Speed camera ticketing test underway, says ministry

| 11/05/2022 | 114 Comments
Electronic licence monitor put in place in Cayman

(CNS): Five years after rolling out the electronic vehicle registration system, government is now in the process of exploring the introduction of speed cameras that can read the new high-tech registration plates. This would allow the authorities to issue e-fines to drivers breaking the speed limit. Video circulating on social media recently of technicians fitting cameras on the Dart underpass that can automatically pick up rogue drivers stirred up public interest, and the planning ministry has now confirmed that this is the end goal.

“As part of ongoing road safety, the government and the Traffic Management Panel are looking at speed cameras to complement existing enforcement efforts of curtailing speeding along our streets,” officials from the Ministry of Planning Infrastructure told CNS in response to our questions. “The system is in the exploratory stage. It is envisaged that the final build-out will include options for e-ticketing in our effort to make Cayman’s streets safer.”

The new plates are tamper-proof and embedded with radio frequency chips to allow police to track vehicles that are stolen or used in crimes. In addition, it appears that the concept of e-fining is already provided for in the Traffic Act and was always expected to be used at some point after government rolled out the electronic car registration plates in 2016.

“The electronic vehicle registration system will also have revenue implications as it will allow police to track vehicles not up-to-date with licence fees, and can be modified to allow the issuing of tickets for this offense electronically,” according to a 2016 CIG press release.

See the video below from social media:

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Because they are owned by Caymans special 1%?

    Or the owners work for the Civil Service which makes you exempt from the rule and laws of the land?

    Or because they have computer systems in the bumpers that would be damaged if a license plate is attached?

  2. Who gets the ticket in a company vehicle or rental with multiple drivers? Seriously, employee has zero control of insurance or registration status.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Won’t work. We’ll all pick up silly little fines for exceeding a stupidly low limit, the incompetent will continue to crash into one another and the reckless will still wrap themselves round lamp posts.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Will tourist be exempt?

  5. Anonymous says:

    So, you’re telling us that you believed a politician, and somehow it’s our fault. Got it.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Knowing CIG, by now the software for the traffic camera system is obsolete, so wait to hear a new excuse from the “powers that be”.

    Immigration Dept did the same thing with their APIS system some years ago – bought a system with obsolete software.

  7. Anonymous says:

    In 1943 George Orwell warned us and he was was right.

    The government and businesses will eventually spy on all of our actions then use the information ss they wish, be it for us or against us.

    We have no say in how the information is used.

    The Data Protection Act is really a “access to personal information for government sct” not a “protection of information for the people act”.

    Eventually nothing will be private, not even sitting on a toilet.

    And people will comply.

    • Anonymous says:

      LMAO how is that the same as a damn speeding ticket camera lmaoooooo yall are crazy.

    • George Orwell warned us says:

      Spot on 12:50. Do people really still trust government to work in the best interests of the citizenry or to control people and enrich themselves and their supporters?

  8. Anonymous says:

    It’s about time! Technology can enhance and support law enforcement efforts. Look at the Change in central london when they introduced the surveillance camera. Way to go RVIPs

  9. Anonymous says:

    Great news that will hopefully help curb some of the reckless amateur rally drivers terrorizing the roads. Integrate the cameras into the eServices license system whereby licenses cannot be renewed without having fines settled. Also have fines notifications sent via SMS so speeders have less excuses that they didn’t receive the fine.

    • Anonymous says:

      Many people change phone numbers frequently so that leads to the fine not being received. Addresses aren’t updated with DV and many vehicles aren’t even registered!

      • Anonymous says:

        The only persons who will pay are the law abiding. Not the ones who don’t transfer their car into their name, have no license or insurance, give a fictitious address to DVDL, have no P.O Box # and are AKA some other name. Same reasons Warrants can’t be served on them now.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Traffic police will return to walking around GT with their ticket books deciding which 2 cars out of the 300 breaching laws they are going to ticket for the day. Success!

    • Anonymous says:

      Maybe they’ll put some cones out along the double yellow lines too, with some no parking signs. That should do the trick.

