WORC rolls out zero tolerance application policy
(CNS): Workforce Opportunities and Residency Cayman (WORC) is announcing that from now on incomplete applications will not be accepted. Customers are required to provide all of the required information for work permit and other applications in order for those applications to be processed. Labour Minister Chris Saunders has announced a policy to fully automate the application process to speed things up, and in order to move towards that end applications have to be complete.
In a press release about the new zero-tolerance policy, WORC said it is striving to improve customer service by reducing the time spent processing incomplete applications. “This will allow for better efficiency in the turnaround time for customers who submit completed applications,” officials said.
Applications are considered incomplete if:
- Sections of the application form are not completed;
- Personal details such as name, address, telephone number, email address, etc. are missing
- Signatures are not affixed;
- All required documents (on the checklist) have not been submitted with each application;
- Missing a Trade & Business License (if applicable);
- English Language Tests results, Police Records, Vaccinations cards, Health Insurance or Pension Plan details are missing.
Customers can visit the WORC website to review application checklists before submitting applications at the WORC Apollo House office or via the online Stand Alone Payment portal.
For more information email worc@gov.ky or call 945-9672.
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Category: Government Administration, Politics
Surprised that they weren’t doing this already.
Were you really surprised?
Depends what you mean by incomplete form. I only have 1 phone number. How am I supposed to fill out mobile, home and office phone numbers? Same number in all, n/a, leave blank? Open to interpretation. Suspect this is all about pushing work to someone’s friend or agency to fill the form out for you “correctly” for a fee.
Really and truly far king tired of expats bashing Caymanians. If this Shiite don’t stop soon you we are all going to face situations that will be out of control.
It has to stop and yrs both ways Caymanians must play their part too in calming this trend.
Now having said that the revolution will start the next time I am in a public place and hear an expat (s) no matter where you from speaking I’ll of Vaymanians, one rash box will ignite the cleansing.
So does that mean that WORC are also going to speed up the time taken to process refunds. Waiting for 9 months plus in most cases.
Way to go PACT. I’m sure this will be a great help to any small struggling local business
They should do it right the first time then and there wouldn’t be an issue
And I’m return for complete applications will the worc staff answer the phone and respond to email messages ? Because DAMN!!!
Obviously this does not apply to WPs for bar staff at local watering holes.
I have a receipt for over $15,000 CI from WORC for payment of my work permit, this was payed January 2022! Nothing heard from WORC so far
Oh boy here is one of those educated expats who deserves a job more than a Caymanian
But law firm’s applications which leave out the names and details of Caymanian applicants will still be treated as complete, right?
just another excuse to create more delay and cripple businesses…all in the name of the caymanian unemployment myth.
Hmmm wouldn’t correct applications speed up the process rather than delay and cripple businesses?
Any other place in the world this would not even be an issue. Either you fill out the application correctly before you submit it or it gets rejected..
So tired of hearing excuses for ineptedness..FFS fill out the application correctly What is so difficult to just follow rules..ugh!
Does this mean we now have to provide the same documents year after year? Previously, documents that remained applicable could be referenced from previous applications, such as xrays
It means if you miss a comma in the wrong spot, or give them any other excuse for not processing the application, in the bucket it will go. And if you are lucky they will tell you. This is not about processing WP applications efficiently. Its about finding excuses as to why the shed loads of staff they employ are incapable of following a simple and largely bureaucratic process timeously.
This is a real blow to the private sector who can’t seem to fill out any forms correctly
Why is everyone so afraid to admit that a large part of CIG purse is from work permit fees?
Because its not true? Look at the recent article $26m out of $447m. Less than 6%.
So six times more than tourism?
Good. This should weed out those who cant read or write or follow instructions on a simple form.
and how about those barely literate people processing the forms, if they can’t read and write will they reject applications…..
All the WP applications need to include on the final page WORK SHEET, “COVID vaccination confirmation.”
Irrelevant and unlawful for so long as government legal department lawyers, who wrote the regulations, continue to be treated as exempt.
One rule for you, another rule for me…
Everyone should have to take the English test, there’s some here that still cant read and do not understand even if from an English speaking country.
What about some locals?
You mean paper Caymanians?
So you have to fill out all the papers correctly, kind of exactly like you used to when you went to the counter at Immigration on Elgin Ave.
They would not accept an incomplete application then, why is now so different?
Hopefully their staff will address applications promptly. That Department is an embarrassment.
Well sounds like that should have been the policy in the beginning? Jesus, these civil servants really need a fire lit under their rears.
Always was the policy. Read the announcement carefully – they will no longer accept incomplete applications. So rather than get an incomplete application and not process it, they will now check it before accepting it. That way they can massage the numbers and “reduce” the backlog by ign anything they say is incomplete – even if it’s something as small as a missing phone number. By going through existing applications looking for such things and then ignoring the application WORC will get rid of a chunk of unprocessed applications and the Minister can claim they have reduced the backlog whilst not actually dealing with the WP backlog.
Yes. I get it. They never checked before like they should have. Civil service here needs to step up and work faster.
Appears that CIG wants agencies to be the ones submitting work permits. I wonder which donors, MLAs might possibly have a connection to these agencies. Another potentially great scam.
“Incomplete applications will not be accepted”. Why has this not been the policy for decades?????
I totally agree with rules and mandates. For business to run smoothly we should dot and cross, tick and cross-tick. However perhaps the Minister should remind WORC that sometimes a client will need to have a phone conversation on clarifications and other pertinent questions that is not readily available on each form. In other words tell the employees that they must also answer the phones. Also please sir, can you insist that the “machinery of WORC is always working and accessible. It always takes “two to tango”
Hope its zero tolerance for the unprofessional standards they conduct/set daily.
How did they manage to process them before if necessary information was missing?
Mostly because much of the information is not necessary. It is just claimed to be.
Oh but it is on the checklist, if it can be ticked whether it makes sense or not and is repetitive it will pass muster. Please do not explain that the information is also included in the “above section” they might get offended and don’t get back to it for another 3 months or so while you wait.
Gotta love the fact that checklists prevail over law, and even the constitution.
They would sit on them for six months, finally look at them and send them back asking for additional information. After that was provided, three more months goes by before they look at it again, the board defers it asking for more info, three more months go by, it goes to the board again and gets approved.
That’s one of the reasons things take so long at immigration. Hopefully this change will help things a little.
Yet another favourite buzz phrase from the Civil Service – “zero tolerance” along with “world class”. How about a zero tolerance policy towards civil servants who only answer their phones to friends and family and who fail to return messages.
And yet they think it’s just fine and a minor administrative oversight for their representative to work and live in the UK illegally for nearly a year!
And potentially in the Cayman Islands for decades?
I have never been able to understand why our immigration department calls us ‘customers’.
Its cringe inducing.
So you’re telling me that wasn’t the set precedent before? We’ve been accepting applications lacking important information?
Wasn’t this always the way?
Any rule that doesn’t provide exemptions from some producing some of the materials, where appropriate, is unlawful. Just sayin.
….and WORC is supposed to get back to “other applicants”, like displaced tourism workers eager for work…when?