Airport connector back on track after delays

(CNS): The Airport Connector Road linking the Esterley Tibbetts Highway to Sparky Drive is back on track after delays due to problems with the tendering process for the installation of culverts. Officials said Monday that work on the culverts has begun, and once installed the work on that road will be complete. The road, which crossed a patch of wetland, has proved costly. In addition to the culvert installation and the $800,000 contract awarded to Dart to build it, government has spent over $1.5 million on fill.
That project is part of government’s multi-million dollar investment in roadworks, which it believes will address Grand Cayman’s worsening congestion. The focus is currently on the road network around Grand Harbour, which is one of the narrowest points on the island and where all of the commuter traffic from the east converges.
Infrastructure Minister Jay Ebanks said following a recent tour of ongoing projects that the work in this area is designed to alleviate the issues with traffic congestion in the mornings and evenings in the pinch points around Hurley’s Roundabout and the Prospect areas.
“We are working our hardest to minimise the amount of time commuters have to spend in traffic and already we are seeing some positive results,” Ebanks said. “We are also working as fast as possible to take advantage of the summer ease in traffic as schools as out.”
Deputy Premier Chris Saunders, who joined Ebanks and the NRA management on the tour, said they were progressing well. “Already, I have been receiving feedback from members of the public about the reduced time of their commute from the Eastern Districts into George Town,” he noted.
The roadworks include Phase 2 of the Linford Pierson Highway, which is on schedule, the NRA stated. The sub-base for the outbound lanes has been put in place, with construction to continue on the Bobby Thompson Way section and the Tortuga Roundabout. The next stage will be to realign underground water, electricity and telecoms services ahead of the final surface layers of the roadway, followed by work on the outbound lanes.
Work at Crewe Road and Kings Roundabout is moving forward with the widening to three outbound lanes, along with the installation of utility work. Work will also soon start on the inbound lane abreast of Scotiabank and the Department of Vehicle and Drivers’ Licensing facility.
In the heart of George Town, work continues on Phase 1 of the Godfrey Nixon extension, where the curbs are being installed. The next phase will be final grading in order for the road to be surfaced. Phase 1 of the project will take the road from North Church Street across Diaz Lane to Gresscott Lane.
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Category: development, Local News
just another opening for more “luxury development” and we still so blind
Pave it with good intentions.
free traffic/gridlock solution:
sell existing goab and build new goab east of savannah on free/cheap cig land.
Poor suggestion. Try again, or don’t.
Why, 7:03? Would you and your pals from Vista Del Mar and Yacht Club have to drive too far to get to the new location? You poor things.
Not one mention that they are completing Joey Hews road plan, what a bunch of wannabes
Hews or Hew’s?
How many boards are Alric on???
Just enough to compensate for the fact he failed to get elected
West bay does not have any traffic. Chris and Jay if u dont fix the traffic from the East first you will be a one hit wonder. Stop helping the Big guy make more money.
Do you know why West Bay has no traffic?
Jay is looking a little trimmer than his last photo op. Maybe he’s putting in some time at World Gym.
JE- “Why are we here?”
EH -“We are just stopping off here on the way to lunch.”
AL -“Why does Ed have the nice yellow jacket?”
CS -“Great! Ed’s got the menu, pretend it is a map.”
JE- “Can I get a shovel?”
AL- “I knew we should have brought hard hats?”
JE- “Do we get big boots for doing this?”
What are we, the driving public, doing to assist ourselves? Has anyone begun to car pool to work? Any parents sharing the school run with a friend/neighbour? Anything?
The dump will surely be cleared now. Don’t want tourists getting a warm, trashy welcome to the islands. Although I wouldn’t be surprised if they put up those large barriers to block the view; but can they block the smell?
The smell is the sewerage treatment plant. Always has been.
And there will soon be rotting sargassum to add to the scent.
Stop talking shit.
CS – “Why does Ed get a nice yellow jacket and a map?”
AL – ” Just wait we’ll be getting new spades the for the photo opportunity?
EH – “Opps to late…photos been taken.”
JE – “Remind me why I am here?”
How come NRA get approval to build these roads, take peoples land without a budget and then find out they need an environmental impact analysis…how years it it now for the east west arterial proposal? Only in Cayman!
Why all the fill cant some of these roads be built on pilings in the form of bridges over the swamps?
economics and cost.
Who changed the name from Seafarers Way back to North Church Street.
Harbour Drive became Seafarer’s Way, N Church is still N Church.
Where I was Barbour Drive
How can this road help with Prospect and Hurley’s?????
By being another road
If that short airport connector road cost $1.5mil in fill I can’t imagine how much the E/W arterial will cost where they have it drawn through that deep swamp (basically standing water in places).
Seriously. Why not have the developers pick up the tab since they are the ones benefiting from the extension?
So we are developing again for whom?…for the love of country just say no.
Maybe the fill cost could be helped by donating the fill recently liberated by low people in high places.
Environmentally friendly yes. Cheap no.
Stick to your day job George
Would be interesting to know if NRA have paid the affected landowners their compensation yet and how many are outstanding and how long it takes to get full payment?
yes and how many owners were politically connected?
people need to relaise most road building here is used to keep pwd and nra active/busy…..
why else would cig refuse to invest in public transport or real measures to help traffic congestion in the long term?
why have they banned ride sharing platforms here?
caymans traffic problems are beypond the grasp and expertise of anyone in the civil service.
all these fools can do is draw lines on a map and build expensive roads that will do nothing to help in the long term.
Poor Chris couldn’t get to read Wayne speech at the Chamber lunch so he had to go out in the hot sun for a photo op.
from the cig who said more raods are not the answer to caymans traffic crisis….yep, you get more roads.
another day in wonderland
We only need one more road. A road to alleviate the pressure on Hurleys roundabout. Until that happens there will always be traffic east of town.
SMB / WB is in fine shape after this road around the dump is completed.