  11. Unhappy Caymanian says:

    This assumes that DVLA are storing correct data…

    My confidence level in this: Zero

    Won’t be long before somebody is falsely prosecuted by our first world Govt.

    In UK/Europe the systems positions are all GPS mapped to give you warning as a driver, speed as you like in between!

    • Anonymous says:

      You are wrong, there are no warning system in place. You speed, you get your ticket in the mail. The driver will be required to attend a class or risk attracting points on their licence.

      • Anonymous says:

        There is no demerit points system here.

      • Unhappy Caymanian says:

        You can buy a number of software apps for your phone or car navigation system in UK/Europe to give you warning of the positions of both fixed and mobile speed camera traps, which gives you as a driver, adequate warning of what you’re driving into and also warns of if you are speeding on all roads.. The fixed speed camera areas are also well signed roadside in the UK and Europe, If this isn’t a warning system then I’m obviously stupid.

        It’s not 100% so you are very stupid to speed (I was using sarcasm in my previous comment to illustrate the pointlessness of fixed speed camera systems). the resulting behaviour from drivers is that they generally obey the speed limit in camera enforced areas but don’t everywhere else.

        I have recorded the positions of mobile traps in my data, submitted them and been rewarded.. Not illegal in UK and I doubt if it’s illegal in Cayman.

        Govt. does give you warning in terms of signage at the roadside etc. but it is not illegal for the public to know (under FOI) the exact GPS positions of fixed traps or informing software companies of the position of mobile traps.

        Just record the GPS position of the trap on your phone, submit it to any of these companies and get rewarded.

        The police tend to be very lazy when it comes to the position of mobile traps so it’s not difficult. They certainly are in Cayman. The private enforcement companies in the UK contracted to the police are more aware and are more difficult to deal with.

        To name one American company that sells speed camera position data in UK/Europe/North America: Garmin Cyclops. $25 a year subscription.

        Very accurate and very easy to use.

        I’m not condoning speeding but if Govt. wants to record my data then I have every right to know where, when and how this may effect me and how the data is used and stored.

      • Anonymous says:

        1245 was this article the first time you had ever heard of a speed camera?

      • Anonymous says:

        GPS systems in the US mark all the known red light cameras and fixed speed monitoring devices! Been there, done that!

  12. Anonymous 2 says:

    What about the rest of the island, and the Brac. Could this be seen as to target only people in that area of the island. This may cause quite a problem if not done correctly and without prejudice, in regards to human rights.

  13. Anonymous says:

    I guess Teslas will be exempt as they don’t need front license plates.

    • Anonymous says:

      Not to mention all the other cars that only have the license plates displayed at the rear.

    • Anonymous says:

      out of curiosity why don’t they need front license plates?

    • Anonymous says:

      There are three RFIDs per vehicle, two plates and front window sticker. Seems like overkill when there aren’t any cops out doing their job. Who is going to catch them?

  14. Anonymous says:

    Is Eric Bush organizing this contract as well? If so speeders have nothing to fear.

  15. jackie says:

    Thank GOd cause some of the road users are RUDE, discourteous ILL MANNERED and FLYING like they were in another big island or city

  16. Anonymous says:

    This is an invasion of privacy.

    • Anonymous says:

      it isnt… anything in the view of public is allowed to have an image taken of it.

      • Unhaopy Caymanian says:

        There is no expectation of privacy in public.

        Number plates are Govt.property and allow Govt. to get data from this source at any time for any reason.

        If you don’t want govt. to get this data on the vehicle and then the driver don’t drive, take the bus.

    • Anonymous says:

      No, when they put the AI cameras that can detect you on your cell phone whilst driving, you may have an agument but they are in use in UK and Austrsalia and possibly many others.

      Bring them on. I am sick of the selfish idiots on the road. Start the point system. Its already law and drop drink driving from .1 to .05 if not .025

  17. Anonymous says:

    Makes no sense.

