road crew(s) alone; they collectively do a lot of good, and do a job which most of us are unwilling to do. They keep the place looking good. Isn’t that what the tourism promoters want?

      • Anonymous says:

        Lol. I don’t agree with this at all. The island is full of trash. We need to put traffic offensivers on probation to clean up our streets for free.

      • Anonymous says:

        Prisoners, students and volunteers can do that job.

      • Anonymous says:

        They do a good job but are manipulated by and indebted to their drug lord supervisors.

    • Oppertuneitee says:

      Convicted suppliers can make it into the Cabinet in Absurdistan.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Unless those who actually know what transpired speak out, all we have is conjecture and hearsay.


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