Police apologise to Brac boaters over rescue report

(CNS): Following an outpouring of reports from the Cayman Brac boating community to the local media that the recent press release from the RCIPS recounting the rescue of two men from Pickle Bank at the weekend was inaccurate, the police have apologised for the confusion and thanked the members of the Brac community for their efforts in the rescue.
The police PR unit explained Wednesday that they had initially been informed that the Cayman Islands Coast Guard (CICG) had escorted the distressed boat but had since learned this was not the case.
The coastguard had been dispatched but by the time their boat reached the Brac, the vessel in distress had already arrived back to shore. The RCIPS explained that the CICG response was delayed because when the call came in it was assisting another vessel in distress and the coastguard vessel had a mechanical issue that the crew rectified on the way to the Brac.
The police also confirmed that the RCIPS Air Support Unit had not monitored the vessel at the location until help arrived, as was previously reported.
“When the police helicopter located the vessel in distress and established that the persons on board were in good health, they provided coordinates of its location for the rescue efforts and confirmed assistance was on the way, before continuing on its medivac journey,” a police spokesperson explained.
“The RCIPS apologies for any confusion caused by the earlier report, and wishes to thank the members of the Brac community for their efforts in the search and rescue response.”
CNS understands that the rescue effort was triggered by Lenaris Ebanks, the father of one of the men on board the distressed boat, after they managed to send out a message via a satellite phone. With the help of other local boaters and coordinated by Raymond Scott on the Brac, the local rescue team was able to find the boat and the two fishermen and bring them home safely.
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Category: Local News
Woohoo! Way to go Brackers. Practicing what we know Caymanians are good for; helping their neighbours when in need! This is what I know to be “Cayman Kind”…no excuses, no looking for credit, just “let’s go Uncle Johnny/Aun’ Suzy/Bobo/Teedee needs our help”…plain and simple it was the way Caymanians used to be. Lord, help us return to the nice people You created us to be, Amen. On the other hand, it’s shameful that CICG & RCIPS PR head didn’t get this right before spreading the word, so incorrectly I might add! I miss Cayman27, because if there were live news, they would’ve thought twice before putting this erroneous report on radio or print news.
re:Raymond Scott…Companion, Officer, or Member?
Knight. More so than the yard
Not just one lie, but several cross-platform lies. Incredible.
Good ol’ Raymond Scott! Doing what he can to help those in distress. It is high time he be put on government payroll or at the very least given some official recognition for his similar efforts over many years.
Raymond Scott is a national hero.
There are many non-politicos who well-deserve to be recognised and nominated for one or more of these civilian awards for gallantry, whether foiling “not today Bobo” or daring rescues at sea:
George Cross Committee for a Civilian Gallantry Award (GC)
British Empire Medal (BEM)
Queen’s Gallantry Medal (QGM)
Queen’s Commendation for Bravery
This is why people DO NOT trust the police!!!
At least one of the many reasons.
Message to all boaters in distress….don’t call and say “that you are broken down”…call and say “that you see something suspicious taking place” at your location…you will be rescued in five minutes.
Even that won’t accelerate response.
Good job to all involved, especially coast guard
Try as you might the irrelevant Coast Guard is misplaced, not fit for purpose, give us back the Border Control / RCIPS Marine Unit, that is what we need.
Stop building unnecessary money wasting military units when what we need is to build on the existing civilian emergency organizations.
RCIP. We need you to be impeccable in your conduct and communications. We need to believe that you are honest and determined, working tirelessly to protect and to serve. Doing all you can to remove miscreants from general circulation. Please get with the program!!!
Another example of the bumbling classless civil service looking for false news public relations to cover up the unneeded growing additional expensive Coast Guard.
The joint RCIPS / Border Control Marine Unit had developed into a cohesive force. Then the UK got involved, creating confusion.
Ladner Watler, the only DOE Enforcement Officer at the time,accomplished far more success in rescues than the current confusion created by the new useless publicity seeking government departments.
This is nothing new. The police have taken credit for civilians rescuing people at sea for decades.
Not the first time the RCIPS has lied about its response, probably not the last either.
RCIPS & CICG trying to claim credit for NOTHING!
Yet another example that underscores the reality that boaters are truly on their own when setting out to sea. Despite having all the resources, hardware, and staff of various agencies eager to claim credit, it’s often timely heroic civilian unsung neighborly response that makes the difference.