Harris hosts new PPM social media talk show

| 11/05/2022 | 66 Comments
Cayman News Service
Joey Hew MP and host Austin Harris on the PPM show, “let’s Talk”

(CNS): The opposition has created its own political talk show produced by the former talk radio host and one-time MP, Austin Harris, who lost his Prospect seat last year. The show, “Let’s Talk”, which is being streamed on social media, is not an interview with a journalist asking hard questions, but rather a forum for the party to create its own political narrative.

The show started on Tuesday evening with Joey Hew as the guest, in which the MP for George Town North criticised the PACT Government over the landfill, despite the PPM’s own poor record on that issue.

Roy Tatum, the political advisor to Opposition Leader Roy McTaggart, told CNS that the show seeks to have wide-ranging conversations on issues such as the environment, education, national security, the economy, government finances and “the pocketbook issues that impact us all”. He said it will not only be political but will speak to Caymanian culture and history as well as current local, regional and world events.

“We will have politicians as well a cross-section of people from Caymanian society as guests. And perhaps even the occasional international guest,” he said. “We have a keen interest in helping to make national issues more accessible to the average person, and to encourage engagement and a better understanding of the issues affecting all our lives.”

Tatum said the goal was to have two shows per week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, about 15 to 25 minutes long. “This is just long enough to speak to the issue while maintaining the interest of the audience,” he said. However, it will not be live.

In the first show, PPM Deputy Leader Hew accused PACT of politicizing the dump project with the recent delay. However, the premier has made it clear that PACT froze the talks for a few months after taking office so that they could check the eleventh-hour deal signed by the PPM-led Unity administration right before the election. Hew said this had “baffled” him.

The Progressive party has presided over the last two administrations, taking all those years to come up with the current project that focuses on waste-to-energy.

During the staged Q&A, Harris set Hew up to accuse the government of not following international regulations at the dump. He said the Department of Environmental Health was not properly compacting the waste on the limited area of the landfill currently being used for dumping on a day-to-day basis.

However, DEH officials recently told CNS that this was not the case.

See the show below on the Progressives social media channel:

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Comments (66)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Yes, but did any of the commentators on here watch the show? 🙂

    • Anonymous says:

      No because we actually don’t want our ears to start bleeding sorry. Would rather listen to baby shark on repeat for 50 hours.

      Who wants to listen to these people that’s been spewing the same BS for years and doing nothing except make personal life choices that make headlines because they can’t unclench their fists to spouses or the general public.

      I’ll pass forever until there’s something and someone fresh and worth it.

  2. Anonymous says:

    That show should be named “The Real Disgruntled Housewives of the PPM”.

  3. Anonymous says:

    The past 12 years, that was the perfect time for the PPM to have the approach of “let’s talk”. This is nothing more than a desperate move to try and fool people. Unfortunately, along with the fools (particularly the poor) that support them no matter what will be fooled by this.

    Let’s talk?! Yeah listen to me, YOU ALL, PPM, have done enough damage for three generations. No more PPM Government. Voters PPM once, learnt quick, didn’t repeat that mistake.

    Anyone who supports them and finds them in further suffering deserves it.

  4. Anonymous says:

    I am hearing that unemployed Austin Harris and Roy Tatum are now employed full time by the PPM so does this mean that the card carrying PPM members are now footing the bill for these two..They couldn’t find another job elsewhere? They should be ashamed of themselves..

    • Anonymous says:

      No – they are employed using public money available to MPs for hiring assistants. We get to pay for Roy and Alden, who are seemingly incapable of finding a real job.

  5. Anonymous says:

    @8:41pm..Hey, look we finally found one person that still supports the PPM. 🙂

    Not one to defend CMR but I think they provide much more content and topics than Austin and Joey with a show designed to antagonize the current government. Is this show because other than Orret Connor, the media doesn’t find them relevant anymore?

    This dog and pony show is the same old PPM. Nothing else.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Well it’s got to be better than that PACT propaganda machine called CMR

    • Anonymous says:

      @8:41..nah, at least CMR keeps them all in check both PACT and PPM..Get used to it the people don’t want PPM anymore..bunch of washed up, irrelevant politicians that can no longer relate to even their own tribe..

    • Anonymous says:

      CMR aren’t pulling any political punches.

    • Anonymous says:

      @8:41pm the mere fact that you believe that the PPM has to do this because of CMR, shows how out of the loop the PPM is with the general public. The General Public are not fools and can think for themselves. Having to create a talk show to try to give a failed political agenda some type of relevance shows how out of touch the PPM themselves are. They had 12 years and their arrogance and not listening to the people brought them down. Now they want people to listen to them…ugh! I would think now if the want the support of the people it might doing them good to humble themselves, admit how out of touch they were and apologise to the people for their arrogant and offensive behavior. Even then, they would have to prove that to me before I ever jump back on that PPM bandwagon..

  7. #wasteof$ says:

    So are they using the constituency money to fund the costs of thos show? Still waiting in George Town for a district office that will tackle neighbourhood issues…without it being a political football

  8. Anonymous says:

    Joey is desperate to trick the public into thinking the dump deal was a good deal for us. It was a great deal for dart.