    So I have 2 cars under my name and my wife drives one and I drive one. So if she speeds I get the ticket ? Or if I lend my car to a friend and theh speed then I get the ticket ? What about rental cars ?

    Makes no sense.

    • Anonymous says:

      Makes perfect sense, just like the real world. The owner of the car is responsible for whatever happens. Someone speeds in the car, it’s up to you to volunteer them up for prosecution, otherwise YOU will be prosecuted.

      This is avoid the stupid jamrock and 3rd world nonsense of “me don’t know mr police man” and getting away with it.

    • Mumbichi says:

      Really? This is your concern?

      Why isn’t your wife’s car registered to her? My wife’s car is registered to her. If she speeds and gets a ticket, or if I speed and get a ticket, guess who pays for it?

      We do.

      This all seems like a good thing to me. Of course, I don’t ever lend out my truck. I will help anyone who needs a truck, but I will be the driver.

    • Gray Matter says:

      At the tone you get captured on camera speeding it goes directly to the Rental agency and who’s name is on the rental agreement at that time it’s charged to there credit card.

      In the case of you owning 2 cars .. yes the speeding ticket will go to you.. not who is driving.
      Meaning ! Do not lend out your cars.

    • Anonymous says:

      tell me you don’t know how cars and ownership works without telling me you dont know how it works lmao wow shocking you dont know this…….. lol

  18. Anonymous says:

    The courts are hardly apply to manage the traffic offences and back log of cases before them, how on earth are they going to manage the load of tickets generated by e-ticketing.

    • Anonymous says:

      It’s a whole lot easier to process tickets and collections than it is to catch speeders. Let the cameras do the work! Only a serial speeder would object to this technology which is really smart use of government resources.

    • Leon C says:

      If you agree and pay the ticket (and if paid promptly – maybe even get a discount) … no Court involvement. If you respond not guilty – have your day in Court and if found guilty get a much higher fine / costs. No need for run of the mill traffic tickets to involve the Court directly.

  19. Anonymous says:

    I can just see these cameras and detectors getting the burning ring of fire treatment like many have in UK.

  20. Anonymous says:

    Does this assume the DVDL have the correct up to date postal and email addresses on file for registered vehicle owners, so they know where to send the fines? Post certainly won’t work, absolutely garbage system and I can only imagine how out of date log books are and DLs.

    • Mumbichi says:

      When you get your new plates and the sticker, they first confirm your personal information. Else, you don’t get the plates.

    • Anonymous says:

      If they can’t find the person then that vehicle will red flag and next time for renewal, all fines must pay first!

  21. Anonymous says:

    People will drive through Camana Bay or the other side underpass to avoid this.

    • Anonymous says:

      Are you serious? This is not one camera in one lane. Cameras will be all over the oaks in no time frankly – it’s about time we got with the program that Europe and Asia have been on for decades. Our benefit is that the tech is now much cheaper and much better.

    • Joe B says:

      Not people. Criminals. Those who do not follow the laws and live outside of society. Prepare yourself for responsibility.

  22. Anonymous says:

    We were specifically assured this wouldn’t happen when the plates were rolled out. Nevertheless RFID readers do not help unlicensed/unworthy drivers locate and use their wiper stalk for directional indicators/headlights. These are the hazardous operators that need corrective interventions. That infraction group also includes many RCIPS. What are the RCIPS doing to fix that?

    • Mumbichi says:

      Specifically assured by whom? Unless you are a serial speeder, I don’t know why this wouldn’t be good news to you. Now, if they could only have an decibel meter which automatically issued tickets.

      Too much speed, too many careless drivers, too much noise. Completely unnecessary.

      • Anonymous says:

        David Dixon circa 2016. To monitor traffic flow and check for expired vehicle documents. Ticketing drivers going 25.2mph in the carbon monoxide West Bay Road tunnel to nowhere doesn’t make Cayman any safer. But you can think that if you want.

  23. Anonymous says:

    So your plate will not register thus you get a ticket. The picture will show your number and be an exception.

