Local man gets 14 years for smuggling drugs & guns
(CNS): Dencle Vic Barnes (52) from George Town has been sentenced to 14 years in prison following his conviction earlier this year for smuggling two handguns and 70lbs of ganja. Barnes initially tried, and failed, to get the case thrown out on the grounds that his human rights had been violated. The charges against Barnes were based largely on evidence given by his co-conspirator, Jamaican national Andrew Beckford.
As a result of Beckford’s evidence, Barnes was charged with possession of a semi-automatic pistol, a revolver and ammunition, as well as ganja, all of which were recovered from a Jamaican-style canoe in the Spotts Beach area off Shamrock Road, found during an operation on 21 May 2020.
Beckford (42) was arrested near Spotts Beach a few hours after police had come across the boat and had immediately admitted smuggling drugs, while he had denied any knowledge of the guns during his first interview he went on to identify his co-conspirator and agreed to testify against him.
Barnes was eventually tracked down and also charged with the smuggling.
After a judicial review, in which Barnes claimed that the director of public prosecutions had colluded with Beckford to name him as the co-conspirator and violated his human rights, the charges were upheld and the case went to trial.
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Does he own the bar where that big shootout was a while back and the guy was killed? Related incident?
I’m not sure why everyone likes to compare these sentences to child molesters’ sentencing.
If you have ever been a victim of molestation the only sentence worthy of defilement of a child is a DEATH sentence.
In Cayman, we used to hang people.
Very rarely. And not for child molesting.
Atleast no cocaine devil. Thankfully no molly, x, or fentanyl killer drugs…just plant matter, but the weapons are a huge party foul – you gotta go bro.
The only legacy proud daddy Denzel Barnes left were two POS sons Vic and Jeffrey, and the memories of a little girl he ran over and killed!!
The fact that anyone (whomever that may be) that is willing to risk trafficking only 70 pounds of ganja and two guns (along with ammunition) seems to be very irrational and not even that profitable. Dumb move all around. Whilst criminal activity is certainly condemned, it seems like irrational and disproportionate from a profit-earning perspective. Mind blowing how stupid that was, but, if it gets a dangerous criminal off the street, that’s a good thing.
Yes. I detest guns, particularly illegal guns, so good one on the part of the courts.
Those 70 lbs could’ve been got wholesale in Jam for about $3.5 – 5,000 KYD
Street price valued at ~65-112,000 KYD.
Quite a decent flip if you’re desperate – about 2 years salary on an average wage.
Ganja is only lucrative because it’s illegal. A sitting MP promised local production (since we already medically prescribe it) in a last-ditch attempt to compete with Elvis for votes – what happened to that promise?
Why assume it was 70lbs? That was what was found or what he was convicted for, meaning evidence was sufficient for that amount (sometimes the police know that much more was actually imported). By the time police get involved, the boat could have distributed most of its cargo, as is normal. Most times they stop in EE and then go to other points on the island. The boat could have dropped off criminals, other guns, and drugs before getting seized. Good riddance to one smuggler and much love to the police. Now, catch the rest!
Who is going to run the bar now? Asking for and Hon. Member of Parliament.
Maybe the jukebox.
But not on Sundays
My only hope that Mr Barnes names and shames those traveling in the drug boat off Barkers beach the night he was being chased by Stuart Kernohan in the police Helicopter ! Some people wouldn’t have they big time gowerment Job eh ! Or would they cause daddy would fix it !
So, the Eldest Brother (Denzel Vic Barnes) will be joining his Youngest Brother (Jeffrey Barnes, who is currently serving a life sentence) at HMPS Northward Prison? Splendid!
Just another one who they should keep behind bars for ever.
Absolute POS!
These idiots sicken me. This culture of silence and making out that people who give evidence against them are informers…nah, it’s pathetic self-preservation, proven by the human rights angle to attempt to weasel out of the punishment.
Glad this idiot is going away for a good while.
You must not understand that, at times in the past, people who inform on criminals have been killed and severely injured and left for dead as well as their loved ones. Witness protection in Cayman is a joke. So not informing is a way to save your own life and that of your family and loved ones, as well as the fact, which has become very clear to me over the years, that the RCIPS are probably the biggest criminals (especially drug dealers) in the entire Cayman Islands. God bless the officers of the law, who actually do their jobs, that protect and serve the public to protect the public and keep the peace.
Ganja brought in along with guns and ammunition. If cannabis was being grown for personal use, there would not also be guns and ammunition growing on such cannabis trees too.
lol then rapists and child molesters get like 4 years and out on good behavior and time served lol
this crime is horrendous too but… wow.
Go on then – cite which cases that a rapist or child molester got 4 years. You are talking tosh.
I personally know one from West Bay that only got about 6 months, and it was his own frigging little daughter!
Go in then – cite the article quoting the sentence. Because otherwise I just don’t believe you – 6 months for abusing a child – nah.
This is not my post, but you are so misled I do not know where to start, but no time to educate you. Do your own research. It is even worst than the claim; MOST child abusers who come to attention are not even prosecuted although there is evidence. Usually, they get the under 16 girl pregnant and the authorities that should be thinking of preventing future crimes of that nature, simply pat him on the back and say, how could you? He is allowed to walk free. And I know of this happening many times. Sickening.
7 thumbs down but no cited cases – wonder why.
14 thumbs down, but no one can find me an example? touched a nerve, eh? You just make stuff up to support your argument then get mad when you get called on it lol.
Agree 100%. Judges EXTREMEMLY lenient on molesters in Cayman. Why?
Unfortunately, Mr. Barnes is well accustomed to residing at HMP Northward. Be assured we are all the better for his time spent there and away from the rest of us … even at 14 yrs detention this time, I suspect its still not his last visit there. SMH .. career criminal!
Also hope they (HMP) have finally lost the key for this brother and he never gets out again: Jeffrey Barnes…..
Jeffrey will never be released
He’s a residavist.
There has been numerous failed attempts at rehabilitating Jeffrey. The local community had enough of him. So, he picked-up a Life Sentence, or two, as a repeat felon. Let him remain at his ‘Forever Home’ HMPS/Northward Prison.
Remember he served time in the uk for the same thing. Criminal.
…can’t go anywhere and behave themselves. Geeeezz