    • Anonymous says:

      The Dart Group are the best thing that ever happened to Cayman. We love you Honorable Joey!

  9. Anonymous says:

    Pure Propaganda Moves should be the ppm slogan. They cannot fool the people anymore.

  10. Anonymous says:

    I don’t think these guys can still believe they’re not in power, every time they’re talking it’s as if they’re either in shock or denial.

    You had 8 years and Dart backing you all the way, and still managed to mess it up, just go away.

    We need an entirely new, clean slate of candidates on all sides for the next election…badly.

    • Anonymous says:

      It wasn’t only Dart. At least 4 other major developers were also backing and financing that particular MP.

  11. Anonymous says:

    I thought they were only using this woman beater as a means of creating a government but I guess not.

  12. Anonymous says:

    On Tuesday and Thursdays for 25 minutes Austin hosts “Let’s Talk”, and I’m just guessing here, but the other 167 hours and 10 minutes of each week is dedicated to a show called “Let’s Eat”.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Austin Harris and Joey Hew are two muppets desperate for relevance with nothing to offer the country except shame and dodgy decisions. If they are the future for ppm they should shut it all down now.

  14. The Constitutional Critic says:

    Your friendly reminder that in the 2021 election the PPM received less than 20% of the vote across all 3 islands – they are NOWHERE near as popular as they like to pretend they were – they cobbled together a government in 2013 (they did not win a majority) based on the backlash after Mckeeva’s arrest and removal as Premier

    And they cobbled together a majority in 2017 with Austin Harris and Dwayne Seymour after again failing to convince voters to elect a majority of their members

    The one and only time the PPM won a majority of the seats in Parliament was 2005 almost 15 years ago

    They are still seething that they were outmaneuvered in the post election horsetrading

    CNS note to TCC:
    I changed Ebanks to Seymour because I think that’s what you meant.

  15. Anonymous says:

    Why does PPM have a talk show?!? I thought they were politicians

  16. Anonymous says:

    Austin who?

  17. Anonymous says:

    This should get top ratings…ugh!!! Whenever they show up, I just want to puke..

  18. Anonymous says:

    I’m guessing no Radio Station or the Compass wants them anymore??

  19. Good Whilst Husting says:

    Awesome! Its been years since I’ve heard someone overuse the words “whilst” and “husting” in a foolish attempt to make themselves sound more intelligent! Welcome back Austin!

  20. JTB says:

    Maybe Austin could get Mac on for a discussion about how to avoid any consequences for beating up women?

  21. Anonymous says:

    Anyone with sense will tune off this absolute drivel. We with sense can see this for what it really is a mile off.

  22. Anonymous says:

    So PACT can have CMR but PPm should stay quiet ? Not today bobo

    • Anonymous says:

      Exactly right, I’m not a fan of either party but the blatant CMR partnership is outright disgusting

    • Anonymous says:

      If this is all PPM has to say, they should remain quiet..

      PPM had 8+ years, it’s too late now for them to complain about things they should have done during that time, including the dump.

      I think Cayman has had all they want to take of the PPM.

    • Anonymous says:

      Actually CMR does have BOBO on the Radio…so I guess it’s, yes today BOBO

  23. Anonymous says:

    How long will it last with 7 viewers a week?

  24. Anonymous says:

    Who’s paying Roy Tatum now that he is not the “political advisor” to the Premier?

    Or have they created a situation where “political advisors” to the Opposition Leader is also on the Government payroll?

    Let’s not forget about Mr. Parchment. Is he being paid as an “advisor” to the Speaker?

    Follow the money! It will tell the tale!

    • Anonymous says:

      Woody”s overuse of “whom’ comes to mind.

    • Anonymous says:

      the same financiers who now can get concessions and special expedited service are bankrolling PPM staff and advisors to bring back the gravy train.

  25. Anonymous says:

    Sounds utterly enthralling.

  26. Anonymous says:

    What’s XXXX Harris got to talk about that anyone in Cayman would be interested to hear about? Not even sure he knows where Prospect is.

  27. Anonymous says:

    Ppm …poor ppl money wasted…zzzzz..i voting pact

  28. Anonymous says:

    Oh geesh, seriously?? You mean not even the Compass fooling with them anymore?

  29. Anonymous says:

    Now you hear some foolishness, PPM was there for 8 years any old did something about the dump a couple of days before election in a desperate attempt to keep them in office instead they were kicked out. Now a year an a half later into this new government Joey has the audacity to complain that they PACT has done anything…People like him and the PPM need to be kept in moth balls and never returned to government ever again.

  30. Anonymous says:

    Boy you can see some desperation..Austin is about as washed up as the few PPM< Members left..

  31. Anonymous says:

    Ah just how propaganda works. Lameeee

  32. Anonymous says:

    Honorable Hew is a great Caymanian. We want you for our Premier!

  33. Cheese Face says:


  34. Anonymous says:

    Another Dart propaganda based mudslinging show, yawn zzzzzzzzzz

  35. Anonymous says:

    They’re politicians so the show should be called “Let’s Lie.”


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