  24. Anonymous says:

    Still waiting for my new plates

  25. Anonymous says:

    Although this technology is decades old and now just appears about to be adopted in Cayman, there is a major impediment. This assumes all vehicles on the road have electronic plates affixed to the front and back which is clearly stipulated under the law. Has anyone done a quick count of how many vehicles don’t have any plates or are missing a front plate on their drive to work in the morning? Last week I counted over a dozen in a five mile drive. It’s unbelievable that these drivers flaunt the law and get away with it on a daily basis. I’ve seen cars in previous years with the front plate missing, mostly high end sports cars and SUVs but now it’s a free for all.
    There is no real substitute for real boots on the ground enforcement.
    Existing speed traps are a joke, you can see the RCIPS don’t even try. Try these type of antics with US State troopers or Mounties and you’d be in jail and lose your licence for good. If the RCIPS had to earn their dinner by catching speeders they would quickly starve.
    Then there’s the issue with issuing e-tickets, hell they can’t even inform drivers that their new plates have been finally minted. I gave up checking the DVDL website eons ago. If by some miraculous gift of the highway gods they are ready upon the next renewal of my road licence I might consider getting them gilded in a radar absorbing coating that is.
    More people will subsequently remove their front plates, or conveniently lose them just watch.
    Just for the record, someone must know which company is benefiting from selling CIG this technology, let’s hope it’s not already obsolete by the time it’s implemented.

  26. Anonymous says:

    If you know where the RFID tag is you can hit it with a hammer, shock it with jumper cables, ruin it with a magnet.

    Most of these leave little to no evidence of tampering

    • Anonymous says:

      EMP device, easy spark gap project. Got a bug zapper tennis racket anyone?

      • Mumbichi says:

        “EMP device” LOLOL Careful there, evile draconian superhero nemesis.

        Yes, of course, I know an EMP can be manufactured, however the gauss magnitude that would do as you say would be monumental.

        Guess I’ll have to keep my car in a faraday cage to thwart the evile whims of masterminds like you.

    • Anonymous says:

      F**k, hit my windscreen a bit to hard…

  27. Anonymous says:

    I am still on a temporary tag. I was told I would be notified when they got more plates. That was almost a year ago.

    • Anonymous says:

      I think people are now getting rental plates (without “rental” printed) i.e. white with green.

    • Anonymous says:

      If you were interested, you would go and check. But like the idiot you are, you sit and complain.

      • Anonymous says:

        If you learned to read you would see that the DVL said they would let the person know, because he/she has not heard this can only mean the plate is not ready! No connection with laziness or complaining, just a statement.

    • West Brayer says:

      I applied for plates for my donkey and was referred to the Ex Minister of Health.

  28. Anonymous says:

    Wait till the list of “exempt from ticketing” plates come out.

    Probably every government vehicle, every elected members vehicles, etc. etc.

    • Concerned says:

      INDEED – Always wondered why the first question I get asked when stopped by the police is “where do you work?” if I said government or civil servant I am sure I would be told to be on my way!!!!

      • Anonymous says:

        You should learn to just flash your lodge ring and or CIG ID. That’s how it’s normally done. Nice and easy.

  29. Anonymous says:

    I wa just coming down linford highway..driving speed limit…a car next to me also…a line of cars honking behind us? One overtook in between us? Where are the police? I guess they on their lifetime paid vacation cause cant see um on road…

    • Anonymous says:

      The police were hiding out near lakeside trying to catch people speeding @ that time. But everyone on the opposite lanes were flashing there lights to warn people that they were there

    • Anonymous says:

      They were probably sitting on South Sound road with their speed gun, catching people going 10-15 miles an hour like they do in the mornings around 7:15am

      • Anonymous says:

        Speeding is SS is a serious issue you imbecile! It’s probably the most pedestrianized road and very often treated as a speed way.

        • Anonymous says:

          That’s why you have a nice board walk that we paid for or are you one of the idiots dressed in dark clothing with no lights running in the road after the sun goes down?

        • Anonymous says:

          Not at 7:15 on a weekend morning you cretin.

