Archive for July 8th, 2022

Burglars smash their way into jewellery store
(CNS): Burglars made off with a large amount of jewellery after they smashed their way into a store on Goring Avenue around twenty minutes past midnight on Friday. The 911 centre received a report of an alarm going off and dispatched the police, who found that burglars had broken into the store by smashing the […]

Former governor Michael Gore dies aged 86
(CNS): Michael Edward John Gore, who was the Cayman Islands governor from 1992 to 1995, has died aged 86. Both Premier Wayne Panton and Governor Martyn Roper released statements Friday morning responding to the news of his death, saying that they were saddened to hear of his passing and offering condolences. Panton said Gore was a dear […]

Ebanks: Cayman ready to embrace future tech economy
(CNS): Cayman needs to build on its existing blue-chip financial services product and embrace the future of digital industries, according to Financial Services Minister André Ebanks. Speaking at the Chamber of Commerce Parliamentary Lunch on Thursday, he said the Cayman Islands is ready to take a chance and layer on top of its world-class regulatory […]

Plan proposed to protect nesting seabirds
(CNS): The National Conservation Council has issued a draft Seabird Conservation Plan for public consultation to protect six of Cayman’s vanishing colonial nesting seabirds. Department of Environment (DoE) Director Gina Ebanks-Petrie has warned that some of the Cayman Islands’ most recognisable birds could be lost due to habitat loss, coastal development and invasive species unless […]