        • Anonymous says:

          Newsflash roads are for cars sidewalks for pedestrians. Poor planning decisions and Gov couldn’t give a shit is why there are no sidewalks.Blame gov not drivers.

    • Anonymous says:

      Then the car in the right hand lane was in the wrong lane. That lane is for overtaking. Read the Cayman road code. You’ve not got much cause to complain about people driving poorly when you are too.

  30. Anonymous says:

    Franz has to get something on Eric’s plate completed so he can justify keeping him for his promotion to DG!!

    Perhaps the other costly SC camera system will get fixed now too!

    Way to go Eric…I mean Franz!!

  31. anon says:

    welcome to the 21st Century. In dubai you get an SMS within 5 seconds of the camera going off. If you rack up the points your thrown in jail ……………….. easy. The cameras can even see if your using the phone ! Not that Cayman will buy the rolls royce cameras, they will probably buy the cheapest available.

  32. Chris Johnson says:

    I brought my car here in 1987 and await the ‘new plates’ , I do wonder when they arrive if they will last as long as the car, now almost 40 years of age.

  33. Anonymous says:

    Great. Now watch driving standards plummet even further when everyone is doing an identical speed, side by side. Happens everywhere they bring it in. I’ll put money on the number of crashes going up!

  34. Say it like it is says:

    What about traffic light cameras, there are several hundred cars a day that run red lights in George Town alone, this would put a stop to it.

    • Anonymous says:

      Or that drive over zebra crossings when people are still crossing them; they should put them there too, or at every Stop sign….the list goes on.

  35. Anonymous says:

    Welcome to the 21st Century. Police in Canada have been doing this for years. They drive through shopping center parking lots with RFID readers on their vehicles and issue tickets or wait for driver that have fines or warrants outstanding. Like most things in Cayman there are plenty of rules but little enforcement.

  36. _||) says:

    Millions of dollars and years later, this tech is simply defeated in 1 minute by covering your RFID strips with a strip of glued-on aluminum foil, conveniently removed and re-applied for inspection.

    • anon says:

      1.35pm You mean like our bailed prisoners who do the same with their ankle monitors.

    • Anonymous says:

      You could also run a very powerful magnet over it for the same effect. Bonus is you can claim you didn’t know there was anything wrong with it!

  37. Anonymous says:

    You vil give up your freedom. Ve vil give you safety.
    Trust us.

  38. Anonymous says:

    For anyone worried, just check out their CCTV system. It works 1% of the time (always broken). For the 1% of the time its working, the image quality is so poor they cant get any detail.

    Do i have any faith this system will work as intended? No. It will break or wont be maintained and be another CIG worldclass installation.

    Also, what about all the old cars with the old plates? As if those guys even have licences / registration.

    Lastly, you think these bobos are going to post it to you? Lol. Imagine you have 30 days to pay it and the post office loses your letter, whoopsie. Post office will also be complaining about the extra work.

    • Anonymous says:

      “Also, what about all the old cars with the old plates? As if those guys even have licences / registration.”

      Agreed. There seem to be a lot of cars with old plates that don’t look they would pass inspection.

      And a whole lot of cars with old plates where all the yellow had been removed from to make them look, at first glance, like new plates.

      Police should be running every old plate they see through the system to make sure the registration is valid, to get uninsured cars / drivers off the road.

      And while we are at it, a general drivers education campaign is needed re really basic items, like: 1. which lane you should drive in (the left lane unless overtaking or imminently turning right); and 2. the use of indicators (think, indicate, maneuver).

  39. Anonymous says:


    What the hell took you so long! How long is your “testing phase” going to actually be – and when will the other 30 or so systems we need be operational?

    Can we then get rid of a whole bunch of imported cops who appear to be doing little effective other than bleeding the country dry?

  40. Anonymous says:

    no brainer… but will be pointless once motorist know where the cameras are

  41. Anonymous says:

    Just bash your chip with a hammer

  42. Anonymous says:

    Lol. They haven’t even given half of us our new plates and they think this will work? Traffic police obviously don’t want to work.


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